Apr 04, 2007 19:32
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I am not quite sure. Probably an Auror. I am siding towards an auror mainly because I love the idea of what the job would entail…with someone like Voldemort out on the loose or anyone thinking about being like Voldemort or better, you have to have people who are willing to take the risk and stop the bad guys. What’s life if you can’t take risks?
BUT I wouldn’t mind being a Quidditch coach at Hogwarts. I love Quidditch (especially the Seeker position, all of it depends on you in the end). Quidditch is such a freeing sport, nothing to really tie you down, you are just in the air, almost away from reality. But still it’s a sport, a fun sport at that, and teaching students this game is exciting to me.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
Defense Against the Dark Arts. OK, a lot of people seem to love this position but it intrigues me more then any of the other subjects at Hogwarts. I would want to teach something that I excelled at as a student (which I feel like I would do excellent since I love it) and know what I am talking about. Its dark and some people seem to think there is a minimum age at which you can learn and understand the dark arts but to me, you should learn as soon as possible, you never know what you could be up against, and what happens if you are suppose to learn how to defend yourself from the Unforgivable Curses at age 16 but get attacked at age 12? I’d be the teacher that a lot of parents would disapprove of but I would be the one who taught their kids how to defend theirselves and I would stay as long as I could to teach as many as I could.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
Yes. Just thinking about the tournament is exciting! Like I said earlier, what’s life without a few risks? Plus it would help you out in the long run. Some reasons as to why I would enter would be for one, I would like a chance to prove myself inside of Hogwarts, have that respect. Plus I like the idea of challenge, and would like to try myself inside the survival tactics that is needed when inside this Tournament, and hopefully I am smart enough to survive.
I am a competitive person anyway so competitions like this I am eager to jump into.
I believe I have enough courage to get me inside and get me out, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be terrified at times.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
It’s almost difficult to say. My first thought was immediately a wolf.
I love wolves. Some stay in packs but so many can be loners and independent and I really am not the person to be around a crowd much. I want to be logical of my form of choice though. I wouldn’t want to cause suspicion if I had to be sneaky. But it would be difficult to say no to a wolf. I feel if I had to be an animal that that is what I would be.
My choice would probably end up being a black cat though. A common thing to see is a cat so I wouldn’t have to worry about stares, plus they are small enough to get into tight corners.
I also like black cats a lot. I have had three in my life and I have never understood that superstition about them. I’m not afraid of them but at least I wouldn’t be bothered by some people if my form was a black cat. Some people wouldn’t want to cross my path :P.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Sirius. I may not be the biggest prankster but he is caring and protective and very loyal, which are traits I not only have, but have a huge belief in. I have a sense of humor and sometimes it can be dry or kind of morbid, but I do have a sense of humor and Sirius had that type of humor, especially when Snape was involved in a joke. I don’t have the pride that Sirius has but if I had to identify with one character, its him. I love my friends and I am very protective and if something happened to them and they were betrayed or I was, I wouldn’t be able to control my temper too well. I would do everything to get revenge if the people I love were harmed.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
It can sound corny to some people but I would see myself and the ones I care and love in good health, which is something I certainly don’t have and not many of the people I love do so I would see that of course. Happiness is something I desire to see in others and myself because its so rare for me, but I also would be seeing myself wealthy enough to live happily and helping the ones I care for. I’m poor so of course I desire enough wealth to be comfortable.
It’s a short answer but I dunno how to be more detailed than this.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
First I would freak out and then after a few hours of shock, I would take a while to figure out what to do, because I don‘t want to waste it. I guess the first thing I would buy is a nice two story wizard house. I am not someone who strives to have this huge mansion, just a nice two story house because I have a quirky love for two story homes, but it would have to be a wizard house, almost a ‘duh’ response eh?
My next decision would be to make sure everyone I care for weren’t in any financial crisis and if they are, help them. I would get my mother’s health straightened out. Another big priority.
I also would help out some people in need. Karma can hurt you if you are given something great and then don’t do something nice for someone else. And with everything, the last thing I need is more bad karma, plus I would feel a need to help others because I have been in their situation for so long.
Another huge thing would be to save some. Bits of it would be put away for a safety net. Can’t be too rash.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
I wanted more then anything to be a veterinarian when I was a child. I love animals and have had them my entire life. I can’t bare to see an animal in pain or in bad health. As a kid it was all I wanted to be then my love for it was nastily tainted and I have never felt that ambition again. But don’t take my changed answer because I stopped caring for animals because I haven’t. I honestly don’t have an ideal job right now. I am pretty confused on that but I am a nerd so I am liable to be doing something with a computer. I love editing film and making music videos so I have been saying for a few years that I would be doing that but I am not too sure right now. I kind of want a job where I am in charge of myself, but how often does that happen?
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
It would a potion, and I don’t think its been created so I would make a potion dealing in your subconscious when you are dreaming. When then person takes it, they sleep and figure out some hidden stuff about theirselves but they can also revert to a world all their own where they can relax. But there would be horrible outcomes if abuse or prolonged, for instances if prolonged the potion wouldn’t allow you to continue a peaceful environment, it would have a nightmarish effect and you would have a lot of mental trauma.
I would have to have some type of horrible side effect because if people could use it and not have any bad effects then they would never leave that world and stay in a coma pretty much and I don’t want people to forget to live. Its just a fun idea for sleeping at night and dreaming what you want. :D
The potion would be called somnio which is latin for dream (kind of obvious).
I love Latin and most spells are in Latin so why not?
Its basically a lucid dreaming potion. I can lucid dream and I know not many people can and trust me, lucid dreaming is great!!!
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
Ack. I hate the idea of just posting pretty much my only fear. I don’t fear objects or creatures, I guess some could say I fear what I can’t control which is true but that doesn’t change the fear.
The fear is losing my loved ones, my friends, family, etc. losing them in death. I try not to dwell on it but if I came across a boggart, that is what it would transform into. I couldn’t trick myself into fearing anything else and it truly is my only fear.
It would be difficult to say honestly what my Riddikulus outcome would be. A dear friend of mine and I started a joke together about a balloon named Bob and he was a chocolate balloon. Its hilarious to us so that is what I think it would transform into.
Yeah its corny but a secret story between friends. ;)
- What do you look for in a friend?
Its hard to say. I mean loyalty and honesty comes to mind instantly. I want someone who will have my back (because without a doubt, if we became friends, I will protect you and have you back always). I have had a lot of nasty dealings in people who I used to consider friends. I don’t want someone who would use me, to me that’s not a friend and I would want someone who wants a balanced friendship, meaning if they have problems they know they can come to me and if I have problems I should know I could come to them.
Its really hard to say what I look for because I am not all that picky or judgmental, I just want a good friend and I want to ‘click’ with this person.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
Kind follows my answer to ‘what to look for in a friend’. I have had people in my life who are selfish so that’s pretty much my annoyance. But let me disclaim something, we are all selfish. We all see what only ourselves see, we will only have each other in the end and we only see our Point of View (we can understand another’s point of view but you can exactly see another’s point of view like you see your own), BUT there is a huge difference between that selfishness and what I am talking about.
I am a little more selfish now because I finally give myself enough respect to do what’s right for me. Used to, that would never happen and now it does and I have been told as selfish but to me, selfish people are people who don’t give a damn (excuse my language) about others but theirselves. But I know someone who is so selfish that they care about others but they do only because it affects them a certain way and that gets under my skin. Not caring about someone else’s feeling, I mean, caring about NO ONE’S feelings but your own? I don’t understand that. If you don’t care about anybody except you and someone else, ok, that I can see a little but not caring at all and having no conscious about how you act or what you say? Selfish-ness just really gets under my skin.
I will add another thing that annoys me. Narrow-minded *close-minded* people. I am not someone who will jump to a certain judgment about someone just because of beliefs or backgrounds. I guess another word would be racist. I just don’t understand the hatred that comes from narrow-minded people sometimes. Its like a thrive for them, to tear down someone because of a few differences. I just don’t see much differences in humans except our likes and dislikes. We’re all pretty much the same, but are unique in one’s own way, but that shouldn’t make another get angry and hate the person.
I just don’t understand it and it really annoys me to see how people act sometimes.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Once I'm comfortable around someone, I have a good sense of humor (I like to think :D) and enjoy making people laugh and I will be goofy and act like a clown.
I like to make people feel better, get them to smile but I am quite shy so I won’t do it unless I get to know you well enough to well I can feel comfortable around you.
And trust me, I can act pretty strange :P
I don't believe in doing things just because it's popular at the time. I'm an outcast most of the time. Peer-pressure honestly doesn’t bother me. I may not stand up to people well but I am stubborn, very, very much so. So when a situation appearing as peer-pressure I just end up pissing (excuse me again) people off because if I don’t want to do it, I won’t and that is that.
I do not feel any prejudice towards anyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity, I am quite open-minded for the most part. I may not agree with someone’s opinions but I try to see it their way and understand what they are saying. Again it all comes back to narrow-minded people versus open-minded people. Hate versus understanding.
I am not someone who just likes to talk. People make fun of me or don’t understand me. They think I am afraid to speak but I am not. When I met someone new, I normally don’t chat much, I listen and watch you. I like to hear people talk rather then myself, it lets me get to know others better. Plus until I see how you act, I dunno what to discuss. I am not a social butterfly, more of a wallflower but I like to listen and figure people out first. it’s a quirk, a quirk people don’t seem to like very much but I can’t change it. Its how I have always been.
I am not going to brag and I really don’t see myself as such but I am mature for my age for the most part. I can act like a kid but I just seem to see things one way and it doesn’t follow with what other people my age have. I get bashed for it by people my age so I don’t have many friends that are my age. Most of my friends are quite older then me, adults, but they get me better then younger people do and I seem to be on that level with people. Another thing that I guess separates me from the kids in modern time is I am quite old fashion. I am open to suggestions that people were against harshly back in the day but I am only opened to it, and that doesn’t mean I agree with you. I just try to understand that view. I just feel like marriage should be with two people who are loyal and committed, not some joke it is now. Just a lot of things you would call ‘old soul/old fashion’ I seem to agree with more then modern.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
I am paranoid sometimes and it can affect how I meet people. I don’t like to think I am paranoid but I can be, and I can let my worry get a hold of me and I will be sick with worry till I am comforted by whatever I was worried about.
I don’t have any self-esteem and barley any cause to stand up for myself. It frustrates me and I wish I had more of an aggressive persona but I don’t. I am nice and put people before me most of the time, which is basically a place mat for them.
I am insecure about myself. I dunno what else to say in detail for that, I am just very insecure about myself.
I am very sensitive. Its something I struggle with ALOT. I try to suck it up but things get to me more then others and I get upset if I get criticism. I have gotten loads better at criticism but I am still very sensitive. My feelings get hurt a lot easily.
I am a very emotional person but I do tend to do things like bottle my emotions up or rarely show them. Like I said, I get my feelings hurt quite easily but I won’t normally let you in on it. I will bottle it up and sometimes brood. The only bad thing about that is something else happens and you bottle it up and pretty soon you run out of room to bottle things up inside and next thing you know, the tiniest thing like a piece of trash not getting into the bin sets you off and its meltdown extreme.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Able to stand up for yourself or what you believe in and not backing down. Courage is being able to do the right thing, regardless of the difficulty, the judgment it will cost you, and whether you are alone or not.
- Loyalty:Standing up for the ones you love. Protecting them at all costs and putting them before you and your convinces and NEVER doing anything to harm them.
- Intelligence: Intelligence is viewed in a lot of different ways and it means a lot of things. You have to be determined and curious in the book-smarts, while on street-smarts you have to have survival instincts and common sense. All in all, it doesn’t matter if your IQ is abnormally above charts (even though that’s nice) but more if you can get through tough situations.
- Ambition:Ambition is motivation, its things you yearn for. If you don’t have that, you can’t be successful in anything and you certainly can’t live. You must serve no other master but your ambitions sometimes.
- Name: Ariel
- Age: 16
- Where did you find out about us? I was randomly typing ‘harry potter’ interests and found it! =)
[Edit]: Just wanted to thank everyone who is voting (or re-voting) to help get me officially sorted. :) The majority of the voters are siding towards Hufflepuff but since I got a decent amount of people telling me it was too short and alot of 'no vote's, I decided to get more detailed and ramble some more. I hope its long enough this time. Some stayed pretty much the same but alot of them I went into more explination. If its too short, would anyone mind telling me what I am doing wrong or a decent limit, please? Thanks :)
sorted: hufflepuff,
term vii