Jun 05, 2006 12:02
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I'd probably work somewhere in the Ministry. Most probably in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. What strikes me most of a job in this department would be that I'd have the oppurtunity to work with others from different countries and help with interaction and cooperation among people in general. Although when I read the books, I always thought working in this department would be rather boring when Rowling mentioned the workplace of Percy Weasley. However, the more I think about it, I think this would be the place for me. Working side by side with goverments of other countries, ensuring peace among the wizarding countries; that's just my thing. Heck, if I had a chance to do this in real life, I'd definitely give it a go.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
This one was tough. My choice between Potions, Charms and Arithmancy. All three subjects demand a high level of concentration during lessons with a no-play attitude. However, if I had to choose a class to teach, it would definitely be Arithmancy. Not only am I fascinated by numbers, charts, diagrams and sequences, the next best thing is making others understand my fascination with them. Although Arithmancy is described as a tough subject, I would without doubt love teaching this class. The thing about tough subjects is to have a fun way of learning it. And there's no better challenge than creating a fun learning enviroment for a kick-ass subject!
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
I really wish I could say I'd put my name in the Goblet but in truth, I'd be too scared to do so. I'm really the type of person that would consider pros and cons for every single thing that comes my way. Some of my friends find this rather annoying but hey, can't change who I am. I wouldn't mind trying out something less adventurous in life, just for the kick of it. But I'd rather not risk my life for a competition when I could (possible and hopefully) do something more than just competing for a sum of money that isn't guarnateed to be mine.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
Definitely a cat. The thing about cats that they thinks fast, they act fast. When they see a mouse they go for it, not waiting for another second. That's what I like about them. Plus, I love the fact that I'd have high precision and agility that would come in handy in tight spots. And don't deny it now, everyone loves cats.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
I sometimes see myself as Hermione Granger but I'd have to go for Luna Lovegood. Luna is..Luna. Unique and stands alone. She does her own thing; wears what she wants, reads what she wants, and takes a firm stand in what she believes. Some might see Luna as a follower, but I think Luna knows when to follow and when to lead, when to talk and when to keep her mouth shut. That's probably why I see myself in her light. I don't necessarily lead the whole group, but I'm always there, giving suggestions and criticism to the leader. And sometimes showing the way I think it's best way to lead. I love that Luna doesn't care about what her peers think of her. I'd like to think of myself like that. You'd see me doing the most random things in class or not actually following what the elite ones; just being who I am.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
I really wouldn't know, I'm pretty content with my life right now. But if I look close enough, I'd probably see what I'd be doing in the future. Like what I'd be doing. What would my family look like? Would I even have a family? What would my parents be doing? Will I grow to have kids? Would they be healthy? Would I have a comfortable life? Closure. The one single thing I desire in life would be closure.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
The first thing I'd do is to secure my college funds. Call it selfish if you want, but with only a few more years to college, I'm really worried for my funds. My goal is to get a scholarship, but a back-up plan is always good. After that I'd probably donate a sum to a Parkinson's Society. My late grandfather suffered from the disease and I think it's be really good if more research was put into it. Securing my family's financial status would be the next thing I'd do; making sure we have enough money for the future, or in case there's an emergency. The rest (If there's any) would be placed in the bank.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
When I was a kid, almost everyone I knew would answer either firemen, policemen, engineers or doctors when an adult asked us 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' For me, the answer would always be 'doctor'. Probably it was the nobleness of saving a man's life, or maybe because doctors are powerful and they make loads of money or maybe simply because our parents said so. I don't know. Up until a few years ago, I was convinced that I'd grow up to be a doctor. What changed that? I honestly don't know. Maybe because I realise I don't think it's my passion. Sure, I fine Biology interesting, but I don't think I'd want to spend my whole life doing that. For now, I'm still undecided on what I'm going to do in the future. Probably something under the branch of Physics.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
Well, well. I'd probably invent a spell that makes days seem longer. Because there are just some days when I feel there's not enough hours in a day. Especially when I'm cramming for an exam or when I'm on a family vacation I don't want to end. I'd name the spell "Extra Hours" for obvious reasons. (Naming things are obviously not my forte.)
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
Probably a small, tight space. Dear God, I'm terrified of them. I can't get into an elevator without worrying whether or not I'm going to make it to my designated floor. Riddikulus would turn the tight space into the total opposite; a wide open area. With no elevators.
- What do you look for in a friend?
First things first, both of us need to have a few things in common. How are we supposed to have late night phone talks and plan to take over the world if both of us don't know what to say to each other? The next thing would definitely his/her ability to be trustworthy. When I find a great friend, I tell them my most eart-shatterng secrets. I wouldn't a friend babbling to others about my secrets, that's just rude and plain wrong. I love meeting new friends that have a great personality. The type of personality that can make you laugh when you're down, make you crack a smile when she tells an awful joke just because it's her. Basically the type of personality that makes you feel incomplete without that friend. The type where people say 'Gee, I wish she was my best friend' when we're both walking down the street.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
The first one would be people who think too much of themselves. They'd say they're prettier than you, smarter than you and just better than you in general. I'm pretty sure there are who are prettier and smarter than I am, I just don't need them saying that to my face, thank you very much. The next one would be the type of people who give themselves too little credit. This type of people would mope around all day, whining and saying how they're too ugly and too fat and not smart. I believe everyone has their own speciality, but dear God, you just need to work hard enough to find them.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1) I'm open-minded; talk to me about everything and anything. I won't judge you based on what you believe or think. Everyone has a right to their own opinions.
2) Honest; I'm not too much of a person with brutal honesty. If you ask me how that dress looks on you and I think it doesn't suit you, I'd probably say something along the lines of 'Hey, why don't we go find another one for you?'
3) Trustworthy; I'd never ever spill a secret of a friend to another person. That's exactly how I hope my friends treat my secrets.
4) A good listener; I consider myself a really good listener. Tell me a story at 3am, I'd no doubt listen to you.
5) I read people quite well; I can tell how people really feel under all the covers they put upon themselves. I guess this is a really good thing, especially when one of my friends are feeling down.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1) I worry too much. This pretty much speaks for itself, I think.
2) When I get mad, I can say the meanest things. This, I think, I need to change about myself. I've gotten into big messes because of this, unfortunately.
3) I've been told I'm something of a perfectionist. I guess this goes side by side with the fact that I worry too much.
4) I'm shy. Not that natural girly shyness, I think it goes more than that. I sometimes decline an invitation (to a party, shopping trip, etc.) because I know there are going to be people I'm not acquainted with is going.
5) I can be really impatient sometimes. 'I want it. I want it now.' sort of thing. Gosh, I bet I was a pain in the butt when I was younger.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Ability to raise above your fears to accomplish something.
- Loyalty: A bond between two people or a group of people that is not easily broken.
- Intelligence: Ability to use facts that you have towards a gerater goal.
- Ambition: The drive, the push, the catalyst for a person that makes him/her determined to achive their goal in life.
- Name: Sarah
- Age: 15
- Where did you find out about us? Random LJ clicking.
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