I've come to be Sorted.

Mar 24, 2007 10:42

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? I've always been fascinated with the Unspeakables. That career would most likely require one to take almost every possible subject there is at Hogwarts and obtain top marks in O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s for all of them. One would probably have to be especially gifted in the subjects that seem the most difficult of all the classes, which would include Arithmancy, Astronomy, and Ancient Runes. I don't think a potential Unspeakable would be allowed to have even one weak spot if they were to work in the Department of Mysteries. This is sort of a problem for me, as I loathed school and only did well in Art, English, and History. I was absolutely rubbish at math, and if my academic "Muggle" performance were to translate into my academic performance as a witch, I would probably only be really enthusiastic about Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Flying, and History of Magic. I would only consent to take the more difficult subjects because I would thirst to work in the Department of Mysteries. I'd really like to know what they do in there and what discoveries they've made. It'd be a philosopher's dream to study in there because it would be there that one's speculations about the world become discoveries. The only bad part about being an Unspeakable, I think, would be to know all of the more terrible discoveries that are made in there and not be able to tell friends or family about them. To live with the knowledge of all the prophecies and the mystery behind death would be daunting. One would have to be incredibly strong and stable-minded to accept it all. However, I would still love to work with it. I think if I was a first year at Hogwarts, my first priority would be to ask my Head of House what exactly I have to do to become an Unspeakable, and have them guide me through Hogwarts so that I could eventually become one. I would have to work harder than I'm willing to, as I tend to be a bit of a slacker as far as academics go if I feel a subject really isn't worth my while. But I would be eager, so I would muddle through it all somehow. And if I don't actually become qualified to be an Unspeakable, I'll have a lot to fall back on.

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why? Hmmm, it is difficult to choose just one subject, but I'll go with Defense Against the Dark Arts. I would love to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts because I would create a lesson plan that would cover every inch of the Dark Arts and provide my students with several ways to protect themselves against all of it; not just teach them the basics and gloss over the rest like it seems a lot of the other teachers tend to do. It seems the Wizarding World tends to go through wars quite often; we know for sure of Grindelwald and Voldemort. So we know wars happen probably at least once a century. And it always seems as if people ultimately end up having to lock themselves away inside their houses until the war reaches an end. Yes, it's better to just avoid the violence in the first place, but if there are only a few people walking in Diagon Alley and other Wizarding establishments, it makes it a lot less safe. It's better to inhabit an area with many people who are skilled in defending themselves than constantly running and hiding. A large amount of people serves as a means of "strength in numbers." The more people helping one person or a couple of people defending themselves, the better. And people would be able to go about their lives as usual. It would take a really great Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who engages every pupil in learning the art of defense and who also knows what they're talking about. They could not censor or hide any part of the Dark Arts. They'd have to present that world as it is and come up with creative and various ways for their students to protect themselves against it all. Offering tutoring whenever a student is in need of it would be important, too. They'd also have to teach their students that it's unreasonable to possess a fear of anything they can't protect themselves against. It's difficult to teach anyone to remain level-headed, calm, and collected when in the presence of danger, but a great D.A.D.A. teacher would have to approach every weakness a student has and find some way for them to conquer that weakness.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not? I'm not sure I would put my name in the Goblet. All of that hard work and only 1,000 galleons to show for it? Sure, there's the glory, but I would rather achieve glory in another way. I think it's silly to risk one's life only for trivial things such as galleons and glory. It's a bit too vain and cheesy to me. I'm only willing to risk my life when it's absolutely necessary and when it will benefit more people than just myself. Plus, unfortunately I'm not very physically strong, and a TriWizard champion needs physical strength, not just knowledge of spells, in order to win. I don't really have any muscular strength to speak of. I rather have someone more physically fit and slightly more competitive in that area to represent my school. Being a spectator for such an event would be more fun than actually participating, I think.

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why? I know this is quite the simple and common answer, but I would be a domestic cat. Ever since I was five years old, it's been my favorite animal and I've always gotten along with them the best out of any other animal. Especially when I was in elementary school, I've always been told that I'm quite cat-like in both my looks and in my personality. Like a cat, I like to keep to myself and will resist approaching anyone for attention or calling attention to myself unless I'm in the mood for it. If I want company, I will approach you. If you approach me at a time where I'm really in no fit state to entertain, or at a time when I'm really tired and just want to relax (which is quite often), I will talk to you or provide you company, but it might not be for very long. A lot of people I've come to know translate this as snobbiness or apathy, but I assure you that's not the case. My close friends know this of me and understand it, but I'm often left misunderstood. I appreciate and love my friends, but often, I need alone time. Also, I have a difficult time keeping a conversation going unless I'm absolutely enthusiastic about something or feeling energetic, which is not that often. I often go through periods of brooding, or just wanting to read or watch a movie and be by myself, and most of the time it's because I'm tired or have a long to-do list that I'm trying desperately to accomplish. Also, I only tend to befriend people I instantly feel a connection with. I think cats have an instant perception of people and can tell who's a bad egg and who isn't right off the bat, but will also warm up to a person over time if they're constantly approached by that person. I tend to either take an immediate liking to a person or start to really connect with a person over a long period of time. Rarely will I consent to go on an outting or any social excursion with a bunch of people I don't know very well or don't think I'll like "just for the heck of it." I really need to dig someone right off the bat or know them for a really long period of time in order to agree to hang out with them. Why is this quite like a cat? I have four cats right now, and all of them will only approach people they've seen come into this house many a time, or else they'll run and hide. On very rare occasion will they immediately jump on a person's lap when it's their first time seeing said person, but when they do, it means they've really taken an instant liking to the person. And, like I've just explained, that's quite like me. The other similarities I have with cats are that I sleep quite often and can be very aggressive when messed with. I'm also very temperamental and easily-irritated, just like a cat.

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why? There are so many well-developed characters in the Harry Potter that it's difficult to choose. I've been rated and re-rated in various Harry Potter rating communities and have gotten many characters. So, I think I'll compare myself to some of the characters I've gotten in the order that I think I'm most like them.

    Luna Lovegood: When first introduced to Luna in Order of the Phoenix, right off the bat, I felt an immediate connection with her. I was always the one in elementary and middle school who kids would pick on because I wore weird clothes, read weird books, really liked cats a lot, and generally kept to myself. During "free time" I would usually write and illustrate short stories instead of playing with blocks or on the piano, and due to the fact that elementary school teachers tend to be idiots, I was always sent to the guidance office and asked why I didn't want to play with the other kids. They thought there was something wrong with me because I would rather write and draw than build castles and run into them. Eventually, I found friends who liked to write and illustrate stories with me, but for the first half of elementary school, I was sort of a loner. During my high school years, especially in English and Social Studies, I was the person who loved to challenge other peoples' beliefs. I live in an incredibly conservative area, filled with a lot of prejudiced people and generally just a lot of close-mindedness, so I constantly have to stand up for myself and for others. Even though Luna's ideas aren't what most people believe, she still relentlessly insists to everyone that asks that they are true or right. I've also always been much more interested in fiction and fantasy than facts and logic and place more faith and belief in them than in what math and science will ever do for me. Math and science are just mundane subjects to me. I do believe a lot of things can't be explained by what has supposedly be predetermined and that science can only go so far before faith has to kick in.

    Minerva McGonagall: Like McGonagall, I tend to be stern with people and do not appreciate people who don't even try to better themselves or are far too hard on themselves. I loved when she told Neville not to worry about what his grandmother thinks after he didn't do so well on his Transfiguration O.W.L. because I hate it when teachers just outright discourage or punish students when they don't do so well on an exam or a project. Teachers are supposed to be encouraging to every one of their students, not just their top students and favorites. If I was a teacher, I would probably teach the same way that McGonagall does: demanding, yet fair. I don't think a person should waste their education. I had to learn that the hard way by not doing so well in high school. But I learned afterwards that even though a lot of one's education isn't really all that important in the long run, it helps get you places. And for that reason, people should work as hard as they can while they're in school because it only makes it easier for them when they get out. And like McGonagall, I value knowledge and seek to know as much as I can. I believe everyone should try to work to their utmost potential. I'm also fair in the way McGonagall is. I try to treat everyone equally. Whenever I judge contests over at lumos_main, I always go by who submitted the best work and who looked like they put the most time and effort into it, and that's that. The same goes for anything I have to judge in the real world. I also tend to make sardonic remarks as McGonagall does, which got me into trouble in AP English my senior year because the teacher prefered all her students to be little Miss and Mr. Sunshines. I'm blunt to a fault and do not deal with nonsense. If I disagree with someone, it's difficult for me to hold my tongue and not be completely sarcastic in my retaliation. I love McGonagall's scenes with Umbridge in Order of the Phoenix because her sarcasm and defiance are great. Like her, I don't deal with incompetence very well.

    Ginny Weasley: Ginny is a character who does as she pleases, regardless of what other people tell her to do or what others think of her because she knows what she's about and is strong and determined. She is not easily-influenced and makes decisions solely by what she feels is the right thing for her to do. She did not let Ron get away with insinuating that she was a "scarlet woman" because she knew in her mind that she wasn't; she was just a teenager doing as teenagers do. So she went completely apeshit on Ron's ass and in turn had the nerve to tell him the only reason he has a problem with it is because he's never done it himself. This is something I would do in this situation. I do not let anyone tell me that my beliefs or my actions are wrong because I have a strong sense of myself, and if people think they can change me or think that I'm wrong for doing or thinking what I do, they can hit the road. I think Ginny and I both have similar views on what is fair. I completely agree with her decision to crash into the commentator's booth in Half-Blood Prince because Zacharias Smith had more nerve than he was allowed to and toed the line where he didn't belong. I would have done the same damn thing. Like Ginny, if I catch anyone bad-mouthing me, one of my friends, or someone I respect, I will speak up. I have a neighbor who is the most incompetent asshole on the planet and is constantly harassing me and my mom because I accidentally tapped into his truck one time and very, very lightly at that. I did absolutely no damage, not even the smallest scratch, and even though I apologized, he's been a complete assface to us since then. One time I parked about a foot behind his truck on the street because I saw there was about 8 feet of space between his truck and his wife's van in front of him. What does he do? He runs out of his house, almost as if he's waiting for me to step onto my porch, and screams something like "why is it every time you park, you try to hit my car?!" I said something like "Uhh, I'm pretty sure I didn't hit it." And he was like "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET OUT!?" And I was like "... well, lets see. There's about eight feet of space in front of you, if you didn't notice. I'm sure you'll find some way." And then he realized he was PWNED and went on blundering about "blah blah blah! what if I hit YOUR car?" ec etc. And I just gave him that "wow you're dumb" look, told him that it's nice not to park with six-foot gaps between cars since everyone in the neighborhood has to parallel park and doing so is just inconsiderate, and walked in my house. But there's my proof that I don't let anyone mess with me, even 50-year-old men who are much bigger than me. I believe everyone needs to hold their own or else they'll just get stepped on, and if you believe you're right, then there's no reason you should allow anyone to step on you.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? I would see myself in the library of my fairly large mansion, surrounded by my family. The library would look like the library in Beauty and the Beast. I would have three daughters and two sons. And a really hot husband whom I adore. :) I would have just achieved something huge - like being on New York Times' best seller list, or an accomplished stage or screen actress. I wouldn't want to be ridiculously famous or rich, just enough so that I can live comfortably without having so much money that I don't know what to do with it all. I like knowing that I worked for my money, and when I have a lot of it I find that I can't spend it as fast as when I'm nearly broke, lol. And if I was that well-off, I would constantly be giving to charities that actually do something with the money. I hate it when rich people spend all their money on things they really don't need like Louis Vuitton furniture they never use and diamond-encrusted... everything. It's better to give that money to people who really need it.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? I would use it to pay for college tuition and also to take a vacation in England. I would really love to go to school in England, but it's so expensive for international students, and I don't even know which schools to apply to since there's no way of me being able to pay for a visit there right now since my family is lower-middle class and there are so many other things we have to pay for first. If I won a million dollars, I'd take a vacation there to visit several possible schools I might want to apply to. Then I would apply, and if I liked any one I got accepted into (if I would get accepted...) I would use the rest of the money to pay for my education. Anything I might have left over, I would give to my mom so she could use it for her liking. She's working really hard to pay for this house and all the bills and is struggling to hold onto it all. Any help I could offer her with her financial problems, I would. Unfortunately, right now I can't offer much since I'm working to get myself into school. But I'd love to be able to help her out on a greater level.

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now? There were so many things I wanted to be as a kid, I can't even count. Veterinarian, geologist, dolphin trainer, popstar, you name it, lol. The very first thing I ever wanted to be was a vet, because I've always loved animals and like to take care of them. However, as soon as my mom told me I would have to "cut them open" and put them to sleep, my mind changed immediately. There was no way I was putting a poor, innocent cat to sleep or slicing it open. All of that was scary. And later it turned out I was horrible with such things because dissection made me nervous and I was never good at math or science. So that plan was immediately scratched. Then during about third or fourth grade I thought being a geologist would be really cool because I had a huge rock collection and found each different classification of rock fascinating. But again it turned out that I was horrible at math and science and really just liked the "oooh, shiny, pretty colors" aspect of rocks and nothing much beyond that, so that was scratched as well. Then when my family and I went to see a dolphin show at the Baltimore Aquarium, I fell in love with dolphins, and thought it would be so cool to train them and take care of them. I thought that would be less science, but it wasn't. One must have a biology degree even for that, so that was scratched too. Then as I got into singing and theatre and such pop bands as Nsync, I really wanted to be a popstar, haha. But I don't sing in a pop style and stopped liking pop music over time and that was scratched. When I was in ninth grade I really wanted to be a screenplay writer, but I haven't the ambition to find people and make "connections" in order to thrive in that field. Now I want to study either Musical Theatre and Theatre Business and first travel around to wherever I can go that I can be in a show and eventually open up my own Performing Arts Center where I can teach kids ages 8-18 how to sing and act. And if I can somehow get a Young Adult book series published before I die, that would be grand. Wishful thinking, but grand.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? I would invent a spell that would make one's body absolutely impenetrable from outside forces. Sort of like how Emma Frost in X-Men can turn herself into a human diamond, it would be similar to that. No spell from the outside, even an Unforgivable, would be able to harm the person casting it on themself. It would be advanced magic, probably something one wouldn't learn until their seventh year of Defense Against the Dark Arts, because it would be a flawless and sure way of protecting oneself. It would be a charm that one would cast by saying "Impenetrabilis" and circling one's wand over the top of their head. It would change one's physical makeup temporarily into an impenetrable and non-deconstructable substance, and it would cause instant, severe physical pain and then a fainting spell to anyone who tries to touch the person casting the "Impenetrabilis" Charm on themself. To undo the spell and go back to normal, one would wave their arm around their head again and say "Explico."

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus? What I fear the most is failure, so I guess I would see myself washing dishes in a small, dingy apartment all by myself while I'm in my thirties, looking absolutely miserable. By the time I'm thirty, I really want to have a stable, high-paying career with a fiance and at least two children already and be living in that dream house I mentioned earlier. Having to life in a tiny house or apartment for the rest of my life like I've been doing for the past 19 years would be my worst nightmare. If I had a job that I absolutely hate and just gets me by, I would absolutely hate it. I want to be in control of my life, not just hoping and praying that something better will come along eventually. I can't live with just settling for anything less than what I truly want.

  • What do you look for in a friend? Someone who is independent, secure with themself, opinionated, and driven. I don't like being around clingy people, people who throw all of their problems and emotions on me, people who have absolutely no opinions or views whatsoever, or people who aren't going anywhere and are trying to drag others down with them. I also only tend to befriend people who are straight-forward with me and don't just beat around the bush or ignore me if something is bothering them. I also need someone who doesn't force me to go places or do things I don't feel like doing, but rather someone who is concerned with my comfort, for I usually always double-check with my friends where we've all decided we want to go and do. Also, someone who respects my privacy, as I respect theirs. When it comes to having similar hobbies and interests, I don't really need that. I've come to find that all of my friends are incredibly different from me. For example, my best friend and I have absolutely no hobbies in common. We are exact opposites when it comes to dress, appearance, interests, strengths, goals, etc. But we tend to piss and moan about the same things, share similar opinions, and have an unhealthy obsession with shopping. But we get along great, and she's the only friend that I've held onto for more than five years. Neither of us expect a lot from each other, don't really cling onto each other, but we're always there for one another. We know we can both do our thing and still be friends no matter what.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people? There are quite a few traits that annoy me about other people. First of all, I can't stand people who treat others as their inferiors. Especially when it's done in a manner that's meant to be subtle or even passive aggressive. Passive aggressive people are the epitome of what I can't stand in a person, actually. Of course there are going to be people that are less smart, less ambitious, less athletic, less artistic, or less whatever than you. That doesn't give you license to be a complete asshole to them and a braggart to boot. All of us have our strengths and weaknesses. I can't stand people who talk to me with that superior air about them that's supposed to make me feel like shit. Well, I'm sorry, but it doesn't. What it is going to do is make me think you're a complete asshole, that you don't deserve anyone's time of day, and I will also probably let others know that you're a complete asshole too if you really deserve it. I also can't stand people who don't treat others fairly and with kindness and also constantly "pick favorites." I believe everyone should be given a fair and equal chance in anything they desire to do. It shouldn't be about who you know or whose ass you're ready and willing to kiss, but what you can actually do and how hard you're willing to work that will get you places. The last thing that I'm going to mention here that I can't stand in a person are people who whine and complain about their lives but do absolutely nothing to make things better for themselves. They get themselves into a pickle, whine and complain and cry about it to other people, feel sorry for themselves, never think they deserve any kind of happiness, etc. But when people give their advice, they don't take it because they're too damn lazy or think they're worthless or are convinced they wouldn't be able to put the person's advice into action. Then they come up with a whole slew of tired, invalid, and ridiculous excuses. It's especially annoying when people have the means and resources to better their lives, but are too weak-minded to actually follow through with it.

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?

    fair-minded - I always try to treat everyone in any situation I may find myself in fairly. Like at work when we had to call this wife of a mall cop to ask her if she still wanted this chair we had on hold for her because someone else we were talking to at that moment in the store wanted it, she went batshit insane. She went off on how she's the wife of said mall cop, that she is usually always treated highly at our store, etc. I told her that her two days were up for it being on hold and that we usually call people the second day and ask if they still want the item or not anyway. I explained to her if she still wanted it, she could of course have it. But we needed to call her not only because it's routine, but because another client was interested in it as well. In the end, I told her we don't treat mall employees or relatives of mall employees any differently than regular customers. And that's when I had to hand the phone over to a manager because the batshit insanity continued. But I've always thought people who think they have special priviledges just because of their connections should receive a huge smack in the face. I believe people should get what they deserve.

    bold - I always say how I feel. In high school, it got me into a lot of trouble. I remember one time my friend Steph brought her iPod to school and was listening to it after the announcements, which is about 3-5 minutes before we're released, depending on how long the announcement that day happened to be. We had a subtitute teacher in Drawing that day who was a complete idiot and also probably bitter. She punished Steph for listening to her iPod and took it away from her. There was absolutely no reason for this. Steph wasn't breaking any rules, for one. We were allowed to have them out after announcements. Of course, Steph retaliated, and I helped her. The teacher was an "Umbridge" of sorts. A complete, nonsensical bitch. So we both went on saying to her there's no reason for her iPod to be taken away and that she clearly had no grasp for the rules or knew what she was doing. The next day, we both got yelled at by our regular teacher. I didn't mind much. I just wanted to let that teacher know that she was being an idiot. I also did something like this when another substitute teacher told me I couldn't eat a lollipop while we were in chorus doing absolutely nothing because he had no idea what he was supposed to teach. I told him we're allowed to eat them and refused to throw it away. Every time he passed me for the rest of the class he just glared at me. I just can't stand miserable, incompetent authoritative figures that take out their misery on us happy folk. So I stand up to their nonsense. Besides all my disobedience for authority, I'm also a rather open person. I don't care about embarrassing myself that much. If someone dares me to do something obscene in public, I'll usually do it.

    determined - I'm really determined to make a life for myself. I do not want to be living in a tiny two or three bedroom house or apartment with one bathroom and an afterthought for a kitchen. Like I've stated several times before, I really want to live in a huge house with a rather large family and a nice, fat income so that I can live luxuriously. I hate having to struggle to pay for things. I'm a bit too materialistic to have a job where the only thing I can pay for is the bills. By almost any means necessary, as long as I'm not sacrificing my own integrity, I will eventually get to the point where I'm making $125,000+ a year doing a job that's fulfilling and makes me happy. I cannot and will not settle for less.

    inquisitive - I've always been eager to learn as much as I possibly can and be able to use that knowledge to help me understand greater things and help me make my decisions more wisely. If I had all the money, time and patience in the world, I would go to college to study various fields of interest. I've always wanted to learn to speak Russian fluently, as my family is mostly from Russia and the language sounds so beautiful. I've also wanted to study every single possible aspect of religion because I'm always in pursuit of what the truth is. Why is this all here, and can human emotion ever be explained? I want to know why we're here, how we got here, when we got here. I want to know everything science hasn't been able to prove yet, because where we're all going to end up vexes me so. I was brought up as a Christian and participated in the Missionettes program as a pre-teen and a teenager. But I've never been convinced with Christianity, or any religion, for that matter. With each religion I study, I find a huge flaw in it. If I could study religion relentlessly until I might possibly be able to come to where I think I stand in it all, it would be thoroughly satisfying. I can't have faith in something if, in my opinion, it has a huge flaw in it. So, therefore, I want to know all that I can before I'm pulled in a direction that suits me, as far as my beliefs go. Until then, I'm going to keep reading every religious document I come across and keep versing myself in literature and history. I'll always relentlessly be asking questions.

    creative - I've always loved drawing and painting, but I've never had the patience for it. When I was little, I liked to doodle and all, but I was never really that kid in elementary school who received art awards. But as I got into high school, I started drawing portraits and became really good at it. But it's always been difficult for me to finish an artwork because I'm impatient and get easily distracted. But when I do manage to finish, the outcome is usually pretty pleasing and life-like. In my last year of high school, I received a nice amount of praise from my art teacher, who sometimes hovered over me while I was painting or drawing to take pictures of my work. Now I'm trying to become more serious about drawing and painting, but I haven't had a lot of free time to enjoy it much and I also don't have a lot of room in this dinky little house to do much painting. However, I think in the next week I'm going to dig out my sketchbook and finish the portraits I've started. Then I want to get a scanner and scan it all and possibly start a DeviantArt account and a personal art journal. And I think if I start drawing more constantly, I'll get faster at it, so I wont have to rely on my meager amount of patience to get my drawing done for me. I also have a huge lack of patience when it comes to Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. I love to make icons, headers, banners, sig tags, you name it - but I haven't had the time and patience to learn the technical aspects of both programs. I'm good at visualizing, but not at knowing what tools to use to make my vision come out of my brain and onto the screen, lol. I really need to learn the ins and outs of PS and PSP. Then, maybe if I get good at it, I'll start making things more often, and use more effects than just text, brushes, and textures.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

    tactless - I tend to say things to people without thinking what I want to say through first and sometimes I can come across as tactless without really trying it. I'm sometimes accused of being insensitive, but most of the time, I really don't try it. I just prefer honesty over beating around the bush. One time at work we just got our "shopped" report back, which is when a secret shopper has been in our store and critiques the store and the service they received, for those of you who are lucky to say that you don't work in retail. The part where she critiqued me was really bad because I was reworking an etagere and unpacking a bunch of boxes. Since it was an extremely slow day and there were so many boxes on the floor and tissue paper and bubble wrap all over the place, I was too busy organizing to hear the secret shopper walking behind me. In my part of the review she said that I kept ignoring her. Fact is, I couldn't even hear her behind me, and when my manager came out, she greeted the shopper. Then I realized she was behind me, obviously. So two weeks later my manager is showing me the report and it kept on dwelling on the fact that I didn't approach her. It pissed me off because of all days, the lady had to come in when I was too into organizing and fixing things that I didn't even notice her, when I usually always greet everyone. And I saw that she described the other manager, Meaghan, as being in her 40s. Meaghan is 25 and doesn't look a day older than that. So after the head manager showed me this and I explained to her what happened, I said something like "well, that lady was obviously incompetent anyway. She thought Meaghan was in her 40s." Luckily I have an awesome manager who just laughs at my tactlessness. A lot of the time what I say just comes out of my mouth without going through my head first.

    temperamental - I get very, very angry when I'm irritated. I have an extremely short fuse. It's especially bad when I'm driving. If someone in front of me is driving less than the speed limit, I get really restless and start yelling at them. Then when I pass them I'll usually flick them off because I just can't tolerate slowness of any kind. I think it's inconsiderate to drive less than the speed limit because the entire working population is usually running late. So I think everyone should assume this and drive at least the speed limit or 5 MPH over it. I was like this in high school when I had to walk in the hallways behind people who were determined to move at a glacial pace. My school had about 4.5 miles worth of hallway. It was very big. And we only had about 7 minutes to get where we needed to be. Most of the time it takes more than 7 minutes to get from the music wing to the math and science wing. So, you'd think with this knowledge, kids would walk faster. No. They continue to stroll about, stop in front of someone to talk to friends, throw shit around, etc. A few times some of my friends and I just got fed up with it and screamed at all of them that they needed to walk fast and we got them going. I'm just incredibly impatient. I also flipped out on my mom last night for throwing away important documents I needed for work without even asking me when they were in my room. If it is mine, do not touch it. Simple as that.

    vain - I wont lie, I do think I'm a fairly pretty person. Before I go places where I need to look nice, I spend about two hours getting ready, although most of that time goes to drying my hair since it's so long. Whenever I'm meeting someone new or going to a special event, I will not go out with makeup on or without washing or drying my hair. I think I have a good sense of style, so I usually dress in hope that I'll receive compliments. I like to take pictures of myself.. but not so much in an omgMySpacepoutyface way. I also participate in rating communities quite a lot because I love collecting pretty stamps and it's flattering when I'm stamped a person/character/etc. that I really like. However, I'm not vain in a snobby, "better than everyone" way. Well, except when I'm incredibly pissed about something and am being spiteful, but I try not to be like that. I don't really care how everyone else looks. I just have my crazy beauty routine that I must always do.

    spendthrift / materialistic - I spend way too much money, money I don't even have, way too fast. I have three credit cards and I'm nineteen years old. One's a card attached to my checking account, one's a Capital One and the other is my Victoria's Secret Angel's card. Currently I have four dollars in the bank and need to pay off bills for both of my non-bank cards that both add up to a little over $700. My paychecks for this week will probably only be about $300 and I can only really use $150 of it to pay off my bills, lol. The rest are going to other things I need to pay off. And I have a huge wish list for stuff I want from both of my jobs and I will probably end up buying all of that in the next three weeks instead of paying off my credit cards. I'm just obsessed with shopping and am a pack rat. This is why I need to be rich when I'm older. I really don't do well being poor, lol. But I'm determined not to get myself into too much credit card debt.

    forgetful - My mom always says I would forget my ass if it wasn't attached. I'm constantly losing my phone, my car keys, my hair brush, my clothes for work, you name it. I also constantly forget when I'm supposed to work, even if I just looked at my schedule five minutes ago. In school I always forgot when assignments were due. I almost forgot to order my graduation attire, lol. Luckily my mom did it for me or I would have ended up having to pay 80 bucks for a gown. I also forget appointments I make. I can sit something down one minute and completely forgot where I put it the next. A lot of the times when I'm coming home from work I'll completely forget where I parked and end up having to push the panic button to figure out where my car is. It's quite terrible. Sometimes I think it might be something medical, but I blame it on my massive intake of soda and sugar, which kills ze brain. =\

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: Courage to me is having the audacity to stand up for oneself, a loved one, or for a certain cause even if it means opposing another or an institution that is more powerful than them in any way, shape or form. Courageous is the person who believes they are in the right or that something deserves to be fought for, and they speak up for that purpose or cause, no matter how nervous or frightened they may be of the consequences. They do not let anyone step on them, their beliefs, or their friends.
    • Loyalty: Loyalty to me is having enough faith or admiration for a person, belief, or institution to be able to stand by them and support them, especially when they're in need. Loyal friends do not back out on each other due to stupid little trivialities; they will only back out on each other or cease to be loyal friends when one or the other changes for the worst and will effect the relationship in a negative way. Loyal friends usually know the ins and outs and little quirks and flaws about each other, but still are friends to the end.
    • Intelligence: To me, there are several varieties of intelligence. First there is common sense, which is basically just taking one's common knowledge and being able to apply it to everyday situations. Next there's being "book smart," where one may obtain lots of information and knowledge of the world, even if they don't necessarily understand all of it conceptually. Being "book smart" requires one to think sequentially. Then there's "street smart," which to me means that one knows how to survive using their own means in the world while having a few to no people helping them. It also means being resourceful. Lastly, there is wisdom. Wisdom can be obtained by observing various aspects of many different people and looking deeper into the ways of the world. Wise people look to what is speculated as being true or right as it is observed in human behavior and the world.
    • Ambition: Ambition is being obsessed with accomplishing a goal because it's one's utmost desire to do so, or they will not be satisfied with themselves if they do not achieve it. It's also about pushing oneself rather than just sitting around and hoping something good will happen with little to no work. Truly ambitious people keep on striving, regardless of who or what tries to get in their way.

  • Name: Brandi
  • Age: 19
  • Where did you find out about us? honest_illusion and fiery_phoenix of Gryffindor.

sorted: ravenclaw, term vii

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