Jul 15, 2007 23:08
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? I'd probably teach. I'm a total geek, so spreading the knowledge seems like something I'd be into. I could see myself doing academic research for one of the government type agencies, maybe, but I don't know if they need historians or not, which is pretty much my major field of interest. It's what I enjoy and what I'm good at.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why? That's a tough one. I'd probably nurse a secret longing to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts ('cause hello, cool) or Potions, but would end up teaching the History of Hogwarts or something, because at the end of the day, I'm a total history geek and I love seeing the relationship between what's past and what's going on now, the way history is always connected to the present - okay, yes, I'm a geek, I already told you that.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not? Probably. I'd vacillate back and forth between doing it and not - and then a friend of mine would talk me into it and that'd be that. It's not that I'm an easy person to push around or anything, but I tend to kind of be indecisive about stuff until a friend of mine talks me into doing it.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why? Probably a wolf - they're beautiful animals, and there's just such intelligence there - but at the same time, they're also strong and fierce. I absolutely adore the balance of characteristics that wolves have - grace, intelligence, loyalty - but at the same time they're still dogs and you can't look at wolf-pups without realizing that there's a little bit of clever fun in there as well.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why? I don't really identify with anyone that I can think of... Harry has pretty much annoyed me ever since book two, but it's not like I'm going to turn around and say that Draco Malfoy is awesome, because he's kind of a whiny little git. I can sympathise with some elements of Hermione's character, but I've never really understood that whole overachiever attitude. I have really nothing in common with Ron whatsoever. The Harry Potter books just don't have the archetype I always identify with - the sarcastic, funny, fucked up character who acts like a jerk a lot of the time but is actually a decent guy who's just really screwed up. Because that's pretty much me.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? I'd see myself living in a nice apartment or house with my gorgeous, smart girlfriend, working on a book or some other project, finally comfortable with myself and who I am, settled in, happy and living comfortably.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? First I'd hire an accountant, and then a lawyer. I'd pay off my debts, because I hate owing money. I'd probably pay off my parents' debts too, so my mom would stop nagging me about how I need to support her in her old age or whatever - not that she'd actually stop on account of that. I'd buy myself a comfortable place to live, a nice car, and then I'd look into investing or otherwise "growing" what was left of the money so that I could live comfortably. I'd probably donate a bit of it, maybe $10,000 or $20,000 to a charity - probably a GLBT organization of some kind. I realize there are other people out there who could use the money, but - well, I'm gonna put my own interests first, especially when it's my money.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now? I wanted to be a veterinarian for a really long time, before I clued in that I really... couldn't care less about biology. At this point, I'm not sure what my ideal job is, everything is kind of in a state of chaos. I'm leaning towards something academic, maybe teaching advanced university classes and doing research. I don't really want to teach high school students because generally they don't give a crap about the classes they'd taking, and I'm not really one to want to waste my time trying to teach them things they're not interested in. I'd rather teach my subject (history) to people who are actually interested in the material and want to do something with it.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? I'd put a spell on a piece of jewelry so that when you put it on, you'd turn into the opposite sex. I'd use it so that I could switch between sexes without the tedious stuff I have to do now using tensor bandages and artificial body parts, and so that when I'm a guy I can have all the right accessories - and appendages. (I'm bi-gendered, which means although my sex is female, I identify as both, or rather, as either, depending on the day. And I would give anything to be able to be switch between the right bodies, instead of spending about half my time trying to force my very female body into the shape of something it'll never really be.) I honestly have no idea what I'd call it - maybe something like femina virex, which is a latin-ish bastardization of something that may approximately "woman man". Yes, I'm very imaginative, can you tell?
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus? Probably a guy coming after me because I'm queer. I'm proud of who I am, but I've never had any issues with homophobia or transphobia so far, so I always expect it to be right around the corner. When I threw the counterspell, he'd find himself tripping over his 7" clear plastic heels and unable to walk in his form-fitting mini-skirt and little, itty bitty tube top, wearing ridiculous amounts of makeup, glitter, and a padded bra. Yeah, that kind of irony would definitely appeal to me.
- What do you look for in a friend? Someone who appreciates my rather cynical, sarcastic and occasionally cruel sense of humour. Someone mentally balanced - with just enough crazy to be fun, not about to do something stupid like throw themselves off a bridge or try to light themselves on fire (I've had enough of that already, thanks, been there, done that). Someone who is there when I need them, but will give me space and not get co-dependent, clingy and annoying. Someone who won't judge me or look down on me, who accepts everything I am and everything I'm not and accepts that it's just me.
- What trait most annoys you about other people? Stupidity in all its forms: bigotry, ignorance and incompetence. People who are just too idiotic to see the big picture drive me crazy. I really hate it when people give me (or anybody else) crap about gender/sexual orientation/race/religion (as in the lack thereof), because it's always because they don't know the first thing about it, and are too stupid to look beyond their religious texts or their pre-conceived notions. Ignorance definitely plays that. Incompetence is pretty simple - if you can't do it right, get out of my way, and let me figure it out.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
(1) Sense of humour. I am sarcastic, witty, and I tell stupid (occasionally disgusting) jokes that make people laugh. The sarcasm doesn't always go over so well, but it's not like I actually care that much. Regardless, if nothing else, my sense of humour makes me laugh (even if it is at the misfortune of others on occasion), and isn't that what's important?
(2) Stubbornness. People always act like stubbornness is a bad thing, but I am one obstinate bastard. Stubbornness gets me far - it means I don't lay down and give up, it means no matter how bad things get, I'll throw my temper tantrum and then I'll brush myself off and keep going. Also, if I really, really want something - I'll get it. Not a bad quality.
(3) Realism. Yes, I'm a cynical, pessimistic jackass - also known as being realistic. I once had a woman tell me that because I was a cynic, I was going to die unloved and alone and no one would come to my funeral. And yet, I still don't see my outlook as a bad thing. I'm always prepared for the worst.
(4) Brains. I'm smart. I don't always use it, sometimes I'm lazy, sometimes I forget how smart I am because I'm distracted or angry or getting down on myself, but I've got brains.
(5) Creativity. I'm a creative thinker -- I write creatively, but even in terms of academic writing, I can think of new ideas and look at things from different directions.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
(1) Low self-esteem. On a good day, I know that I am funny, smart, that I don't give up, and that I'm overall an awesome human being. On my bad days, I feel like shit, I feel like I'm losing my mind, like I'm crazy and screwed up.
(2) Unorganised. I'm a total mess. I can't keep track of stuff, I can't keep a room clean, stuff always ends up all over the place. I can't help it.
(3) Way too hard on myself. I get down on myself when I screw up or make mistakes, or when I make the wrong choices. I find it really hard to realize that everyone that makes mistakes.
(4) Indecisive. I have a hard time making choices on my own - I always needs to get opinions and advice from other people.
(5) Terrible choices. I make some really lousy choices on occasion. Usually things end up working out okay, but I have to make the completely wrong decision first and then go back and try and fix things - it's a pain in the ass.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage is having the guts to be yourself and not give a crap what other people think about you.
- Loyalty is being true to yourself and your friends, no matter what.
- Intelligence isn't just book-smarts, but being clever, having good instincts, knowing what you want and how to get it.
- Ambition is being willing to do anything to get what you want, whatever that might be, whether it's money or power or just happiness and security.
- Name: Dean, aka D.
- Age: 19.
- Where did you find out about us? clex_monkie89 sent me this way.
sorted: ravenclaw,
term viii