sorting application

Apr 24, 2007 12:34

I want to thank everyone who's already sorted me, chocolate chip cookies for everybody :)

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

    I would like to think that there would be use for a matchmaker in the wizarding world, but I guess that Lavender Brown would already claim that job. And I think that if I would refuse to give up my profession she would hit me to death with her mascara..

    Anyway I would probably be a wizard and witches portrait painter. I am rather creative ( I go to Art Academy) and I think that the portraits in the Harry Potter world are so useful. I like useful things, if they aren't I get annoyed rather quickly. A cdplayer for example, it isn't useful because it's too big, therefore a mp3 player is better.
    I think that most households need a wizard or witches portrait and if I can paint it or spell it to be more useful than being only a decorative item (maybe it can used as a babyphone?), it would be a cool job

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?

    I am not sure but I think it would be Artihmancy. Artihmancy is about the magical properties of numbers (according to the HP lexicon) but I think it's more than that. I imagine the subject to be a logical and useful one in which you can learn how to use it for economics or spellweaving. Stocks for example, I like to think that you can use some charts and calculations to know in which things to invest (shops in Diagon Alley) so I can make a bit more money.
    I'm sure my students would be interested in earning a little cash by studying, at least I would.
    Also it would be interesting to use the subject to create spells, 'spellweaving' looks like a bit like a puzzle to me, maybe some numbers could play a part in it. Perhaps I would be an ok teacher, I've been a subtitute for fun in Arthistory classes and I like giving presentations, that is, if I know what I'm talking about

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?

    Certainly not. I think it's much more amusing to watch three people endaingering their lifes just for fame and glory. Jeez, I rather seduce Professor Snape and let him brew glory for me, that would be more safe.. I don't think I'm much of a hero, but I ain't a superhero buddy either.
    When people get in danger for something worthwile, they should do it and I would support them. But seriously, I don't like danger. I can be confident enough to talk myself into not worrying and just do some stuff even if I know I would make a fool of myself. But only if I think it's worth it. And the goblet of fire isn't worth the possibility of losing my life. Seducing Snape ís though.

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?

    I've been thinking about this question for over fifteen minutes now. That's because the answer can go both ways, in what I would like my animagus form to be, and what I think it should be. I would like to think I'de be a dog. A border terrier maybe, I've got one myself and they are very cute and spirited. I would like to think myself cute, nobody ever calls me that, except when I try to look angry. Border terriers are watchful dogs and sometimes they really choose their own ways and won't listen to anybody. If I set my mind on something, nobody can talk me out of it. And a border terrier is able to run very fast, it's breed is dedicated to hunting rabbits (though my dog doesn't), being able to run fast would feel like flying but with my feet savely on the ground.

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?

    The one that first comes to mind is Remus Lupin. The first time I read about him I was sighing a lot. That was until I saw the movie,.. oh my god.. red hair? Really he should be a sandblond.. Anyway he's got a very soft side, he cares about Harry and in order to help him feel better he learns him the patronus charm, that's so sweet.

    He cares and I think that's a very great quality which too many people don't have. Sometimes, I have to admit, I care too little. He also gives advice to Harry which I do to when my friends come to me with their problems. But I don't do mollycoddling, I assure you! But just as Remus got his furry little wild problem, I've got a wilder side as well. When I'm angry I just don't think anymore and start raving and brooding until I talk myself out of it. Mostly that's because I've decided either to forgive someone, or get revenge.

    Another thing is that I like to go to the café, and drink too much alcohol when I know it isn't a good idea.
    Remus knew taking Sirius en James with him on the full moon wasn't a good idea, but he still did. Later he felt remorse to Dumbledore where I feel remorse to my parents, though I never tell them about it as Remus didn't tell Albus.  I also think he isn't the typical werewolf like I'm not the typical 19 year old girl.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

    Honestly? I would like to see myself with wither teeth, a lot more friends, because I tend to forget about them when they live a little further from home then other friends and eh. Ehm, perhaps this sound weird but I would like to see my parents happy, my mother is chronicle ill, she'll have reumatism all her life. I'd wish that would go away.

    And I'd like to see my real father cause I see him once a year cause he's too busy doing nothing. He's so busy.. Bitter me. Anyway I would like to have finished Art School and to have my degree as a lawyer. Ever since Ally mc Beal (I was 11 at the time) I've wanted to be a lawyer and get justice. Therefore my obsession with all CSI's and deatheaters. And I would like to see myself with a husband, in a pretty white farmhouse with lots of land and the ability to have magic.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?

    I'd put half of it in a bank. I would split it into 5 accounts, one for my parents and the other four for my brothers and sisters. Then I would make sure that my parents mortgage is paid, because they always supported me when I wanted to go to Art Academy. The other half I would use to study for a lawyer because together with Art Academy this will take me 8 years. Then I'm 27 already,.. Ouch. That's old.

    What I have left, I would use it to invest in real estate. Yes I know, boring as it may sound, I would love to buy old houses and bring them back together again so they can be used again. Old things have nice feelings about them, it makes me smile. And I've got a special love for mahoganythings or furniture made from a sicamore. I'd probably buy one of those trees and put them in my backyard. If I had one.

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

    My ideal job changed every 30 seconds and if not seconds then every week. Sometimes it's hard to make choices and I worry too much. Anyway that was until my parents divorced and I wanted to become a lawyer.  I would work for the government to make sure people will get what they'd deserve. I also wanted to go in politics because there are always those great people who can talk so smooth when asked a difficult question. I can't talk like that, I'm a bit too blunt therefore I would be much bettter at being an officer of justice, as they call it in my country.

    But I'm afraid the profession of a laywer looks prettier than it is. Therefore I go to Art Academy now, but I'm still not sure if it is the right choice for me, because in Art Academy they like to be abstract and make art from paperclips. I think I like logic and simplicity too much to talk about whether a can or a piece of wood should be made into a chair.Maybe I should just be a gardener

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?

    I would really like to make something which would give me an advantage over somebody else. I am a bit sadistic, I have to admit that, so maybe something that would tell me about somebody's biggest fear. But ultimately if would be interesting to see somebody's magical core. I wonder if there are colors in your core which shows if the person has more aptitude to certain magical areas which they don't like, so they could still invest time into their studies in which they are better. I would also know what their weaker points are. A poison would be best, because it's harder to trace than a spell. It would be called veneficium, which means in latin; poisoning, magic and sorcery. Which ticks all the boxes and it sounds kind of nice.

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

    It would probably turn into my father, I only see him once or twice a year and he smokes two packs of cigarettes a day. I'm always scared he winds up in the hospital with longcancer. When I say the counter-spell the boggart would turn into Mark, my teacher from last year. I've got a terrible crush on him and he took care of me when I had a rough time.

  • What do you look for in a friend?

    In time I've learned that people can act to be your best friends but they only really are a friend if you can call them a 2 AM asking them if they can help you with choosing your pyama's that night.. In a matter of speaking of course. A friend should be supporting in whatever choice you make. Also my friends have, just like me, sarcasm because that's one of the best ways to mock people which are stupid without them noticing =) What I also look for is a friend who understands me with only a look of the eyes. Luckily I have one, she's great fun. Other things should be affinity with HP and being able to communicate. I hate dumb people with answers like; yeah... totally.... Jeez..

  • What trait most annoys you about other people?

    That's definately if people just take each other for granted when they just meet eachother. For example, people bullying another person because they don't have an i-pod and therefore should be called poor? That's just plain superficial. And I hate racism, it's awful. Some of my friends are gays or lesbians and people just don't want to talk to them because they could be contaminating..

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?

    1) I think before I act, therefore I think before I do something stupid or make a fool of myself
    2) I don't trust people easily, which is a good quality if you don't want to get hurt by people claiming to be your friend.
    3) I'm good in languages, it makes it easier to make contact with people from other countries.
    4) I'm diplomatic, with 2 brothers and 2 sisters and being the oldest, you learn how to deal with nagging, crying and harsh people.
    5) I've got to make it myself damn hard by trying to do things always differently than other people.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

    1) I can be rather sarcastic which puts some people off.
    2) Stupid people irritate me, which I, unfortunately can't hide.
    3) I've got difficulty with not talking. I just can't.
    4) When I've read a HP fic, I just can't let go. I've got to read another one, so I'm a bit obsessive.
    5) I've got to make it myself damn hard by trying to do things always differently than other people.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: Doing what you think is right, even if you think people will judge you. Sod them.
    • Loyalty: a gift which is earned and only given once, sticking together no matter what.
    • Intelligence: there is a difference between intelligence and smart, that is being able to relate to logic if you think too much with your heart
    • Ambition: striving towards something you desperately want

  • Name: Iris (Ieremier)
  • Age: 19
  • Where did you find out about us? The searchtool HP
    Edit 2: I'm very excited by all the people who are sorting me, though I like it best when people tell me why they sort me there, so extra cookies for everybody who explains their choice ^^!
    Edit 3: I noticed a few people commenting on my grammarskills, I'm sorry if there are mistakes, I'll try to fix them. Though I would like to emphasize that English isn't my native language, therefore; have mercy =)! And now on with the sorting

sorted: ravenclaw, term vii

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