(no subject)

Mar 26, 2006 18:45

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
    I would want to run a shop on Diagon Alley, probably a little bookstore that sells odd knicknacks and old editions of books in addition to the regular books. Owning a store has always interested me, and books are a main component of my life. I love the idea of making a window display that hundreds of eyes would see, and the way you could decorate your store. The odd customers you're bound to get at some point would be quite interesting as well. Of course the shop would be on Diagon Alley because that's the place that's always seemed most magical to me, with the variety of magical things it has.
  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
    I would love to teach Potions! I cook and bake a lot, and most of the things I've made have come out well. There are potions that can do such amazing things, and it just boggles my mind that something you stir up can do what it does. I have a gentle touch that would work well for the delicate side to making potions. I also believe that I would have a greater amount of patience teaching Potions than another class, mainly because there are more things you can mess up. Getting mad at someone for pronouncing something wrong is one thing, but getting mad at someone for making a potion wrong seems a bit harsh since you have to stir it right, measure it right, cook it at the right temperature and right length, and etc. So mainly because I love the idea of potions, and because I would be better at teaching people how to make potions.
  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
    There is no way in the world I would put my name in that goblet. I don't have good enough nerves to react well under pressure and stress, and I'm also the kind of person who would much rather watch from the sidelines. I would help a friend if they got in, I would help coordinate the competition, but I would NEVER compete in it. Sometimes I find myself in a situation where I wish I was just watching and not actually having to worry about it; I definitely think that this would be a time like that.
  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
    Most definitely, positively a bird. Probably a falcon or hawk or some bird like that. I love the idea of being able to fly, to see the world laid out below you. You can't see the boundaries that define your world, and the sky is everyone's territory. I also think that flying would be a great stress reliever, and I get stressed a lot. Being able to just jump out your window and fly out of the world that causes you so much stress would be amazing.
  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?
    Hm...There isn't one single character that I identify with a lot, but there're components of characters that would be me. But as for one character? I think I'm a Luna. I'm the odd one who doesn't look at things the same way as others. I don't make the odd comments that she does, nor do I wear crazy things. I think that most people see me as a quiet, odd girl; but I'm really so much more than that, and Luna is that way too.
  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
    If I looked into the Mirror of Erised, I would see myself as a fantastic piano and violin player. I try really hard to play better at the instruments I do, but I'm always so much worse than other people I hear play. I practice, and I love them as much as I can right now, but it's just not good enough to be amazing at playing the violin and piano. I really want to be able to sit down at a piano and play some spectacular song, not perfectly, but good enough to impress people. Or to pick up my violin and have perfect vibrato and intonation, and to play so other people might say that they want to be as good as I am. I just want to be insanely good at the instruments I play.
  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
    Well, first I would put half in the bank for when I go completely broke, which is bound to happen sometime with all the spending I do. Then I would go to my favorite clothing stores and buy the cute skirts and pretty shirts and cool pants that I had always thought too expensive to buy. Then I would go to a CD store and buy the albums I've been pining for, but haven't had the cash to buy. And I would probably buy a better violin because my one right now is just a typical student's instrument. OH, and I would definitely buy a lot of piano and violin music from movies and such because people love to hear music they know.
  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
    My ideal job as a kid was, as most kids was, to be a vet. That has changed, because now I know I cannot deal with blood or to see the animals suffering. Now my ideal job is to be a photographer, writer, and baker. I could take pictures and write and bake things at once, right? (Most definitely not!) I love to take out my camera, and go for a walk in the woods or into town and take pictures of ordinary things that just seem so beautiful. Writing is my main passion in life, I write when I should, write when I shouldn't (math class!), and I write late, late at night. Baking is my stress reliever. You can beat the eggs, throw the ingredients in, and stir it so hard, yet it all gets better, not worse. And making a mess is always good for stress, because you then can clean it up, and it seems as though your life has gotten a bit cleaner, even though it was just the kitchen you cleaned. For my ideal job, I would want to do what I love most in life.
  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    I would want to invent a spell that made music play in the room you cast it in. I love hearing music, and sometimes carrying around your iPod, or dealing with the stereo's cords gets a bit wearing. To just cast a spell that played what you felt like hearing, and not having to worry about cords or battery power? That would be absolutely perfect. I would call it the Painless Tune spell. It would be painless because of the lack of cords and such, and it would play a tune.
  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
    I have no idea what my greatest fear is, but one of my biggest fears would be to lose my eyesight. I don't know how I would be able to deal with my life if I couldn't see. I love seeing the sunlight of a fall day, and the look on my dog's face when he first wakes up, and the sturdy trunk of an oak tree. I value my sight very highly, and I don't know what it would do to me to lose it. I don't know how the boggart would act out "blind" but to make it less scary, I would turn it into a page of music, which must be seen to read.
  • What do you look for in a friend?
    Well that's an interesting question. I think the quality I look for most in a friend is that they're true to themselves. That they don't follow trends mindlessly like so many people out there. Of course the person must have a sense of humor, laughter is a big thing in my life. I also look for someone who's creative. I love to read and write, and sharing books and stories we've each written is a lot of fun to do; so I like most of my friends to be creative. And also someone who's just nice to be around, because no one wants to have an unfriendly friend. (How ironic would that be?)
  • What trait most annoys you about other people?
    People who are inconsiderate. I was at a library the other day and someone was talking on their cell phone like they were in a busy subway station! I was amazed, especially since I've never before come across anyone like that before. People who take more than twelve things into the express lane in stores, people who leave their trash around like their mom is constantly there to clean up after them, and people who are just plain inconsiderate. If people were more concious of their daily behavior, I think that life would go on a lot better for us.
  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    1) My ability to function with very little sleep: I hate sleeping, I hate the wasted hours that you never get back. So I stay up late every night, reading, writing, doing homework, whatever I can accomplish in my room. The next day, I'm quite able to get through my day and be in a decent mood as well. Sometimes I'm a bit of an insomniac, that might be where this stemmed from originally.

    2) Ability to laugh at myself. What's worse than someone who can't take a joke at their own expense?? Life's no fun if you can't learn to laugh at yourself.

    3) I appreciate everyone's opinion and I never stomp on what someone thinks is important. While I may not agree, I don't completely flame them and make them feel awful about it, I just tell what I think and allow them to go with what they think is right.

    4) I can lighten a dark situation. I just make some lame comment or a cheesy joke (of which I have many) and the sad or uncomfortable moment has passed. I also know when a joke isn't wanted.

    5) I pick up new concepts quickly. In class, I can understand something before most people in the class. Very handy, since I can't hold my attention to one thing for very long.
  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    1) I have a horrible temper. I can rarely hold it in, and to do so makes me even more angry. Luckily, I've learned to let out my anger on something else than the person who caused me to be so angry.

    2) I despise working in groups. I simply cannot work in groups with people because it seems that no one can match my quality of what I want done, or that the group cannot decide on something, or that the group simply doesn't do their work. It's a bit of an issue since I'm in highschool, and group projects are a favorite of teachers around here.

    3) I can't draw. AT ALL. It's horrible. Especially for school when they give us "fun" art projects in english class. Come on people, there's no need for this! And it's embarrassing because my art is just so bad. It's not good to be so failing at a pretty big thing.

    4) I'm stubborn. Once I make up my mind, it's made up. And this isn't good sometimes because I'll get in an argument, but my opinion won't change. Which will sometimes cause a fight of some sort; not very good.

    5) I can't hold my attention to one thing for very long. Classes at my school are ninety minutes long, which can cause some attention wavering on my part. Luckily, I can get thru a class by just reading and reviewing points later at home. But sometimes the teachers aren't so excited by my lack of attention.
  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: Having the guts to follow your heart.
    • Loyalty: Following someone you trust through thick and thin.
    • Intelligence: Not just being smart, but having a thirst to learn.
    • Ambition: Having enough heart to follow through with your desires.

  • Name: Marielle
  • Age: 15
  • Where did you find out about us? Cleolinda's journal.

sorted: ravenclaw, term iv

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