Newcomer here!

Apr 27, 2006 23:47

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? I'd want to work in the Ministry, doing something, anything really. I've worked too much in retail and silly little jobs in the private sector, when all I really want to do is make some sort of a difference-naive, I know, but I'm an idealistic person like that. True, I could work for the prophet or as a teacher in Hogwarts, but I've always felt like government work was my niche. Dealing with the bureaucracy is no fun, but it's the best channel through which I can institute any changes I plan to make, and hopefully there's some upward mobility within the government sector.

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why? History of Magic! Yeah, it's boring now, but if there's one thing that can ruin history it's a bad teacher. History is so important to any culture, because it's vital to know the circumstances behind the current situation and to know that everything is interconnected. Nothing happens without a reason--without a slew of mixed together jumbled up not-necessarily-in-order reasons--and sorting those out is just so much fun and so interesting. And the wars and conflicts aren't the only interesting bits; all of the politics and intrigue could be so mesmerizing if only there were a better teacher (hopefully me) at Hogwarts.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not? No way in Hades. I'm not cut out for deeds of daring-do, physically or mentally. I like my adventures, sure, but when I say "adventure" I mean getting lost or exploring a new city, not fighting dragons and trying not to die. I'm fond of living, and I'm not going to risk losing all the opportunities that lie ahead of me for a few thrills and a slim possibility of prize money.

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why? Sea lion. I love sea lions; they're like the mellowed out wiser version of otters (which are also pretty awesome). I admit that I can see myself kicking back under a pier, enjoying my sea lion life, and watching the tourists watch me. And I've always liked marine animals; people say they want to be birds so they can fly, but being underwater is like being in zero gravity--much more like flying than beating your wings and drifting on thermals. It's much easier to do backflips and the like underwater than in the air, and it's so much more peaceful underwater.

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why? I don't identify particularly with any character, but if I had to choose one I'd pick Remus. I've had plenty of secrets to keep from people in general, and I'm always worried about how those secrets will affect others' opinions towards me; being a werewolf seems to be the closest thing. I'm also the quietest person in my group of friends, and tend to go along with them even when I question the rationality of their actions (though none of my friends are as wild as James and Sirius). And I'm an academic, really, even though I don't plan to go on to grad school.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? World peace! . . . or not. I'd like to think I'm not self-centered, but I certainly can be at times. Truthfully, I think I'd see myself, truly happy, reading a book in a room with cats and my girlfriend reading beside me. I dream about changing the world, but I really want to do that as a way to make myself feel at peace.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? First, I'd pay off my student loans. Then I'd pay off the mortgages of my mother and my aunt, both of whom really need the help. After taxes, that doesn't leave too much left, so I'd probably splurge on stuff for myself--maybe buy some artwork, some books (lots and lots of books), a small house in the heart of the city. If there were any left, I'd probably give it to charity or spread it amongst gifts for my family (my family really is my life). Like I said, I'm a simple person.

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now? As a kid I wanted to be three different things a week. Veterinarian lasted the longest, although for a short period I also wanted to be a forensic scientist. I lost my love of science after high school, and started getting involved in politics and activism, so now I want to work in the nonprofit sector--fundraising or lobbying for a cause I really support. I say I'd like to work in government, if that didn't work out, but never as a politician. I'm not cut out for that; I prefer to be the person behind the scenes.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    I think I'd create a spell called Cupana (Latin species name for Guarana), which would be the equivalent of a magical energy drink. It wouldn't last long, and it's dangerous to recast it on yourself too often, but if used sparingly it can give you a bolt of energy--enough to finish a term paper, stay awake on late night broom trips, and keep you jittery and alert in a dangerous situation.

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus? My biggest fear is failure, so I suppose a boggart would look like myself only dead or strung out on drugs or willing to do things I never would, or maybe it would convince me that I have no worth--it's hard to picture what such immaterial things look like. Once I cast Riddikulus, it would probably change into a pixie or leprechaun--something small and fairly harmless, but full of tricks, to convince me that it was nothing.

  • What do you look for in a friend? An accepting demeanor, a good sense of humor, and an ability to put up with my interesting way of showing affection (I only insult the ones I love--if I hate you, I will be nothing but polite and charming and quiet, around my friends I get snarky and sarcastic). My friends tend to be nonconformists, people with a strong sense of social and personal responsibility, and utterly cynical. I love them all.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people? Blissful ignorance, not by itself, but in combination with opinions. I hate people who make arguments without thinking about the consequences of those arguments, and people who don't realize basic truths about the world. You can be as idealistic as you want, but if all your arguments assume we're in a utopia on earth, I'm going to get mad at you. This is one of the main reasons I keep quiet in arguments--I never state an opinion without having thought it through.

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    Flexibility: You can throw just about anything at me, and I'm just going to roll with the punches. I have a firm belief that, as long as I don't mess up too badly (see my fear of failure), I myself will come out alright.
    Ability to see both sides of an issue: I, personally, have pretty extremes views I admit, but I'm not going to attack the people with the opposite views. They're coming from different premises, and as long as they've thought out their beliefs, I'm not going to say anything against them.
    Intelligence: Yeah, a little conceited, but I can bring things together in my head and I love to learn new things.
    Nonjudgmental: This kind of goes along with my ability to see both sides of an issue. I don't judge people. I hate people who do, and I believe that everyone deserves a chance, and unless you do something massively idiotic it's hard to get on my bad side.
    Idealistic: I am idealistic. I love being idealistic, and I think that nothing can get done if people don't imagine that it can get done.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    Idealism:. . . when it simply won't work. I hold on to things long after I should let go, and hold on to hope after it's past feasible.
    Low self-esteem: I'm always afraid of failure, of not knowing something, of being disliked. I need other's approval, which is fine when I'm around my friends, but wreaks havoc when I'm around strangers or people who don't know me well.
    Social awkwardness: I'm shy. Shy, shy, shy, shy, shy. I'm bad at meeting new people, and most think I'm odd when they first meet me.
    Sometimes I'm too cynical: and I scare off people. I'm mean to them, but only because I'm trying to show affection--weird, but true.
    Fear: I'm afraid, and I worry far too much. I worry about the world, and I worry about myself, and I worry about my friends and my grades. . . and sometimes it consumes me. That's why I try to be so laid-back.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: The ability to do something even though you are deathly afraid of it. Simply being daring is not enough; you must overcome something.
    • Loyalty: Never letting go of something, always fighting for it and never stopping, going against your nature to protect something.
    • Intelligence: Not just brainpower but the desire to learn, the drive to fix things through knowing.
    • Ambition: Like the energizer bunny: you just keep going and going and going, no matter what's in front of you. This is similar to my definition of loyalty--because it is loyalty to the self above all.

  • Name: Kaie
  • Age: 20 (yeah, I know, I'm lame)
  • Where did you find out about us? Browsing my friends' userinfo pages; amea's, to be particular.

sorted: ravenclaw, term v

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