I elobortated my answers just in case you need them.
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I would love to be a history professor at Hogwarts, except I will make history fun. It's such a pity that it gets such a bad rap in Harry Potter. It really is a fascinating subject if you don't simply focus on dates and such. Besides, I love to public-speaking. Well, I take that back I don’t *love* it, but I definitely enjoy it more than other things, so any job as a professor would do, except potions. I think potions is too much like chemistry, so I doubt I will be good at it.
I think working at the Department of Mystery would be fun, even though I have no clue what people do there. I think it’ll just be awesome telling people you work there, and then making them really curious but not telling them anything.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
I answered that question above. Though, if not history, I really wish the books would have showed a rune class. I can imagine it’s sort of like learning a new language, and I love learning new languages, especially the ones nobody uses.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
I’m not suicidal. Yeah, I know you get glory and praise if you get it, but I was never one for glory and praise. I love compliments, of course, but I’m not going to risk my neck to get some. I also hate getting so much attention, and I bet I would get a lot of attention if I was chosen. It’s like the whole school revolves around you, and there’s so much responsibility for you to win for your school and everything. I don’t think I would be able to handle it.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
I originally chose a cat, but I think I’ll change my mind and pick a bird. I would love to fly over the world and watch what people are doing and just observe them. I love people-watching, and I always do that. But if I was a bird, I could do that without having to pretend that I’m not watching anyone, and I can do it while covering a greater distance. I also imagine that flying would be a complete thrill-maybe like riding a rollercoaster. It took me until I was 13 to finally get the courage to ride a rollercoaster, and it was so much fun. So maybe flying would be sort of like that.
And if I had to pick a specific bird, I would choose a phoenix because you get to be reborn after you die
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
I’m going to assume that this question is asking which character I am most like. Anyway, I’ll probably choose Hermione. Like her, I’m a good student, and I love to learn. My professors love me (I’m not bragging-just simply stating the facts) because I always participate in class, and I treat them like human beings. However, I’m not obsessed with getting perfect grades as she is, and I definitely cannot recite from books I have read. I also don’t raise my hand every second. Well, I do, but that’s only because nobody else does, and then I get annoyed with the class for not doing the reading and sorry for the professor because the students don’t seem to care. But when it’s an active class, I’ll usually just sit back unless I have something I really want to say.
Also, like Hermione, I tend to be very overprotective of the people I love, but I pretty much trust them to do their own thing. Even if they do something that I think may hurt them, I’ll trust them to make their own decision. I have a feeling that Hermione has sometimes difficulties doing that. Also, unlike Hermione, I would never start a club. I may join one and be sort of active depending on how strongly I feel about what they’re doing, but I would never start one. I don’t have the motivation to do so.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
This is what I wrote previously. I have such a need for independence and security, so something to do with that. Maybe I see myself in a comfortable (I don't mean rich) apartment alone surrounded by books, pictures, and figurines. And I still cherish my independence, but I don’t if that’s really a desire. I guess my desire what be to just have a desire if that makes any sense. I don’t have any goals, whatsoever, other than graduate from college, get a job, and get an apartment. And I’ll do that, but beyond that, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I don’t have any specific careers that I would love to have; I don’t dream of getting married and/or having kids; or living in a specific country. Nothing. So I would really, really love to just have a goal and have a sense of purpose and meaning in life. I have no idea how that would translate into a visual imagery. I guess just seeing anything in the mirror would be good.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
First of all, let’s be responsible and pay off any bills and loans and such. Financial security and responsibility is a good thing, even though many people don’t understand the concept of savings and not spending more than you can afford (credit cards are evil). Then, I’ll give some of the money to my dad, since he wants to start a business. Then I’ll give some to my dad and stepmom together, so they can spend it for their house or something. I’ll give some to my mom, and then I’ll give some to my older brother. I would also love to maybe spend a season traveling. I thought of doing a year, but I think I may be too nervous constantly going from one place to another. But a season should be enough to see the places I want to see. I love traveling and experiencing new cultures and eating new food and just seeing new things. I’m such an inquisitive person.
Also, I would give some to charity. I almost forgot. Sheesh! I would have no idea, which ones. Probably gay rights one because I’m for equality, and non-heterosexuality seems to be the only minority group where it’s alright to be prejudice against them-like how no one would dare say the “n” word but saying the “f” word is perfectly fine. Also, I would give money to an animal charity because animals don’t talk and they don’t judge and they leave you alone and don’t ask stupid questions. Besides, they’re cute, even the violent ones. Related to that, I would give money to an environmental charity because I want the animals to have a decent place to live. Besides, I have such a love for beauty, and forests are far more aesthetically pleasing than factories.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
When I was little, I wanted to be a writer. I used to always get suck into the world of the books that I was reading, and characters in books I’ve read always seemed more real than the people around me. I admired the author for being able to do that, and I’ve wanted to have that talent. But then I realized that I didn’t truly love to write and was only doing it to be good at something and have people think of me the way I thought of the authors whose books I’ve read. And that’s not a good reason to be a writer. You need to love it; you need to crave it. And I don’t.
Now? I don’t have an ideal job. Somewhere that I can be safe and secure, have a sense of structure, and be able to learn new and exciting things. I’m going to apply to librarian jobs when I get out of college because I feel reading is so important. Reading builds knowledge, and I believe it is lack of knowledge that is the root of many of our problems. But I don’t know if it’s my ideal job, however. I think I would need something slightly more challenging eventually.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
It will be the aesthetic spell. I love beautiful things, so when I say the spell, my wand will produce either soulful music or a gorgeous painting. It really has no practical application, whatsoever. But I can imagine that the spell can definitely brighten up one's mood when needed, which can be very practical. I know that when I’m feeling upset and angry with something or someone, I just need to see a flower or look up at the sky or hear a piece of music, and my mood is instantly lifted. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s like that, so maybe the spell could be practical after all.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
Honestly, my biggest fear is being kidnapped by a serial killer, and then being raped and brutally tortured. I hate physical pain, which is kind of funny because I love seeing my blood. Every time I give blood, I just love watching the absolutely gorgeous deep red color flow out of my body. But I suppose I should not compare one prick with having all my toes cut off and my eyes drilled out or something. Then again, serial killers look like every day people, so it won't make any sense for the boggart to turn into that. Unless, I see this ordinary-looking person doing things to myself. My riddikulus would be seeing this person turn into a really tiny person who doesn’t have as much power over me.
- What do you look for in a friend?
Common interests are always good, so we can have something to talk about. The person should also have a brain and pay attention to the world. They don’t have to know everything in the world or constantly follow the news or anything like that, but I knew this girl who one time asked who won the Civil War in the U.S. And we are far from the U.S., so we’ve been learning about the Civil War for ages. So I definitely would not want a friend like that, or I would go crazy. I also prize independence in other people as much I do in myself. I need my space, so I don’t want someone who constantly calls me and always wants to hang out. The friend should also respect me and be loyal to me. I mean if they invite me to go somewhere with them and then basically ignore me when they see another friend, that’s definitely not cool. And, yes, that happened to me before. Also, about loyalty, the friend should know how to keep a secret. I have a tendency to keep things to myself, but incase I do want to share something, I want to know that this person can be trusted.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
Perkiness and the need to constantly socialize. It's like when you go to a hairdresser, and they actually feel a need to socialize. Dude, just f***** cut my hair. I actually don’t say that, since I can’t stand hurting people’s feelings and often feel terrible when I do, even if they deserve it. But I still think to myself and get very annoyed in the process, while thinking of a million ways I would like to kill this person, while remaining very calm and collected on the outside. I wear a mask. I also hate perky people. "HI!!!!" (BIG SMILE) How are you??!!!!" I want to punch those people. I don’t for the same reasons that I don’t yell at the hairdressers. Being happy is good and all, but there are some people that are too happy, all the time. Other things that annoy me: people who are so absorbed talking on their cell phones that they don’t watch where they’re going, and they talk in places like the library when I trying to study. Oh, yes, stupid people annoy me, like those people on Jay Leno that don’t know the answer to really basic questions that everyone in the United States should know.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1) I can understand almost where anyone is coming from. I may not agree with your views. I may despise your views, but I'll be able to understand them. I think this definitely helps when someone comes to me for advice because it gives me the ability not to judge the person and really be able to really give them advice that would help. For example, if a friend is really shy, and she comes to you for advice because she really likes a boy (or a girl-whatever), then telling her she should ask him/her out really is not helpful. 2) My independence/my non-conforming attitude. I try to follow the rules as much as I can, because they work, so why bother breaking them. But I definitely don't care about the latest fashion and the fact that I need to drink and party in order to have friends. I'll rather have no friends. The interesting thing is that I really care what other think of me and I’m so self-conscious, but my ability to be my own person makes me ignore those feelings to the best of my ability. This is a really good thing because I don’t do stupid and dangerous things just because everyone else is doing them. 3) I'm a good listener and I give good advice. Whenever someone comes to me with a problem, I carefully listen to them and then offer them sound, rational advice. Also, I know how to keep my mouth shut, which I’m sure definitely helped me not offend anyone or say anything I may regret. I feel that listening skills goes together with that, since so many people talk and they never listen, and you can never truly help yourself and others if you don’t listen. 4) I don't get bored easily. I have such an active imagination, so I’m always daydreaming and fantasizing and obsessing over the meaning of life and whether there is a god or not, and if there is what he/she/it is like. And what I should do with my life. 5) I answered this a bit in the spell question, but I think my ability to see the beauty around me is such a good trait. It really forces me to appreciate life, and I can’t be sad and angry for too long when the glow of the moon is above me or I see snow falling or when I see a pretty picture or a cute figurine. I’m definitely the stop-and-smell-the-roses type of gal.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1) I wish I was a bit more social. I don't think I'm shy, but I would rather read or listen to music than go out. I love to read and listen to music, but even I get lonely sometimes. Also, I have a feeling I can be a bit standoffish, and I know that offends a lot of people 2) I procrastinate a lot, and then I end up doing everything at the least minute, stressing out, and promising myself I will never procrastinate again. Does it work? H*ll no! 3) My feelings get hurt fairly easily. I hardly cry and you may not even be able to know that my feelings were hurt, but they are. I wish they didn’t, though. I would love to be the type of person who is so confident that they don’t care what others think of them. So, I guess, to go along with that, I wish I was more confident. 4) I would love to be able to engage in quick, witty banter. Alas, I cannot. I really don’t think I’m funny at all. I am sometimes, but it’s only around friends and people I feel extremely comfortable with. But I wish that when people say something to offend me, instead of backing down or feeling hurt, I can something brilliantly witty and sarcastic. 5) The same as # 1 for my top abilities. Being able to see everyone's point can be bad as well as good, since it leads me to be indecisive some times. And this is such a problem because I never know what I want. I don’t know what I believe. I listen to one argument, and I think that they have many good points. And then I listen to the opposing argument, and I think the same thing. And all that does is leave me even more confused than I started.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: the ability to fight or support what you truly believe, even if doing that may hurt you. Courage can be as something big as fighting in a war for a cause you believe in and participating in Civil Rights marches even with the risk of being thrown in jail or being bitten by a police dog. It can also be something smaller such as doing your own thing even if your friends may tease you or even leave you.
- Loyalty: I see this sort of being close to courageous, except loyalty deals with a person. So being loyal to a person means standing by them even if nobody else is. It also means putting other things behind that person. So, for example, even if that person you were loyal to did something really person, being loyal means supporting that person and being there for them when the consequence of that stupid thing comes around. It does not mean that you agree with what the person did.
- Intelligence: It means being able to think and use your brains properly, whether it’s while studying, playing chess, starting your own business, talking with your spouse, helping a friend, etc. Though, honestly, when someone tells me so-and-so is intelligent, I automatically think of book-smarts, but that’s definitely not the only sign of intelligence.
- Ambition: Ambition is to have a goal, something that you really want to accomplish, whether it’s curing world hunger, becoming a millionaire, becoming an actress, and wanting that thing so much that you work extremely hard to get it. An ambitious person does not let failure or what anyone says deter them from achieving their goals. I find ambition itself to be pretty neutral. It’s what that ambition is and how one goes around to achieve it that can be bad.
- Name: Mary C.
- Age: 20
- Where did you find out about us?