(no subject)

Feb 19, 2006 21:38

UPDATED!!! I extended a few answers, not all of them, but I thought that if I did that I might get a few more votes and less no votes (even though ive only got a few of them) And I swear I didnt try to push towards anything. I spoke from my heart. most answers are just extended some have the occasional word changed.

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
    I would Choose to be A magical babysitter. In the magical world you have to wonder where the kids go if both parents work full time. Well I'm the Answer to their prayers. I would baby-sit or Run a daycare centre that wouldn’t matter if a kid’s emotion took hold of their powers and just did weird and magical stuff without a wand. A child with magical powers should not have them suppressed just so as they don’t expose them, but they do need to learn not to expose magic by being stupid. This should be done when the child is young and it is better to teach them young then to wait until they are older and their mind is overcome by a power that they just want to abuse.

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
    I think I would like to teach Charms or Care of Magical Creatures. I love animals and would love even more to teach about magical ones and with charms, the nifty little spells are different then other classes something simpler yet more complicated. Plus Lily had a wand that was good for charms and I am much like her. The word “charms” is defined as “The power or quality of pleasing or delighting; attractiveness: a breezy tropical setting of great charm.” I enjoy pleasing people. If people are happy then most of the time, chances are I’ll be happy too. This definition may be just for “charms” as in something like a lucky charm, but when you think about it, the spell to make the feather levitate would have pleased Harry, Ron and Hermione had there not been the bitterness and tension due to Hermione being smarter then the others.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
    No. I'm not a big risk taker. I would encourage others to enter but I am not one to run the risk or risking my life. If I had to, because it was the last dying request of someone then I would and I would hold my head high and proud just for them, I would do my best as a last favour to that person. Yes I agree that I would not put my name in but if something Happened and my name was called, then it would be my duty to represent my house, my school and my family.

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
    I would be a giant butterfly. I am a Butterfly freak, and if I could have a totem animal the butterfly would be mine, which is why I see the Butterfly as my Animagus form or my patronus's form. Not only is the butterfly beautiful, but also if it was giant, its wings could wrap around something to keep it warm or to constrict it. Wrapping the wings on my butterfly form around something would also be an act of kindness like arms wrapping around something that was upset or distressed. Something soft that my friends could cry into if it was needed, or a bed if stranded. If one night of warmth for everyone in the world who could not afford to keep themselves warm, could help to keep people alive for longer then I would fly around the world giving a family or person the warmth of one night that they needed.

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?
    I Most Identify with either Lily or Snape. Interesting combination of which I could relate to, however both have sort of complex reasoning. Lily has auburn hair, was sweet, kind, loving and willing to give up her life for her child. I would give up my life for my friends and family if it came to them or me. I'm only 16 so I don’t have children, but children are everything to me. My godson may as well be my own and any day I would die for him his sister or any of their three other brothers.
    As for Snape, He was always picked on at school. He was smart, but not the best lookers. I myself am not the best in the looks department and I am still picked on at school because of my looks. I am reasonably smart and I have hatred for people who are really nice but are completely mean to me. James and Sirius were nice but were mean to Snape. That goes for my life.

  • what would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
    Myself standing beside the guy I love, holding the hand of a little girl about 5, an infant about 1 or 2 on my hip and evidence that I was pregnant again. All the while Smiling and being completely content with myself. Happiness is the most important thing in the world to me. The reason I don’t mind being with the guy that I like is because he seems happy without me. If he is happy then I am happy. The same goes for my family and friends. If they are happy, then I am. Love is also an important factor in life. Without Love then there is nothingness in the world, which should be filled. Happiness and Love are shown through the use of smiles. One smile from you can make a whole room happy or full of love. So Smiling keeps the world go round!

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
    A whole new wardrobe for myself as I have mostly hand-me-downs, either a new house for me my mum and brother or renovations on our house we currently live in. If Renovations are to be made, the house needs to be bought, as at the moment it is housing commission. I would get myself a car and one for my brother for when he is old enough to drive. A deposit to my nanna, which is her savings account for if she is, gets really short on money. Something for each of my friends, probably a white-gold bracelet for each that has their name and mine with the lines friends forever, Love for always. That is for my female friends. For my male friends, I honestly don’t know. I would probably ask them what they would like as a token of our friendship. Any thing left over after that would be put into a savings account for myself/my family to be.

  • what was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
    To be in Childcare. It is still the same. I have always loved kids, and I always will. The age group I look after may change though. I may look after 1 & 2 year olds or I might look after 6&8 year olds if I go into primary teaching, My back up plan if Childcare fails, is to do professional photography with my friend. Both of us can use a camera and develop black and white film, and if we were to do a lot of Child photography, then because I am good with children, I would help to make them smile, or I could entertain them if their parents wanted a photo of just themselves with out their kids.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    I would invent a courage potion. Something that gives you courage to do the things, which you cant, brings yourself to do. It would work by either in a little dose to speak to someone who you really like but cant work up the courage to speak to. Or it might be a stronger version, which you take to boost your courage when you are facing death or fear of some description. It would be called Clem-Courageous. I would use it for Talking to my mum and sorting out inner emotional issues I have but don’t have the courage to talk about.

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
    Spider. I absolutely hate them I wont even go near enough to kill them that how bad I hate them. When throwing the riddikulus spell, the spider should turn into a mound of sand that is getting thrashed about in an hourglass which wont stop Moving.

  • what do you look for in a friend?
    Someone who will listen when I need a friend to talk to, some one who knows that they can tell me anything, someone who knows that I am their shoulder when needed and they are mine. Someone to have a laugh with someone to have a cry with someone to go to a party with or talk to the guy I like when I cant get enough courage to do so myself. Friendship should be able to survive fights. My bestest friend and I fight the most out of any of our friends, and yet we remain friends and she will remain my bestest friend for as long as possible.

  • what trait most annoys you about other people?
    When some one can see that you are in a really bad mood yet still prefer to "have fun" when you aren’t up to that sort thing. For example, the other day on my bus trip home from school, I had ended the day with a major fight with my bestest friend, and this other friend of mine who practically lives in my street knew this, yet she persisted on tapping me, punching the back of the seat I was sitting on and other such things. I absolutely hate bullying. I myself am still being bullied and I’m in Senior school. The discrimination that happens in my area of Australia is atrocious. People look for one supposed bad fault or trait and wont let it down. I have red hair and by no fault of my own the constant words of hate or discrimination because red hair isn’t that popular is unbelievable.

  • what do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    Friendship, Babysitting, Patience (though this depends on who is testing it), Caring and Lovingness

  • what do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    Inability to be completely open, Spiders (don’t put one near me), I mumble when I talk, Rambling on about nothing, mumbling and rambling at the same time. Oh and in case the last one doesn’t really qualify biting my nails or plucking my eyelashes (something I started when I was little for some unknown reason and now I do it if im bored and nervouse at the same time)

  • define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: To be able to face your fears
    • Loyalty: Being trustworthy and their for you friends
    • Intelligence: Knowing something about something no matter how little the something is.
    • Ambition:A goal, something you set your mind to do.

  • Name:Gracie/Lily(depends on what Mood I'm in. Preferably Gracie, bBut both are my net names)
  • Age: 16
  • Where did you find out about us? I searched for Sorting houses and then went to a few different communities and on one you were listed

sorted: hufflepuff, term iv

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