Oct 04, 2006 00:54
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I would want to be a professor. Teaching is something that I have recently thought about doing in the muggle world, and I’m sure being in an environment like Hogwarts or even Beauxbatons would be very fulfilling for me. It’s a chance to influence and guide the next generation with regards to (hopefully) something that I myself am very passionate about and dedicated to. It takes a great deal of patience, intelligence and, to an extent, idealism, in order to be a well-respected professor. I would want to be the professor that a few students - whether they liked me personally or not - could look back to and say, “She was a great teacher and helped me see such and such in myself.”
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
Excellent question! I would want to teach one of the core classes [Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, DADA], as I would be horribly frustrated with students who were simply in class to kill time. I don’t have the intuitiveness that I feel is somewhat necessary for teaching DADA (well…necessary for teaching it well, I should say), so that one’s out. Charms and Transfiguration are very rigid to me - you say the incantation, the spell works or it doesn’t. That doesn’t grab my interest.
That leaves Potions, which I feel would be a better fit for my personality. I’ve always been fascinated with things like Chemistry and cooking, where a mixture of seemingly disjointed ingredients can be combined to form something entirely different. Potions take finesse; they take patience. Brewing requires the ability to subtly tweak the mixture as you go along. It requires complete control over the way you cut the herbs or how many drops of liquid you add or how much of one thing you stir in. It has a similar rigidity as some of the other disciplines, but it has so much more room for experimentation.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
Yes, and hope the Goblet doesn’t spit my name out!
I’m on the fence with this. I would love to be the Champion, the one everyone looks to for upholding school honor. It would be like being a rock god, which is something that has always appealed to me - the fame, the prestige, the adoring fans wearing buttons with your name on them.
The Tournament would also be a way to really see if I knew my magic. I would be faced with practical (and dangerous) situations in which I would have to rely on my knowledge of spells and of myself in order to succeed and win.
Yet, the risk is very high. That alone would seriously discourage me from even attempting. And not to mention that the potential for making a fool of yourself in front of the ENTIRE school is exponentially increased. So in the end, I think I would chicken out and root from the stands instead.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
I’m a little confused on the wording of this one. If I could choose my form, I want to be something elusive and watchful - like a bird of prey or a big cat: a hawk or perhaps a panther.
But my personality is more along the lines of a house cat. I love to sleep a lot, and get pretty irritated if my sleeping is interrupted. I like watching and planning my entrance to activities or events, kind of like how cats stalk their toys or mice they find. I’d be one of those overfed, overly attended to cats.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Probably Hermione. I was always the girl in school who knew the answer to every question the teacher asked and was eager to be a showoff. That got me teased a lot, which produced a lot of tear-filled afternoons and an obsessive dedication to perfection in my work. I had few close friends because of this. As I got older, I realized that being a showoff was obnoxious and toned it down a bit. I was attracted to the athletic boys, and would often try to get their attention in the classroom. It never worked, but hey, I tried.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
I would see myself in my elegantly-decorated house, standing at my kitchen counter cutting tomatoes for a salad. My husband would come in the front door, home early from work with a handful of flowers in his hand, just because he saw them while he was picking up some cereal and milk for the kids at the store. Our daughter and son would run out of the play room, hugging him around the knees as I finished cooking the simple, yet filling and sufficient, dinner for us all. I would have to move my computer and the notes on my original work of fiction off the table to make room for the food.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
First of all, I’d pay off all these darn student loans! Then, I buy a nice car - something flashy, like a Boxster or a Benz. Black with manual transmission. I’d buy some new clothes - jeans and lots of jackets. I would buy my mom a new house, with a whole room for all of her books. I’d pay for all of my brother’s student loans as well so he could do what he wanted to do after he graduated, instead of something he hated to do but did to pay bills. I’d give some to charities, especially ones that provided medications for AIDS sufferers in Asia and Africa, and ones that were dedicated to curing cancer. I’d invest a good chunk of it and save the rest.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
Oh gosh - to be a doctor. My grandfather was a paramedic when I was little; my uncle was a surgery technician at a local hospital. I had a lot of exposure to that kind of thinking. I was always fascinated with biology and the way our bodies worked. As I got older, shows like ER did nothing to help me craft a realistic picture of what being a doctor meant.
Now, after graduating from college with an English degree and having a few friends in med school, I realize I would never be cut out for that kind of life. My ideal job now would be an English professor at a small college, teaching books that I absolutely adored reading and talking about.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
It would be a potion, that’s for sure. I have much more patience for mixing concoctions than I do for flicking or waving a wand around for hours on end. The thing that comes first to mind would be a cure for being a werewolf. I can’t imagine living your entire life in fear of a few days every single month and having to endure the painful process of changing into a horrid beast and back again. It would help so many people like Remus, who desire to have normal lives and hold normal jobs.
As far as a name, it would be something elegant - nothing cheesy like “Wolf-B-Gone” or anything of that ilk. Humanistilla, Latin combination of ‘human’ and ‘liquid.’ Or something cool and Latin like that…
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
Seeing a close family member or a good friend dead. It would be someone who I would never suspect of being dead, and they would be someone I was very emotionally invested in. It’s a fear of loss, really. And a fear of being alone. I think that’s what makes it so terrifying for me.
But man, what do you turn that into?!?! Maybe a bad rendition of said friend as a blow-up doll or a scarecrow? I have no idea. Boggarts would wreck me.
- What do you look for in a friend?
A sense of humor and the ability to laugh at themselves. Laid-back, but with a sense of purpose when it’s needed. I can’t handle people who are completely free spirits, simply because I don’t relate to them well and can’t really be a good friend to them. Yet I also have a hard time dealing with people who are compulsively perfectionist (probably due to the fact I’m somewhat of a paranoid perfectionist myself). I like people who know how to have fun, but who can also be serious and have intelligent conversations.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
People who have no class and no manners. Going to a somewhat elite and private college has shown me that there are more of these kinds of morons running around than I had previously thought. How sheltered I was. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to be nice, even if you are completely pissed off. Let’s show a little decorum, please.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Planner: I love planning things and I’m good at it. I can break down huge tasks into doable components and orchestrate things so that the big event runs smoothly. I like arranging things at certain times and I like meeting deadlines.
Trustworthy: I know how to keep confidences very well. It’s a matter of personal honor to me to be trustworthy for other people; therefore, I strive very hard to be the kind of person that engenders trust. I absolutely hate betrayal of my own personal secrets, so I would never wish to do that to someone else unless there was some life-threatening circumstance that required me to break my word.
Detail-oriented: I’m close to being obsessed with details. Some would call this being a control freak or a perfectionist, but I like the sound of ‘detail-oriented’ better. Has a nicer ring to it. This ties in with my being a planner - I like to make sure that all of the little things go according to plan so that the bigger things run smoothly as well.
Giving: I love giving my time and/or money to causes I support or to help out my friends. I don’t mind taking time out of my day to give a friend a ride if I can, or loan someone a few dollars.
Dedicated: Once I start something, I finish it. If I agree to do something for you, I will do it to the best of my ability. I have few passions due to the fact that I throw myself into those few things in order to do them well. I can’t stand starting something and not really being dedicated enough to do a good job.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
Critical: Not in a mean way, and I’m harsher on myself than anyone else. This is the flip side of being a perfectionist - I tend to nitpick other people’s plans, which can really destroy creativity. I’ve gotten better about doing this and allowing visionary people do their thing and dream, but it’s still hard for me not to be a killjoy sometimes.
Timid: This is part shyness and part being indecisive. I have the tendency to overanalyze, which usually ends up with me talking myself out of doing things. It’s also due to the many times I’ve gone out on a limb and fallen flat on my face in front of all the kids at recess, which leads to the next thing…
Prideful: As much as I try to deny it, I’m very vain. I hate looking bad in front of other people, and I hate making a fool of myself, even if it’s in front of friends who are unbelievably forgiving. I like everything associated with me to look good, whether it’s my clothes or my apartment. As for groups I’m a part of, I like for them to be well-respected and honorable.
Quick to judge: I’ve worked on this a lot, especially since I came to college, but I still tend to make snap judgments, which then results in my having to reevaluate my opinion on things quite frequently. Sometimes the judgments are correct, which leads to a false sense of superiority and more snap judgments, but inevitably I’m humbled pretty quickly.
Procrastinator: Procrastination is the bane of my existence. It’s worse with things I’m totally uninterested in, but even with things I’m passionate about, I’ll have days where I don’t want to do anything but sit and watch mind-numbing television. I get things done, simply because I’m a perfectionist and have to get things done on time, but I make things a whole lot harder on myself by wasting time.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: doing something you know to be right, even if you’re scared to do it. Standing up for what you believe in, even if it’s unpopular.
- Loyalty: sticking by someone even when the stuff hits the fan or they go a bit psycho. Loyalty is dedication.
- Intelligence: knowing when to speak up and when to shut up. Knowing how to put your money where your mouth is, instead of just being all talk. Having a bit of common sense.
- Ambition: setting high but attainable goals and actually working towards those goals. Dreaming big and not being afraid of doing what is necessary in order to see them come to fruition.
- Name: Samantha Cate
- Age: 22
- Where did you find out about us? Your community was linked to another girl’s journal who is in a community I’m in.
term vi,
sorted: ravenclaw