Jul 31, 2007 18:26
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
If I could, I'd teach. I've always had a knack for showing people how to do things, I'm patient and pretty good at not letting the little things get to me. Of course, I wouldn't be able to handle the outright rudeness there is in the schools here, but Hogwarts students are all relatively well-behaved and the students respect the teachers. I've always wanted to be a teacher and teaching magic would be brilliant!
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
I'd teach potions or charms. Chemistry has always amazed me. To take random bits of stuff, mix them together and be able to make something completely new? It's amazing. All the bubbling and such, it'd be lovely! And Charms would be great simply to watch the students figure out their powers ... and their mistakes would be quite amusing to see, too. I get along great with kids and teens, so I'd be perfectly happy to help them out and show them what they're missing or doing wrong. Of course, I would be less willing to help if they were obnoxious or mouthy, but I'd figure out how to teach those kids as well.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
No, but only because I'm shy and probably not able to take so many people staring at me. I'd end up messing up and getting mad that everyone saw me screw up. And I'm sure I'm afraid of dragons. They seem quite scary.
I'm sure I wouldn't even be able to place my name in the Goblet anyway, it'd probably reject me since my heart really wouldn't be in it. I over-think everything, so I'd be too wrapped up in what I would do if I got chosen, what I'd do if I didn't get chosen, how I'd go about completing my tasks, what tasks would be involved ... I often think too much for my own good.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
A cat. They're sneaky, quick and quiet, elegant and graceful. They're also the most like me, as far as animals go. They're pretty independent and when they need you, they'll let you know, which is also like me. I don't think anybody would suspect me of being an animagus as a cat, so I'd be able to get secrets rather easily, if need be.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Either Hermione or Draco. Hermione is very smart, loyal and studious, just like I am. I've always feel a kinship with her just because we're both kind of, for lack of a better word, nerdy. I'd do anything for my close friends, from breaking the rules to just helping with homework.
Draco is completely misunderstood and doing things for his family's sake, which is what I've been doing my whole life. We both want to do something to make our parents proud, even if that means something stupid or dangerous. And in my experience, even then they probably won't notice what we've done. Essentially we're both slaves to our parents. Not literally, of course, but we both fight to get our parents' attention and affection.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
My grandpa, alive and happy. He died when I was younger and I still believe he was one of the only people who loved me for me. He didn't do it because he wanted something from me, I was too little to offer anything. I cried anytime I thought of him for almost 12 years. I've been getting better, trying to remember his life, not the fact that he's gone, but seeing him one more time would be brilliant. It's the only thing that would appear in the mirror for me.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
I'd buy myself some stuff and save the rest. Preferably, I'd not tell anyone I had it. My family has a tendency to take money from me, which is why I'd try to keep it a secret. I love them, but I've done enough to help them out of mistakes already. I just want to have something to myself for a little while. Of course I'd share it with them eventually, but at first I think it'd be wonderful to have it as my little secret and not be bombarded with stupid requests for stuff or help. Because sometimes I think they only want me around so they can borrow money.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
I always wanted to be a teacher, but decided I was too shy for the job. Not so sure I could take a room full of teenagers staring at me, making fun of me if I do something they don't like. Right now I just want to make some money, it doesn't have to be a ton, and be happy doing it. I'm not even close in my current job. I despise sitting at the computer all day, not being allowed to be creative or smart. I want to use my skills, my creativity ... my brain!
But I've still got quite a bit of time to turn myself around and get the job of my dreams (whatever that is). I've just got to be brave and make the move!
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
I'd shut people up. First-hand experience in my job has shown me that there are way too many loud and stupid people around. It'd be a simple spell, a flick of the wand and a placidus! Of course, they'd think they were still talking, so I could nod and pretend I was agreeing. But they'd only think that because it's much easier to handle than someone who realizes they suddenly can't make any noise and starts freaking out.
Sometimes I just want silence. I used to love listening to people's ideas and involving myself in conversations. Blame my job, I guess.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
I'm honestly not sure. I can't think of failure (which is my greatest fear, next to dying) taking a form. How about a huge snarling brown bear, ready to eat my hopes? I grew up in the woods and my sister and I could hear the bears in the woods when we were trying to sleep. It was terrifying to think of them wandering up and eating one of us during the night.
I guess when I throw a Riddikulus at it, it'd turn into a tiny teddy bear, proving that there was no reason to be scared of failing, I just need a little reassurance and some confidence.
- What do you look for in a friend?
Loyalty, intelligence and a sense of humor. I want to make sure they'll be there for me, even when I'm in a bad mood or having a really hard time. And I need someone smart enough to understand what the heck I'm talking about when I get off on a tangent about some obscure subject. But most importantly, they have to make me laugh. I've got an odd sense of humor, so finding someone who can understand me and make me laugh is rare. When I find a person who I can laugh with, I try to keep them around.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
Self-centeredness and being a know-it-all. I don't mind a conversation or two, but I can't hear about YOU all the time. Not everyone cares about your dog or your clothes or what you think of them. I want to shake self-centered people and tell them to just be themselves! There's got to be a normal person in there, right?
And know-it-alls drive me insane. Yes, I do know what I'm doing most of the time, and no, I don't need someone to comment on how they would have done it differently or better. I cannot stand someone who has to have a personal comment on everything. I like you, but I don't want to hear it!
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
I'm smart - not just book smart, I know how to apply knowledge to real-world situations.
I've got a very good memory - I can keep a number, a name or directions stored forever, if I have to.
I'm extremely loyal - If a friend or family member needs me, I'm there. No matter what, even if helping them hurts me.
I'm thoughtful to a fault - This works against me most of the time. I'll do something nice for someone out of the blue. I'll often realize they start to expect me to go the extra mile for them, even if they're not willing to do it for me.
I can probably throw a mean spell - When I say something I mean it, I don't lie or say things to hear myself talk, so I know my spells would stick.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
I'm shy - I'm not good at making eye contact with people I don't know, or people I don't feel comfortable with.
I can be pretty mean when I want to be (especially in the morning) - I can only take so much before I snap at people.
I can be indecisive - I like to weigh my options, but most of the time I do this for so long that the decision's not even worth making anymore and i get frustrated.
I judge people quickly - I know it's wrong, but I can't help this. If I'm getting a creepy vibe from someone, I instantly brand them as a creep.
I've got very little self confidence - This is pretty self-explanitory, which is good because I'd rather not discuss this one.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Standing up for what you believe in, sticking to your guns no matter what.
- Loyalty: Not abandoning your ideals or friends, even when the situation gets tough.
- Intelligence: Having the ability to not only process and retain information, but to use the information in a sensical way later.
- Ambition: Never giving up; doing what it takes to succeed at your task or dream.
- Name: Becca
- Age: 26
- Where did you find out about us? morsmordre_xx's post at hphouseicons
sorted: hufflepuff,
term viii