My app

Dec 21, 2004 00:19



If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?: I would change the ignorance that people have regarding many things. Most people just blindly follow who ever is in the leadership role happily because they don't know any better. In this day and age ignorance is absolutely unforgivable with all the technology, and yet people still remain ignorant of the facts. How can you get anywhere in life if you just live in you're own little world. My history teacher said this line the other day, and I think it nicely sums up how people, at least most of the people in the U.S., are. "Don't confuse me with the facts, my minds made up."
Who is your favorite Hogwarts teacher?: My favourite Hogwarts teacher is Severus Snape. While most of the Hogwarts teachers are clearly talented in their fields, Severus strikes me someone incredibly passionate about what he does and angry about having to waste his clear talents on teaching a bunch of students who don’t care.
Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter?: My favourite Harry Potter character would have to be Percy Weasly. I know that most people see him as a stuck up idiot who rejected his family, but I see him as a passionate young man who followed his dreams down the wrong direction. Percy is a man who sees what he wants and goes after it by any means possible, despite the consequences. One can see exactly how driven he is when looking at the how he does everything so meticulously, never leaving a detail out. Obviously he has his ambitions and dreams, and he won't allow anything to interfere with them. He's of course highly intelligent, although his morals are a bit questionable. Obviously he doesn't care that the minister is corrupt or blind, his goal is to advance, and that's what he is doing.
Who is your least favorite character in Harry Potter?: My least favourite character is Luna Lovegood, because she seems to have been dropped into the story just as a Mary Sue would be in a fic. She does not have any real purpose and she just seems to be a superfluous annoyance. There are many other female characters that have already been established that could serve the same function. Maybe I wouldn’t mind her so much if she had been there from the beginning, or at least mentioned in passing.
What makes a person respectable?: A person is respectable if they stand firm in their beliefs, however can still listen to what others say. They are not so obstinate and arrogant that they think their view is the only one, but they will still uphold what they believe. Only if that person truly believes his original opinion is wrong will he change it, but he won't just give in to the will of others.
What is your take on religion?: I believe religion is a very good thing. It provides a good guideline for how to live (even if not all of us follow it). It gives people hope and something to work towards in this life. However, even though I'm still a Catholic, it is getting to the point where there are just too many things that the church and I disagree on. I do believe in God, whatever name you call him, and I do think that the church has set up a nice moral guide line, but I don't think I can stay with the church for much longer. In relation to the modern world, the Catholic Church and I just don't agree on too many points.
What do you think about house elves?: I think house elves are terribly useful creatures who, thankfully, are serviced into doing something they love. There are people in the world who enjoy cleaning or cooking or other domestic chores, and house elves just take it to extremes.
What do you look for in a friend?: I look for someone who can tolerate me and all my quirks that doesn't drive me absolutely mad. Someone who I can have nice serious or deep conversations with, but also someone who I can be completely sill with. hmm, I just described my best friend.
Would you rather have friends and family or money and success?: This is quite hard for me because I dislike most of my family and only have a few friends, but those that I do like I don't think I would give up for the world, so I have to say friends and family. I've always dreamed about being rich and successful, but it would mean nothing if I was forcibly alone.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: Just one thing? Well, I'm working on trying to procrastinate less, and that's something I defiantly need to change about myself, but I think the real thing I would change about myself is how insecure I am. For some reason I always think that I'm not good enough or not smart enough, and combined with my big dreams, this leads to a lot of stress. I think I need more confidence in myself.
What do you feel is your best quality? I believe my best quality is my independence. This may be a mixed blessing, but I have always felt the need to do everything for myself. From the time I was 6 years old and I insisted on making my own lunch to now when I insist on doing everything myself. Unfortunately, this also causes me to be very hard to work with and I’m an absolute control freak, but I still say it’s my best quality.
What are your hobbies? I love reading and writing. I enjoy playing tennis and softball. Kick boxing is another one of my favourite activities. And of course I love being online.
Do you want to have children?: Eventually I would like to have a couple of children, but not until after I have established my career and become very successful.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?As the president of my Key Club, I have given a lot of time to charity and have organized a few fundraisers as well which doesn't quite count as giving money (I'm 17, I'm poor), but it relates to money. While I do enjoy volunteering (I really do) and it does give me a rather good feeling inside, I would be lying if I didn't say that part of my motivation for doing all of this is so that it would look good on my college applications. I mean I would still volunteer because I do enjoy it, but I probably wouldn't have gone the extra mile and taken on the extra burden of being president. I do plan on continuing in the future, because I don't want to lose the lovely feeling I get knowing I'm helping others.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? I would make sure my friend was alright, and then make sure that whoever attacked her was taken care of. If it was an animal I would make sure that proper authorities were informed so it could be caught and dealt with. If it was a human, then it would depend on the situation. If I could take the person, then I would, but if I can’t then I would let someone more qualified deal with the person.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I want to do something meaningful, something that will help others. Below I say I want to become a doctor, well another thing in relation to that would be going in to research and developing some kind of cure that could lead to like a Nobel Prize. Of course this is an extreme and I would be happy just becoming a doctor.
Who is your role model? I can honestly say that I have never viewed one person as a role model and that I don’t really believe one can, because viewing someone as a role model puts them on a pedestal and encourages a person to forget their human faults. There are people I admire who have traits that I look up too, but I don’t have a role model per say.
What trait most annoys you about other people? When people shake and can’t stay still. Oh wait, not a physical trait? Umm, when people just do what everyone else is doing with no thought of whether they want to do it or not. A premiere example is my little sister who always always goes along with the crowd and is only interested in what is “in.”
What do you want to do for a living? I plan on becoming a doctor, although I’m not sure what kind yet. It’s part family tradition as the relatives on my mothers side have been doctors for generations, and partly fascination and the need to help people in a respectable way.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?Absolutely, I would use any of the Unforgivables if the situation called for it. For example, I would not hesitate to either kill or gain control of someone who is trying to hurt me or someone else who doesn’t deserve it. I’m not sure if I would ever need to use Crutacias, but if I was in a situation that needed it, then I would use it.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.):Non-applicable
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? I think my top 5 abilites or qualities are; my independence, my intelligence, my ability to organize and my time management skills, my speaking ability, and my sensitivity.
Where did you find out about us?From cleolinda

sorted: ravenclaw, term i

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