Oct 29, 2006 14:29
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
Whenever I go to the grocery store, I can't help wasting my money on buying those corny tabloid magazines they have temptingly propped by the register. No, I'm not talking about the tabloids with articles about the trashy, superficial lives of celebrities, I'm talking about the REAL shit, like the tabloids covering articles about zombie babies resurfacing the earth or lost Mayan prophecies. I don't actually believe in any of the things they crap out in those magazines, but they're fun to read, anyway, and I bet they're even more fun to WRITE. It's for that reason I'd absolutely love to be a reporter for The Quibbler. In that line of work, you interview crazies of all shapes and sizes, and I, for one, love crazies. A person has to be really screwed up for fellow wizards to think they're strange. Instead of sitting down and having a chat with Harry Potter or the Minister of Magic, I'd prefer engaging in conversation with the woman crazy enough to believe her pet puffskein is the reincarnation of Merlin. She'd be a lot more interesting to me, truthfully. I also have a penchant for writing, and such an occupation would obviously require some skill in that field.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
It'd be pretty nifty to have a ghost as a professor, but I'm afraid, if given the opportunity, I'd kick Professor Binns's boring transluscent ass out and replace him as the History of Magic teacher. Your average kid has the attention span of a goldfish, and history automatically bores them, so giving long impassionate lectures every class isn't going to reinforce the importance of history, when history is one of the most important things a person should know. It's unhealthy to constantly analzye and obsess over the past, but like the old saying goes, 'history is doomed to repeat itself,' and in times of crisis one must know their history to reflect over the old mistakes they or others made, so those same mistakes can be prevented in the future. Fact is truly stranger than fiction, and the things that've happened before in our boring 'muggle' world are astounding. Can you imagine how fascinating wizarding history must be? Now, kids yawn at the thought of history, but war and bloodshed interests the hell out of them, and there's plenty of war and bloodshed in history, muggle and wizarding alike. I think I could be passionate, interesting and gorey enough to hold a captive audience in a classroom full of daydreaming adolescents; maybe take them outside so they can re-enact battles from the goblin rebellion on the grounds, or bring in old kooky survivors from the first wizarding war with Grindelwald to guest speak one class. I may not be able to float through chalkboards like Professor Binns, but I can make history fun.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
There are plenty of things I'd consider risking my life over, but a game isn't one of them. Watching the TriWizard Tournament would probably be one of the coolest experiences of my life, but I wouldn't HAVE much of a life after participating in it. I highly doubt I'd be chosen if I put my name in the Goblet, but with my stunning good luck (*snort*) my name would most likely end up being called. Here's why it wouldn't be a wise decision to put my name in the goblet:
1.) I'm terribly out of shape, I run out of breath going up and down stairs, how could I be expected to whiz around on a broom evading firebreathing dragons, or swim through mermaid infested waters? Playing kickball in PE in front of twelve other jeering children used to embarrass me, so as amusing as it might be to some, I wouldn't dare to show off my less than striking athletic abilities in front of stadiums of people.
2.) I'm probably the most uncompetitive person in the world. I actually take pride and think it's funny that my school never wins anything sport or academic related. I'm willing to give up on myself far too quickly during board games like monopoly and scrabble. I often end up playing with the game pieces by childishly moving them around the board and making funny voices. I hate competing with other people for things, big and small, so I usually just let them have what they want in the end before our rivalry becomes too heated. I love Hogwarts and all, but I doubt I'd be very passionate about winning for the 'honor' of my school.
3.) Those shady foreigners from Durmstrang would eat me alive and not even spit the bones out. I'm sure plenty of girls would jump at the opportunity to explore Viktor Krum's digestive system, but I'm not one of them.
So, yeah, make that a 'no' for the answer to this question. ^^'
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
If I could choose my animagus form, I'd be a sloth, and would most likely end up being one even without my consent. I'm a lot like a sloth and I think that in spite of their laughable reputation, they have a lot of admirable qualities. Sloths are supposedly the most somnolent (there's a big, impressive word for ya!) animals ever. They sleep 15 to 18 hours every day. I would LOVE to sleep that long, and during the weekends/summer, I sleep a long time for a human, anyway. I can also fall asleep just about anywhere, and dangling from a tree wouldn't be a problem for me, as long as I got used to the feeling in my sloth form. Sloths look like they're defenseless, when in reality their coloring and camouflage conceal them from predators. I don't purposefully go out of my way to get noticed in places, although I often unfortunately do, and having those abilities would sometimes be useful. I happen to find sloths absolutely adorable, in an unconventional kind of way, but a lot of other people think they're ugly. I'm not aesthetically pleasing, myself, so I have a soft spot for the dear animals. Sloths are incredibly slow physically, hence their name, and so am I. My physical and mental slowness is often mistaken as laziness when sometimes I'm purposefully lagging behind to take a better look at the world around me. Most of the time sloths are perched in their trees, observing the ground below them, and they only come down to the forest floor once a week. I also feel like I'm watching other people from a higher place and only occasionally 'come down' to mingle with them.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
This was a difficult question for me to answer, since JKR is such a skilled author that every reader can identify with every one of her characters in more ways than one. I suppose, that when it comes down to it, I'm a lot like Luna Lovegood. In my first answer, I said I have a soft spot for tabloid magazines, just like Luna does, although she actually believes the stories inside them and I read them because of how ridiculous the stories ARE. Still, Luna stays true to herself and her opinions; she doesn't put on an act around people, or change her beliefs if someone she's speaking to disagrees with her, and neither do I. My beliefs aren't as seemingly far-fetched as hers are, but a lot of people disagree with what I say, and I stick to my guns. If someone has a good enough argument in a debate I'm having with them, though, I'm open-minded enough to change my opinion to what theirs is, and Luna is also extremely open minded. Luna and I are both loners, and people that I don't know well are usually embarrassed to be seen with me. I could definitely sympathize with her when Harry first met her on the train, and he was embarrassed to share a compartment with her. Over the years, even as a child, I've had scores of 'popular' friends. They really liked me and always wanted to hang out after school, but in school, they completely ignored me and pretended I didn't even exist. Luna and I both have very captivating personalities, when people get to know us, but most just can't overcome our nerdy reputations in school to become true friends. A popular 'friend' of mine once even said, "You know, you could probably have loads of friends if you just started dressing a little better and maybe lost some weight. You're such a cool person!" I never let my relationships with those sort of people get very far, though, but I was extremely proud of Harry when he stopped caring about what other people thought and unashamedly befriended Luna. Luna and I are also very spacey, but even when we look like we're not paying attention, we absorb the world around us with better clarity than most. She has such an acute understanding of human nature, and I believe my understanding is somewhat sharp as well. So yes, I believe Luna and I are very similar, although I occasionally identify with a younger Severus Snape, whose sarcasm, cynicism and reclusiveness I can't help but share as well. =)
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
This answer is going to sound boring and cliche, but if I looked into the Mirror of Erised, I'd honestly see myself. I often fantasize about being slim and pretty, or wonder what life would be like as a millionaire, and out of all of these dream of the day I meet the love of my life the most; but what I want more than anything is to always stay true to the person I believe myself to be. I often think of myself as on a higher plane of existence than everyone else my age, but I'm not exempt from the confusion of being a teenager just like they aren't, and during these last couple years, have endured various identity crisis's. I've been strong and persevered through every internal struggle that's come my way, and in the end, never lost sight of who I am. I've never fancied myself as fitting into a universal stereotype, and have rarely done something I didn't want to out of peer pressure. One of my biggest fears is waking up one day and discovering that I'm not comfortable with the person I am. Who knows? Maybe I'll have one of those 'swan' stories and blossom into a beautiful woman, or overcome my laziness and become a wealthy person, and even meet someone I love enough to grow old with, but if I looked into the Mirror of Erised, I'd see a dumpy girl with a plain face, lower middle class income and unattached heart, because that's the person I've so far discovered myself to be, and I have to love her.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
My mother and I carry on with the biting sarcasm and despise of sisters, but if I won a million dollars, I'd lift her out of her impoverished state and pay off all her debts. Firstly, because she's my mother and I feel terrible about her being so poor (although she brought her financial situation upon herself), and secondly, because extending such a generous offer to her would shut her up about me never doing anything for her. Then, I'd buy my lovable redneck of a father a season pass and rent him a trailer so he could take off work and do something he's always wanted to, follow Nascar across the country an entire season. I'm not religious at all, really, but my grandmother and two aunts are staunch Catholics, so I'd accompany them to Rome so we could see Vatican City together. I doubt there'd be much money leftover after me so readily splurging it all, but if there was some, I'd regretfully tuck the rest away and safe up for... college. *makes a face*
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
I really wanted to be a writer, when I was little, and nothing cracks me up more than flipping through the old books I used to compose in crayon, along with the beautifully illustrated pictures of my characters with arms coming out of their heads accompanying said stories. My passion for writing has dwindled slightly, over the years, and while I'd love to write on the side, making an entire career out of writing is an unlikely ambition. What I'd really want to do is involve myself in counselling of some sort. Many people have complimented the wisdom with which I dish out advice, and I've come to realize that I do have some skill in the field. The human mind fascinates me and I enjoy listening to other people in conversations more than I do talking, so counselling sounds like a profession I'd have the potential of being good at. Pyschologists and psychiatrists earn all the money, but listening to bloated businessmen complain about their kids and talk about the various affairs they have outside their marriage every day for an hour would bore me after a while. Money isn't much of an issue to me, as long as I'm not constantly scraping around for it, so what I'd really love to do is become a counsellor of some sort. I'd especially enjoy working with children, which would be a difficult, but ultimately fulfilling job, and maybe even for free with adults in harsh financial situations that can't get the pyschological treatment they need. Another 'job' I'd like to have is being a mother. My preference for the fairer sex has skewed my dreams about being a mom a bit, but there's always adoption, right? I love children, and when I'm ready, would love to have one to call my own. =)
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
Even incrediby charming, witty people like me (*snort*) have moments when they're tongue-tied and at a loss for words in awkward conversations at social gatherings with people they don't know. It's also a bitch when you're in an argument with someone and don't come up with a self-esteem crushing insult until later that night when you're curled up in bed and the argument is long over with. What about those moments when you see your crush sitting alone by themselves, but you're unsure of what to say to them and don't want to come off as a stalkerish freak of nature? So, in situations like these, I'd like to always have a vial on hand with a potion inside that could really get my brain churning with great topic starters, hillarious jokes, mentally damaging insults and suave come ons. The potion would be called 'Concocted Cleverness' and would be sitting on a shelf in practically every apothecary around the world.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
Like I said in the Mirror of Erised response, my biggest is fear is not being myself and turning into someone I despise, which would be kind of difficult to have respresented in a boggart. But maybe, the boggart could turn into this black, shadowy shape, with a masquerade mask concealing their face. The boggart would start taking off mask after mask, like the Scooby Doo gang unveiling another criminal, until I'd finally shout, "Riddikulus!" and the mask would come off and I'd see my face again.
- What do you look for in a friend?
My reclusive nature accompanied by a complete lack of what other people think has made it difficult for me to have solid friendships over the years, but even so, I've managed keeping a best friend, so this answer is mostly based off the qualities I enjoy in him. I look for loyalty, in a friend. No, I'm not talking about the loyalty that runs so deeply a person would risk their life in my name, but loyalty that makes you speak up and defend the honor of someone you love if you hear another person talking negatively about them. I look for knowledge about the world around them; the ability to engage in mature conversations about things outside fickle adolescent romance, a maturity that they truly have inside them and don't don just to look impressive. But, I also like people that can discuss religion and politics one minute, then talk about the latest episode of 'South Park' the next. I have a sarcastic, self-deprecating, off-the-wall sense of humor, and the person has to have a sense of humor about them too, or at least thick enough skin to take mine. Some things in this world have to be discussed with the upmost seriousness, but I can find humor, especially dark humor, in almost anything, and my friend can't get offended easily by the offensive things I may say. A love of Harry Potter doesn't hurt, either, but my best friend hates Harry Potter, so nyah.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
There are a score of things that other people do that annoy me. I hate it when people chew with their mouths open, go out of their way to make fun of other people, wear their depression medication like a badge of honor and obsess over what other people think of them, but the thing that annoys me the most about other people is prejudice. Hating someone because of their race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and gender (among other traits) is just so... pointless. I know everyone has one prejudice or another, no matter how much they adamantly deny they don't, and I'm not asking for the world to join hands and skip around singing about how much they love each other, but you have to tolerate other people for what they are. Take the time to get to know a person before judging them by their ethnicity. The world be so much better if everyone accepted each other's differences and tolerared each other. Universal tolerance isn't an impossibility, no matter what people say.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1.) I'm laidback. I just go with the flow, baby, and in spite of my infatuation with history, don't wrap myself up in the problems of the past, or the oncoming conflicts of the future. It's most important to look after yourself in the present, by living in the here and now. I also don't allow myself to get riled up by things easily, especially when another person is making attempts to piss me off. Every year, there are a couple assholes that don't know me very well who go out of their way to tease me in school, to see if what they say breaks my character, and thus far every attempt they've made has failed miserably. Even if what they do angers me, I keep my cool and ignore them, until I finally can't take what they're saying anymore and respond to their actions by telling them to 'piss off' in various ways. If what I say doesn't shock them, it's the calm, icy cool way in which I voice my insult that does, which usually gets them to leave me alone. My careless, laidback attitude doesn't exactly give any enjoyment to pestering bullies, so they oftentimes leave me alone and move onto some other unfortunate geek.
2.) I'm reclusive. Many people see being reclusive as a weakness, but I view it as a strength. I'm not so reclusive I live by myself in a cave, but reclusive enough to prefer spending my weekends on the computer, reading a book or hanging out with my dad in front of the tv as opposed to scoring the mall with groups of people I don't even like. As long as I see my best friend every couple weeks (we don't go to the same school) my social life is fulfilled. The reason I see my reclusiveness as a strength is I don't depend on other people for my happiness. I'm perfectly content spending time with myself, and it's hard to fathom why being 'anti-social' is a bad thing, as long as you don't toss and turn at night wishing you had more friends, which I don't.
3.) I'm wise. My observant nature, accompanied by an ability to see things in 'gray' instead of black and white, has given me a certain wisdom most my age haven't been blessed with yet. I pick up very quickly on the mannerisms of those around me, even if I'm not acquainted with them well but see them on a regular basis. Others often come to me for advice, and compliment me on the answers I've given them. I can step outside myself and give an honest answer about what I see, and I can also see the perspective of both sides if there's a conflict. I think my self-reliance over the years, and the fact I've had to solve most of my problems on my own, has also helped me expand my wisdom.
4.) I'm confident. Most of the insecurities I have about myself are related to my appearence, but I'm completely secure with my personality, and acceptant of what I look like. I'm aware that I could make the necessary changes if I wanted to to make myself look 'better,' but I'm too lazy to do so, so I've just learned to be comfortable with the reflection I see when I look into a mirror. Other than that, though, I enjoy being the person I am, and feel extremely lucky about some aspects of my life. For being such a cynical person, I do try to step back every now and again and appreciate all of the personal wealth I have. Like my dad always says, "life is what you make it," and I might as well make the best out of my life and enjoy and love who I am. Life would be a lot easier if more people followed my example.
5.) I'm generous. I don't mind, in fact, I love sharing the things I have with other people. Whether it's letting someone borrow a cd I really enjoy, giving them a few bucks, or sharing a piece of advice, it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside seeing I've helped another person who I felt needed assistance one way or another. I come off as a tough cookie, but I really am a caring person, especially when it comes to my friends. I buy people pretty extravagant gifts for their birthdays, holidays, and sometimes for even no reason. I like spoiling people, because growing up, I've had almost everything I've ever wanted, even though my family has gone through some tight financial situations, and I want to show people the generosity my family showered upon me as a child. As long as people act appreciative and don't abuse my kindness, I'll get them whatever they want. I know you can't buy affection from others, but sometimes it's nice seeing the smile on someone's face after you've given them something they really wanted.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1.) I'm judgmental, especially when it comes to viewing the intelligence of people my own age. I can be just as 'fun' and goofy as anyone else, but I don't go out of my way to be a 'class clown' or put on an immature facade. Sometimes, I feel like an elderly person when I'm in a group of other teenagers, and I hate how judgmental I am when I look at them. I try to see past the clothes they wear or the way they act, but all I can see is the stereotype they represent, and I feel like they're buying into fads and not being themselves. I really try to stop putting myself above other people, because you have to accept other people for they way they are. Every day, before school, I wake up and tell myself that for once I'm going to be completely free of judgement, until I walk into school and see all the assholes there and start criticizing them and convincing myself how better I am than everyone else, when I'm probably just as flakey, unoriginal and superficial as they are.
2.) I'm irresponsible. I look out for the people I love and take care of them as best I can, but I rarely look out for myself. Most of my irresponsibilities reside within school. If I didn't know how much dropping out would affect my family, I'd skip almost every day. School, to me, is absolutely pointless, because I'm the sort of person that likes learning for the sake of learning, not getting good grades. I'm also lazy, completely disorganized and socially awkward around people my age. So far this year, I've miraculously been getting A's and B's all over the place, but they mean nothing to me, just like D's and E's don't. I hate the policy of grades and the false sense of authority teachers have over you. I'm also irresponsible about money. Sometimes I'm too generous, and would probably splurge my last penny on someone if they needed it. I become a maniac when there's cash in my hands and 'saving' is a foreign concept.
3.) I think too much. Even when I turn into bed at a reasonable hour, I usually don't get to sleep until the AM's, because when I lay down in bed my mind fluctuates with thought. Pointless thoughts, too. Pressing questions like, 'if Hagrid's mom was a full-blooded giant, and his father was a human, how could they have possibly have had sex?' haunt my subconscious for hours on end. When I'm about to go to sleep, I turn into an effin' philosopher, and have probably come up with groundbreaking scientific theorems and in depth explanations about the purpose of the human race without even knowing it. It gets to the point where I tell even myself to shut the hell up.
4.) I'm callous. Now, I do care deeply about some humanitarian causes, but for the most part, I could care less about people I don't know or dislike. Most of my concern lies within the well being of children and animals, probably because they're the only true 'innocents' in this very bleak world. I can watch people getting gunned down in movies without batting an eye, but if a creature as simple as a rabbit breaks its leg, I lose my ever loving mind. I'm tolerant of others, but rarely ever kind toward people I don't respect. There are some things in your life that you have no control over, but for the most part, I believe people are their own gods and affect their own destiny with the choices they make, and it's their own fault if they don't like how their life turned out.
5.) I'm distant. I wish I wasn't this way, but I get tired of people very easily, even when I really like them. You have to have a really unconventional personality to hold my interest for more than a few days, unfortunately. I enjoy being by himself more than I enjoy spending time with other people, and I've ruined a few relationships because of this. I love from a distance, and no one I love really knows how much I love them, because I probably don't tell them enough. I guess I'm such a perceptive person that I don't need words to explain the feelings others have toward me, but some people just aren't like that and constantly need to be TOLD they're loved, which annoys me. I should appreciate people more, but I'm confident that I'll eventually meet a person who'll make me want to be with them every second, instead of just once a week, or a person who at least accepts my distant behaviors for what they are and manages to still love me.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Facing your fears for the sake of a greater good.
- Loyalty: Staying true to someone/something in good times and bad.
- Intelligence: Knowledge and common sense all wrapped up in one nice little package.
- Ambition: Going the extra mile to get what you know you deserve.
- Name: Samantha
- Age: 15
- Where did you find out about us? LJ search for sorting communities.
term vi,
sorted: ravenclaw