(no subject)

Jul 17, 2007 04:14

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

    I'm going to school to get my master's in library science and I'm very passionate about it. I want to be a librarian so I can spread the love of reading to children because I know a lot of people my own age that don't understand reading for enjoyment and I would like to change that. Most of them just think on it as a chore. The degree of literacy of my generation is appalling. I want people to know from a young age the joys of reading and how many doors it opens for you. That cause means a lot to me so I would like to be a librarian in the wizarding world, as well. I would especially love to be the Hogwarts librarian, but only after Madam Pince leaves because she's been there so long and deserves the job first. (even though she's a nasty vulture lady, she has a good heart.) If I couldn't work at Hogwarts, I'd like to work in a wizarding children's bookstore in Diagon Alley, or maybe be a librarian for the Ministry (but only as a last resort because I image that would be very dull and there are no children involved, unless you count some Ministry workers.). I just want to make a difference in kids' (and teens, for that matter) lives by exposing them to great literature. I'm one of those crazy people in bookstores that get excited and make little happy noises about children's books and I love, love, love children so I figure I could do the job well with enthusiasm.

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?

    If I suddenly discovered that I had the 'sight,' I would want to be the divination professor. Er, no, I wouldn't want to be the professor. I'd want to be the assistant of Professor Trelawney, kind of like a student teacher. I could learn a lot from her, I'm sure, and balance out her loopy nature with my down-to-earth, practical nature. I think it would be a good combination. It is also a really interesting subject and I hate how it's made one big joke by the students because of the slightly off-kilter nature of Professor Trelawney. There is so much to learn about divination, even if you aren't interested in the future-telling aspect of it. There is something for everyone in divination, in my opinion. Science, mathematics, intuition, history and the whole creepiness factor (good for people that like a little chill up their spine). My experience is limited to reading tarot cards and it would be a lot of fun to study the different divination tools and then teach them. Plus I love tea, ha ha.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?

    No. I can be brave, I know, but only when forced into a situation where I need that quality. I wouldn't put myself into that kind of environment on purpose, of my own accord. Plus, imagine the pressure! I hate that kind of pressure. I don't want to have the potential disappointment of the whole school on my head. I also don't think I have what it takes physically to deliver. I think someone a little more used to that kind of physical activity should do it. I'm generally a yoga girl and not a competitive, 'AAARGGH YOU'RE GOIN' DOWN!' type. Even if I do have the spirit sometimes, I never have the body.

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?

    My first thought was a deer because I admire their innocence, elegance and purity, but I don't really want to end up as someone's dinner if I wander into the wrong woods. (I wonder - do wizards turn back into themselves when killed in animal form, like werewolves are sometimes described as doing? Do the books tell us?) I instead would want to be a northern hawk owl. Owls are common in the wizarding world and no source of alarm in the Muggle world, so it would be the perfect disguise. I could carry letters, turn back into human, and read them (if I was in the Order or something. I wouldn't do that for no reason, unless the person really deserved it. Actually, who am I kidding? I would probably do it as often as I could. Easy and harmless entertainment. I am so immoral.) and I could listen in on conversations. Plus, the northern hawk owl is diurnal, which means they can sleep either at night or during the day and oftentimes are awake and asleep during both parts of the day. Pretty convenient. I would also be able to fly, which I think would be amazing (because there's no fear of an engine blowing up) and a great adventure. They are also very cute. Like little hawks, only not.

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?

    Hermione. She's been made fun of for being uptight, over-analytical and focused and so have I. I take things really seriously and I do my schoolwork thoroughly. Academics are a big deal to me. I put a lot of pressure on myself. She needs to lighten up sometimes, as do I. She also has a very empathetic and warm heart underneath her slightly 'hard' exterior. She gets very sensitive when people are treated unfairly or made fun of and general injustices (like the treatment of house elves) upset her. She feels the need to do something about it. I am the same way. She checks out huge books from the school library to read for fun and people just gape at her when she says it's interesting. Hermione remembers things well and can spout off random, useful facts. She's definitely a lot like me.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

    I don't even know for sure. I have trouble pegging exactly what it is I really want. (The Spice Girls song comes to mind. Gee.) I think I would see myself surrounded by a lot of family and friends, living and dead. They would all look very happy and problem-free and we all would probably be listening to music and dancing (yes, grandmothers and grandpas included) and just having a really great time with each other. No worries, no stress, no drama. It would look as though we've all come to terms with bad times in the past and gotten over it. I would look like I felt amazing and, I don't know how I'd see it, but I would be very well-respected in my job and would have changed the lives of a lot of children. I would have a boyfriend and we would look very happy with each other and ourselves.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?

    1.) Get my father through school so he can do whatever he wants to do with his occupation without worrying about money. He's an amazing, intelligent man but he's never had the opportunity to go to school and study to be what he actually wants. He's really sacrificed for his family and I wish I could do something that big for him.
    2.) Give my mother some money to decorate the house however she wants. She's addicted to redecorating and buying things for the house, so I'd want to give her money so she could really get our house the way she wants it. I'd be tempted to get her a maid because she's forever tidying up, but I know she'd hate the idea of a stranger in her house picking up her things.
    3.) Set aside money for my brother's college education.
    4.) Pay for my own education expenses so my parents don't have to fret over it.
    5.) Pay off the house for my parents.
    6.) Take my family on a vacation to a really pretty, private beach somewhere exotic.
    7.) I would use a good bit of the money to splurge on Chanel and de la Renta purses for my best friend and I.
    8.) Donate some to this family shelter in my city that I go to sometimes to play with the children; they could use more toys, books and better facilities. So many families go through there but they don't have a lot of funding.
    9.) Go on a week-long train ride/tour thing with my little brother. He's only been on a slow train going around a mountain and I know he'd love to ride a real, live train and eat train food and sleep in a compartment with me and have adventures in the places we stop. I'm actually totally going to do that before my brother gets too old, regardless of whether or not I have a million bucks.
    (I hope I had enough money for all that!)

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

    When I was a kid, I wanted to be either Sailor Moon or the president. Sailor Moon was my first choice but I figured I should have a back up plan in case of failure. Either way, I figured I could change things for the better. As a child, I had big dreams of being important and world-changing. Sailor Moon did it with superpowers and a perfect body and the president did it with political power. Since then I've realized that I don't have to be so drastic if I want to help others and change things. I saw that I could do it in a more humble occupation. I paired that need to do something about things I don't like with my passion for books and I got librarian. I'm really happy to have something I'm so serious about because some people never do. It gives me a purpose.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?

    I would invent a healing spell just as strong as the Forbidden Curses. It would be so potent, it would be regulated for use in only some circumstances because, when used on people that are not seriously hurt, it has a harmful, degenerative effect. So, it's like a healing spell and a curse in one. Its power would be limited to harm caused by magic and only good people could be healed with it. It doesn't work on the already deceased. It would be called 'mend' in whatever language the performer of the spell speaks. Or, the equivalent of 'mend,' like 'heal.'

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

    The one solid thing that I can think of that would really really scare me is a headless person. I've always been scared of the whole concept of not having a head. Anything involving headless-ness is sure to freak me out, even if it's pretty silly. So, if I saw the beheaded version of Anne Boleyn, I would probably pass out. A random headless person probably wouldn't be as scary to me as a historical one that was a real person. My Riddikulus spell would conjure up a random Tudor-era looking man and he and Anne would start flirting and her detached head would giggle and bat its eyelashes.

  • What do you look for in a friend?

    I look for people that aren't easily shocked and have pasts; histories that don't tell like an episode of Teletubbies. I don't want to be a 'mommy' friend that has to coddle her friends with reassurance. I want friends that know how to deal with their problems but still trust me enough to clue me in and ask my opinion or advice and accept my comforting words and actions. I like to help and I am very supportive, but I don't like listening to people's problems when they don't try to fix anything and don't understand that bad things do happen. I am not friends with people that play the victim. I love proactive and intelligent people. If a person knows things about history, art, designers and movies, I like them all the better. I love to talk about the things I love. I enjoy being around people that are serious about a purpose or cause and try to put meaning into their lives. They are the most interesting and fun to talk to because they have something they feel is important to share. Class is essential, as well. I tend to be friends with effective people that are respected by my peers and people in general. (Or, at least, respected by the people with opinions that I actually value.)

  • What trait most annoys you about other people?

    Melodrama about absolutely everything combined with a clingy personality. People that get too clingy with me and make a big deal out of everything I do, like if I don't call them or don't seek them out at school. I don't like being expected to be there with them constantly and I don't like having anything I do turn into World War III. If I talk to someone's boyfriend, I don't expect to be bitched at for it and I don't think it's a huge deal if I don't call every single evening to just 'talk.' This only seriously bugs me (like, 'pull-my-hair-out' bugs me) when the person isn't even all that close to me and has delusions of being best buddies with me or something because that means I don't even have any kind of an obligation to them. I've noticed that people with clingy and melodramatic personalities tend to also be insecure and I dislike being around insecure people that make a show of it.

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?

    Creative: I have a big and active imagination and a very strong streak of passion for creating. I combine absolute eccentricity with careful and meticulous editing to come up with birthday cards, artwork, writing, decorations and culinary experiments (I recently created a really wonderful tomato wrap that I'm quite proud of, actually) that I love to step back and look at and say 'I did this.'

    Logical and clear-headed: I think things through and try to figure out the best approach to a problem or just about anything going on in my life. I think before I act and it serves me well. I use logic and my head in situations instead of my emotions, when it's appropriate. (Not when dealing with romance or things of that nature that need a healthy dose of expressed emotion.) I'm a very emotional person, but I tend to handle it well and not let emotion get in the way of making a good decision.

    Mature: I've always been told I'm mature for my age. I was frequently mistaken as a senior since ninth grade (I think that partly had to do with the fact I wasn't one of those freshman running about frantically and sweating like a pig on the first day). I think I'm mature about handling things and doing what I need to do. It's also been said that I have a mature mindset and understand things most people my age wouldn't.

    Passionate: I'm selective and hardcore about my passions. If I love something, I love it hard and tend to know a lot about it. You know by now my passion for being a librarian (unless you're one of those people that look at the traits first, then you'll find out soon enough). That's a really good example. If I believe in a cause or purpose, I work hard to further it and to be knowledgeable about it so I know my stuff enough to be effective. Also, I'm passionate about my friendships. I have a few good friends that I love and I'm fiercely protective about.

    Self-control: I don't give into temptation easily. I'm good at dieting, studying, sticking to a project I hate and seeing something through to the end. I'm polite even when I want to jump up and down, curse like a sailor and throw food and my demeanor is usually one of calm. I don't typically let myself go nuts.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

    I take too long to make decisions. I want to examine all sides of something before I make a decision, so it's very hard for me to make a quick, on-the-spot decision. It's a big disability and it's come out in a lot of situations.

    I am too empathetic. I get very upset about other people's problems and emotionally involve myself them, so their happiness is my happiness and their pain is my pain. I view it as a weakness because it makes my life hard sometimes. I pick up on the emotions of those around me and get really down if they seem upset.

    I get frustrated easily oftentimes. Sometimes people are too slow for me and I get irritated or things are not going as planned and it annoys me too much. I want things to be quick, fluid and planned and I hate when things take too long and I feel like my mouth is open and drooling and I'm making an 'uhhhh' noise.

    I can be quite mean by mistake. Cutting and awful things just come out of my mouth sometimes if I'm irritated enough and at my wit's end. I really hurt people because I tend to know exactly what will have the most damage if I say it. My tact just goes out the window if I'm in the right mood. It's a very bad thing and I've hurt the feelings of a lot of people and lowered a lot of self-esteem.

    My standards are impossibly high with mostly everything. People, media and school especially. Hardly anyone impresses me and I don't give people a chance unless they meet certain 'qualifications.' I look down on people for liking some things and I criticize books and movies so much that it's hard for me to just relax and enjoy something. With school, I beat myself up if I do something just a little wrong. I've always been like this, since I was little.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: Being self-possessed enough to do what you know to be right, despite daunting internal and external conflict.
    • Loyalty: Faithfulness to something that you've attached yourself to, whether it be a person, organization, idea or something else.
    • Intelligence: The ability to understand and manipulate knowledge of various kinds.
    • Ambition: The fervent desire to succeed beyond expectations in your tasks and goals; striving for better things.

  • Name: Amy.
  • Age: 18.
  • Where did you find out about us? kreugan's userinfo.

sorted: ravenclaw, term viii

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