- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I would like to own a little shop in a place like Diagon Alley. Most likely a bookshop or a coffee shop, where I could become close friends with customers in a quiet, friendly atmosphere. Being the owner would mean I would also get to be a business-like person who chooses how to run the store. I've always liked the idea of doing something business-like, but I wouldn't want to be all about numbers and seriousness. The idea of just owning my own little shop and being all about meeting new people sounds amazing.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
Charms has always appealed to me. I think it's the fun and not-so-serious feeling about the subject and, perhaps, tiny Professor Flitwick =]. I think my favorite spell would have to be the Cheering Charm (hence the username), which was taught in Charms class. Learning and teaching fun little spells, which sometimes prove to be very useful, sounds like a lot of fun.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
No, I do not. I'm not one for competition. For instance, I used to love playing sports when I was younger, but as you grow older the competition level rises and I didn't like being pressured to win. I would much rather relax in the stands and cheer for those in the Tournament.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
Some kind of small, cute bird so I could fly. I'm always the one who requests a window seat on the airplane so I can see the ground from above. It'd be a lot easier if I could really be an animagus and look from above for free =P And being a bird would also have a light, free feeling which would be awesome. They can also travel far distances in a pretty short amount of time with minimal effort, sounds pretty nice.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Definitely Hermione. I've always been the "smart kid" who never misses a homework assignment. Other students always ask to copy mine and unlike Hermione, I usually let them. I'm a very organized person, I like things to be on a schedule. I'm the teacher's pet who reads ahead, I even read the stories in the literature book that we don't have to read. Tests freak me out and I'm always analyzing how well I have to do on the next one if I want to keep my grade 'A'. I don't try to look pretty, but I have my occasions =] I only have a couple true friends, though none of them are love interests. When I think of Hermione I think of this girl who is so excited about being a witch that she wants to know everything and she wants to do everything right and yet, she still breaks rules on occasion and is known to surprise people with her sudden emotions. When I think of all that, I think of myself.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
I'd see myself as a part of a healthy, happy family. I'd be married to the sweetheart I finally found and have two or three little munchkins running around, one named Autumn. We'd live in a big white house surrounded by acres of green grass and scattered trees and we would have enough money to spoil our children and send them to college. Maybe this sounds a little too general, but when I honestly think of my life, everything I do school and work wise is for this picture.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
First, I'd pay for college. Then I'd buy my parents something they've always wanted, like my mom's cruise. I'd give some to my aunts, uncles and cousins who are in need of it, as most of them are. I would donate about $50,000 to charities and research programs. I'd buy myself a Honda CR-V and all the movies and video games I want and I'd probably bid for Harry Potter collectibles on Ebay. And whatever's left of it all I would save for the future.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
Hah, I always wanted to do what my mom did. Unfortunately, she works as a bookkeeper at a grocery store and now that I've grown up and worked at that store, I know that's never a job I want to have. Now, my goal is to become a pharmacist in the research branch so I can find cures and causes for illnesses, cancer, disabilities, etc.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
I'd create a potion that you could drink before bed that would make you dream about whatever you wanted to dream about. I've been obsessed with Harry Potter for 6 years and I've only had 2 dreams with anything remotely like HP in them. I don't think of dreams as a look into the future or as a problem-solver for whatever may be going on in your life at the time. I think they are simply a mixture of images of what you are thinking about as you fall asleep. Somehow, oddly, I don't dream of HP no matter how much I think about it. It would be awesome if you could take a potion that would make you dream of whatever you want. I'd call it a Dreamingof Potion. Get it, 'dreaming-of' XP
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
I'm an arachniphobe like Ron so it would definitely turn into a spider. A particularly large, spiky spider. *shudders* Ever since I was lying in bed one night and I felt something weird on my hand so I got up to turn the light on and I see this nasty spider running across my bedsheets, I've been creeped out by them. To make it funny, I'd probably take all its legs off except for one so it would look like a stick with a ball on it, hopping around and trying to stand up. Wouldn't hurt if I turned it pink either.
- What do you look for in a friend?
Someone who I can talk to easily and be comfortable around. I like my friendships to be very open so we can tell each other anything, but also have trust that they won't tell anyone else. I don't believe that you can ever fully trust anyone except yourself, but you can find a fair few who you can mostly trust. I tend to befriend people who are more outgoing and social than me. A sense of humor will always catch my attention as well as those who are opinionated, independent, and intellectual about books and politics.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
Selfish-ness. Unfortunately, one of my best friends has the annoying quality of being selfish. It is mostly because of how she was raised and she doesn't even notice when she is being selfish, but it drives me nuts. Since she's my best friend, it's hard to speak up about it but it often sparks arguments and causes dents in our friendship. I get so annoyed when she constantly asks me to take her places without offering me gas money, never considers what I may want, and never listens to my rants when I listen to her go off for hours.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
In no particular order:
-I'm really good at math. Sounds dumb, but I like math because it makes sense to me. There's reasoning behind the answers and methods. I'm really good with making numbers work and explaining the laws and theorems behind them.
-I'm independent. I love to be by myself and just do what I want to do. I like to figure things out for myself and I don't rely on many people. I like being independent because it shows the true me and shows that I am a strong person who can fend for herself.
-I'm nice. Wow, that sounds really lame lol, but I see it as a good quality. I think I really took it to heart when the teachers used to say, 'Treat others how you would like to be treated,' I can never be rude to anyone and I'm very unconfrontational. Perhaps that would've been a better word =P I don't like to bring up issues with people and get into an argument. Peace, please!
-I like how I'm very flexible. Basically, I'm a noodle. I can do splits and bend every which way. The main reason I think I like this ability of mine is because it gets a lot of attention. As selfish as that may sound, I have to admit it's true.
-I'm a good listener. Whatever my friends are going through, I'm always the one that's there to listen with an open mind. They know they can turn to me because I don't judge or put them down, I simply listen.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
In no particular order:
-I can't give advice. As much as my friends turn to me to listen to their problems, I'm never able to offer them advice. They tell me their stories and I'm at a loss for words, I don't know what they should do. Most of the time I know what I would do in that situation but secretly I think they should have to figure it out for themselves.
-I'm almost too nice. I think of myself as a pushover sometimes, I allow people to convince me into things if it's what they really want. I like being unconfrontational and all, but I hate when I'm not able to bring up an issue I have with someone because I don't want to hurt their feelings.
-I'm not creative. I envy the 'artsy' people who are so creative with their projects and presentations. I find myself constantly looking at others' ideas to try and come up with my own, but usually nothing I come up with is entirely my idea.
-I'm reserved. I usually hide my feelings and tell everyone I'm okay when I'm really not. I suppose this is because of previous situations involving 'love' and boys. I don't think it's healthy for a person to not express and reveal their feelings with others. Part of the process to heal those feelings is to get them out of your system, yet I can't seem to actually put that process into action.
-I'm a neat-freak. Not to the fullest extent, but my room is never messy nor is anything ever unorganized. Everything has its place. And somehow, even though my room is so clean I find ways to clean it every weekend. There's nothing in my truck that doesn't belong there and I get annoyed if people leave trash in it. I wish I could be more relaxed about stuff like this.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Doing whatever is needed to do despite the risk, standing up for yourself and others.
- Loyalty: Mostly, loyalty involves other people like keeping their promises and never lying to them. I does include yourself, however. I believe if you make a promise to yourself, you should keep it and you should never lie to yourself, always be who you are.
- Intelligence:Having knowledge about something. I don't think it has to be anything in particular, just knowing a lot about it. Being intelligent about something means you've researched the subject, you know everything about it, and you also have your own intellectual opinions about it.
- Ambition: Knowing what you want and willing to go out there and get it. It's also having the desire for something so badly that you know you must get it.
- Name: Kara
- Age: 18
- Where did you find out about us? You were listed on the affiliates of hp_graphics
Yay, I fixed the coding! =]