(no subject)

Jul 06, 2007 01:34

What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

I suppose the magical version of a criminal profiler. Would that even make sense? There is probably some sort of spell to figure that out, which would make that particular profession rather non-existant, but considering that working with movies is obviously out of the question, and suspecting that you get far too many people saying simply, 'Auror b/c it's just so kewl!' this was the only profession I could come up with.

Either that, or I'd work with owls. Just because owls automatically have brownie points for being owls, and because I like the birds. And someone needs to do it..

Might be a teacher. That's always fun. Love little kids, and the looks on their faces when you show them something new is very nearly a high unto itself. I've considered teaching, but in our sad little deprived world, I don't think it would be nearly as interesting..

If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?

Probably Transfiguration, because, as fascinating as Defense Against the Dark Arts is, I'm seeing Transfiguration as being far more practical and in the end, interesting. Who doesn't love a class that can teach you to change one thing into another, to conjure something out of nothing, or rid yourself of something you no longer wish to see? I'd still absolutely deeply engorss myself in Defense, and perhaps a bit of Ancient Runes, but I can see my specialty being something I could tangibly work with.

This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
Oh, why not? There's a very limited window of opportunity, and I want to experience as much as possible. If that includes using my wits and if-they-fail-then-sheer-brute-courage, I'll take it.

If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?

And o! but how I'm torn between flight and stealthy cat-like grace.. I think in the end I'd have to go with a cat, preferably a small-ish sort of wild one, or a Russian Blue type house-thing. They have such amazing senses, and the ability to go just about anywhere without question. Plus, all you have to do is go purr and run into someone's leg to get yourself a little bit of loving. Hehe.

What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Usually Remus Lupin. I have a hard time identifying with the youngest generation simply because I find most of them rather irritating. Plus, what we've seen of his dry wit and soft jabs aligns perfectly with my own brand of funny. Not to mention that until this year - when I finally took my AP classes - I had friends who had the strangest notions on what books were for.

I don't know. I liked Remus Lupin the moment he handed out chocolate and was described to us. He's the most similar to myself I've yet seen to boot.

What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

Being honest - which isn't to imply that I've not been so far - probably my mother, up and healthy. She's been stuck in bed with undiagnosable illnesses for a few years now, and taking on the 'mom' role, even part of it, at my age isn't too much fun.

But on the whole I've learned to be very content with what I have.

If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?

Right now, the first bit would be set aside for college. I can't wait to get to learnin'! Everything. Considering the careers I've narrowed myself down to are Film Director/Actor and Behavioural Analyst/Criminal Profiler, I've got a broad spectrum of things to study..

I'd also help my family. Pay off the house. That sort of thing. Set up my little brother for college.

And I honestly have no idea what I'd do with the rest. For the number of times this question has popped up in various tests, conversations, psychological things, I've never been able to come up with an answer that is particularly satisfying. It always sounds fake.

What would you do with a million dollars?

What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

Oh, when I was little - Seven to eleven, maybe twelve - I wanted to be an Aeronautical Engineer for the USAF. Or really any AF.. I was so happy to know what I wanted to do, especially when my friends were changing their future careers every weekend. Plus, it was fun to watch the looks on adult's faces when I spewed forth that job title. As for now, I've already said; I'm leaning more towards the film than the profiler though.

If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?

That's a really good question..

Well, considering that no less than three minutes ago, my brother may have been bitten by something that looks like it's injected toxins into his leg, I might make a bug-repellant sort of spell. It would be useful, wouldn't it?

Perhaps not..

After having sat here for an hour, thinking about anything, I think I'd make a potion that would help with inspiration. Thus, it would be called, Aggero Divinitus, or more simply, The Tenth Muse. Because I can be clichè like that, and also feel a tug on my Doctor Who fangirl heartstrings at being able to name something 'Tenth'. Because I'm a geek, just multi-talented like that.

If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

It's hard to make 'Death via Asphyxiation' into an object.. Either myself on fire, or a vacuum - tornado, that sort of thing. It would turn into Iceman, if the burning effigy, or just spin itself out of existence, if the vacuum.

What do you look for in a friend?

Intelligence, loyalty, humour, creativity, perhaps a bit of the boheme, and a general air of intrigue. If you can't enjoy life, how can you enjoy the people within it? I also look for people who are similar enough to hyself to have common interests, but different enough to be able to have multiple points of view within those interests.

I sound really picky, don't it? It's really not as narrow a window is it sounds..

What trait most annoys you about other people?

Selfishness, self-absorbtion, intentional ignorance, and deceit. Trust is the basis of everything. You can't exist without some modicum of it. Also, pseudo-people, obviously trying to be something they aren't. Other than that, I'm generally happy to let people be.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?

I'm fairly open-minded, and generally literate. I've got a dry humour that has been fine-tuned not to be too sharp against people after a few run-ins with the wrong end of a glare. Is there a good end to a glare? I'm a good peacekeeper, and also highly creative.

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

I'm a terrible procrastinator. Those around me usually see my limits before I do. I can be arrogant. I don't mind a wee bit of lying if no harm comes to anyone, and especially if it means getting myself out of trouble. And I have a horrible time finding motivation sometimes.

Define in your own words the following key traits:

Courage: The idea that if you run at something yelling loud enough, everything will work out in the end; standing against everything else for a cause.
Loyalty: One of the highest traits, loyalty is knowing that someone is fallible, and trusting them to do well and be good anyway.
Intelligence: Quick assimilation of knowledge, and proper application of it, not merely knowing a bunch of useless, unrelated stuff.
Ambition: A good tool when used correctly, and yet the downfall of many an individual. Ambition is simply the motivation to be more.

Name: Jana, or Spin.
Age: 16
Where did you find out about us? I believe I came via the mod over at
doctor_who_lims but it's literally been about three hours since I started this, and at four in the morning, nobody's brain works just right...

If you've made it this far, thank you for putting up with my answers.

sorted: ravenclaw, term viii

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