(no subject)

May 15, 2006 19:58

What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

Tough one, but I would either introduce wizards to this crazy muggle idea called “psychology,” because a lot of them sure need it, write, or perhaps curse-break, mainly because Ancient Egypt fascinates me and I’d love to see it first hand.  If none of those worked out, I would work with dragons or hippogriffs or unicorns or some type of magical beast; perhaps take over for Hagrid as teacher for Care of Magical Creatures.

If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?

Care of Magical Creatures, without a doubt. Not only do you get to actually be outside and not stuck in a stuffy classroom day in and day out, but you get to work with animals! Cool ones!  I’m not quite as delusional about animals as Hagrid, but I do have a tiny bit of his crazy animal love in me.

This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?

I would put my name in because I would want the money.  I’ve always had financial problems/stress/worries in my family, and a thousand galleons is a lot of money in the wizarding world!  Also, I have this thing where I get scared about things, like rollercoasters or “The Tower of Terror” type rides, but if I chicken out and don’t go on them, I kick myself afterwards.  If I do go on them, I have fun.  So that’s what I would be like with the Tournament; scared, but would kick myself for not submitting my name.  To be completely honest, when the time came for Dumbledore to read out the Hogwart’s champion’s name, I would desperately hope it was NOT me.  But a few minutes after that, I would be pissed that I wasn’t considered the best, and that I had no shot at the money.  I’m contradictory like that. ;o)

If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?

My immediate reaction was to go with an animal I liked, but when I thought about it I chose something else.  In a fabulous fanfic entitled “Mud of Blood, Wing of Bat,” by whippy, Hermione is an adult and has forced Rita Skeeter to teach her how to be an animagus, and her form ends up being a fly.  Hermione starts spying on people, until it becomes an addiction.  I could totally see myself doing that. I was all into spying and being stealthy when I was a kid.  Instead of a fly, though, I would choose a ladybug.  They are tiny and can fly, and who doesn’t love a ladybug? Therefore I would have less chance of being squashed than if I was say, a mosquito.

What HP character do you identify with most and why?

I almost said “none” until I remembered Lily Evans.  I say “Evans” instead of “Potter” because being unwed and not a mother, I can’t identify with her married self very much.  I would die for someone I loved, though.  I really loved the brief glimpse of Lily we got in OoTP, probably because she was so like me!  Both of us hate arrogant jerkwads, (but then end up eating our words some point later if the boy changes, etc) have a tendency to stick up for the little guy, and know how to throw out insults with the best of them.

What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

Lots of things.  I would see stability, financial stability, someone who loved me for me regardless of my faults, and I would see myself happy and anxiety free.  And my nose would probably be smaller. ;o)

If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?

First I would pay off all the debts my family owes.  My sisters both had to get a lot of money in loans for college, and are both majorly in debt, so I would pay that off.  I would also pay any bills owed by my parents.  Then I would buy my parents a house, and buy them lots of psychological help.  Er, that’s not a joke.  I guess I would buy myself a car, because I’ve never had one, but a sensible one.  Then the rest of the money would be saved/invested wisely.  Rather boring of me.

What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

According to my mom I wanted to own a donut shop, but I can’t remember that for the life of me!  What I can remember is I wanting to be either a veterinarian or an author, or maybe a dancer.  Right now, I want to be an author of fictional novels, kind of Stephen King-ish, more than anything.  Except maybe winning the lottery and slothing around in my piles 'o dough for the rest of my life.

If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?

I would invent a potion/charm/spell for increased empathy and sympathy in others.  I believe that is one of the main problems in the world; people unable to see other’s plights and point of views, people unable to care about others.  It would work especially well on Tom Riddle, Lucius Malfoy, etc.  I suppose I would call it “The Anti-Grinch.”

If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

It would turn into either a dead family member or my dead best friend.  That’s my greatest fear above being raped, the death of those I love.  Okay, have you ever seen the movie “Spaceballs?” You know the part where it’s spoofing Alien and the guy’s chest bursts open and a little alien jumps out?  And then the alien gets a top hat and a cane and starts dancing around and singing “Hello my honey, hello my baby, hello my ragtime gal….” etc? That’s what I would make the boggart due. It cracks me up every time.  Er, without the alien bursting out a chest part.  I just realized that was unclear. I mean I would make my family members/best friend get up and start dancing and singing like that.

What do you look for in a friend?

I look for someone nice, basically.  A good person.  Someone who isn’t what my mom calls a “fair-weather friend” who ditches me when things get rough.  Someone who listens to me and cares about me and know the ugly parts of me and is my friend anyway.  Someone who can make me laugh when I am crying.

What trait most annoys you about other people?

Oh, so many to choose from!  I suppose a lack of ability to think for themselves.  It’s a horrid quality to have, to just mindlessly parrot your parents or your friends or whomever’s ideas, values, thoughts, bigotries…

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?

(In no particular order)

1.I listen very well.  I listen to my friends or whoever it is that is talking to me, and I really think about what they are saying.  If they have a problem, I try to help them to the best of my abilities.

2. I’m able to analyze people well.  I know a lot of the times why they do the things they do, or what they should or should not do in regards to their problems or their choices.

3. I can’t really hold a grudge.  I forgive but don’t forget.  Even if someone really is a jerk to me, I eventually start to realize why they acted the way they did and start to feel sorry for them instead of angry.  I’m able to empathize with people a lot.

4. I’m creative.  Actually to the point where sometimes I start to imagine these elaborate scenarios like when my sister went into a dunkin’ donuts to ask for directions and took forever, and I couldn’t see her, I started to panic and think about how she was kidnapped/the store was being held up, etc.  But usually it’s a good thing, something that can entertain me when I’m bored.

5. I am intelligent.  While this sometimes causes me problems, because over thinking things can make me sad and confused, etc. it’s generally a good quality that has helped me throughout life.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

(in no particular order)

1. I’m depressed.  Clinically diagnosed as depressed for over six years, it makes me not fun to be around a lot of the time, even for me to be around me. This also makes me very very moody.

2. I worry too much.  Again, I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder over six years ago, and it’s awful to worry about the stupidest things to the point where it effects your life negatively.

3.I have a lot of pent up anger.  I feel a lot of resentment towards certain people, and sometimes random people.  The anger sometimes bursts out of me for no reason, and I feel better in a way, but guilty.

4. I can be lazy.  I’m particularly lazy in regards to schoolwork and cleaning.  While I get the compulsion to clean maniacally from time to time, I really never get the compulsion to study maniacally.   I tend to half ass things and procrastinate and get away with it, so I just keep doing it.

5.  I can be extremely stubborn.  Not always, just when I’m really invested in/about something.  Then…watch out!  You will never win!

Define in your own words the following key traits:

Courage: The ability to do what you know is right even when you are scared and would rather do anything else.  The ability to stand up for what you believe in, to stand up for people that are ridiculed, to stand up for things that will make you unpopular, to go against the grain and not care what people think about you.  Above all, to be scared about something and doing it anyway.

Loyalty: Staying true to something or someone even when the going gets tough.

Intelligence: The ability to excel in a certain area, whether it is playing a sport, academics, dancing, singing, etc.

Ambition: Being extremely motivated to do something, and going out there and doing it.

Name: Jackie

Age: 21

Where did you find out about us? From masked_key’s journal.

term v, sorted: gryffindor

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