(no subject)

Dec 23, 2004 03:57

Name: Katya
Age: 19

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I'd like to see a lot more intelligence. How about people reading, researching and thinking instead of just repeating things they hear on tv. I can't stand stupid people. On a completely unrelated note, tolerance is another nice thing I'd like to see.

Who is your favorite Hogwarts teacher?
Snape 100%. He's mysterious, confident and more than a little snarky. He's got attitude and his teaching methods may be different than the other teachers, but I bet many students do better because of the challenge. I dont think I'd particularly like him if he was my teacher but I'd definitely work extra hard to see if I could "win" and get a neutral or positive remark.

Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter?
After Snape, its Fred & George. I know, I know, they're actually 2 characters but they fit together so well that I can't choose! They're fun and mischeivous. I like to see things stirred up every now and then. Jokes make life more interesting.

Who is your least favorite character in Harry Potter?
Probably Harry Potter himself. I'm not a big fan of "heroes" or main characters in the first place. Also I think he whines too much. Yes I understand he's had a hard life, but I get tired of hearing about it. His character just doesn't interest me in any way. He's too predictable.

What makes a person respectable?
I think it has a lot to do with how you treat other people. Respecting those who deserve it is a big one...and being polite to all people despite whether or not you respect them. It takes a lot to earn my respect but I treat people fairly if they dont have it as well.

What is your take on religion?
I'm very religious (Pagan) and I think religion is important in society. People need to believe in a higher power to get them through hard times. Also I think people who believe in something tend to be happier. But this also goes back to tolerance. I think all religions need to be accepted and treated equally.

What do you think about house elves?
I want one. The purpose of a house elf is to serve a witch or wizard. There are the odd ones that want freedom and its best to give it to them but the majority are perfectly happy where they are. I would love to have a house elf. I'd treat it well but I know there are some chores I just won't do so it's pretty much a necessity to have somebody else do things for me.

What do you look for in a friend?
Loyalty most of all. I want a friend who will stick with me through thick and thin. I want someone who will support me and go do fun things with me even if they're really not that interested.

Would you rather have friends and family or money and success?
Can't I have it all? I guess I'd choose friends & family if I had to but I dont see why I can't be successful and have friends at the same time. How about a redefinition of success. We could start by measuring success by how happy you are in life, including friends, family & money as factors.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I can be very stubborn and persistant. If I see something I want, I go for it, even if its not the best thing for me. I can waste a lot of time trying to get something impossible.

What do you feel is your best quality?
Confidence. I know I can do anything if I put my mind to it. I also know that even if not everybody likes me, I'll always have a few friends. Either that or my ability to focus on my studies/reading and ignore everything else. That also ties into the persistance.

What are your hobbies?
Reading, movies, laughing, trying to figure out the Universe, being with my friends & boyfriend, being in love

Do you want to have children?
In maybe 10 years yes. Right now I'm too selfish to raise a child. Child rearing requires full attention and love. I know I can't handle that right now. I'm still the main actress in my life.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
I have given time to charity before but only if its something I truly believe in...and also if I think my time and money are going to make a difference. Sometimes the problem is too much and the amount of effort I have to put in won't be worth it in my eyes. I know that sounds bad, but I can be lazy.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
Honestly I'd probably stand and stare for a minute until I realized that I should do something and then I'd try to defend my friend or run for help based on the situation.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
I'd like to finish studying French and be fluent.

Who is your role model?
I dont think there's anyone alive who I'd be satisfied being like. I'm constantly trying to improve myself and even a fantasy can't keep up.

What trait most annoys you about other people?
Probably stupidity. If I'm trying to explain a concept several different ways and they dont get it, I want to hurt them. Either that or ignorance, but ignorance can be cured.

What do you want to do for a living?
I'd like to teach. Actually I'd like to have a job where I'm paid to read books and lie around all day but because that's probably not going to happen I'll teach

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
I'm not quite idealistic enough to say no. I think there are some reasons out there when an Unforgivable could be useful but I definitely think there should be a good solid reason for each use.

What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
I dont think I'm a Gryffindor. My first instinct is not to be brave but to stare until I realize that my life might be in danger...and then I'll do something. Although I can be idealistic sometimes.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Confidence, thirst for knowledge, tolerance, the ability to listen, my sexy bum

Where did you find out about us?
stalked faeryeprincess

sorted: ravenclaw, term i

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