Erm, I apologise for the length. I do tend to ramble. :O
Name: Amanda
Age: 22
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I'd like to give some people a bit more rationality and foresight, but as that isn't possible I would like to make the world a more financially equal place. It bothers me that some countries seem to have so many luxuries, while others have so little and are riddled with poverty and disease and illiteracy. I think the world is very out of balance.
Who is your favorite Hogwarts teacher? My favourite "constant" teacher is McGonagall because she is realistic about the complexity of her subject and expects her students to be responsible for their own actions, as well as the consequences of those actions, which I feel is a good way of preparing them for life-beyond-school - she really demands the best of people. But my favourite "one time" teacher is Professor Lupin. I liked him as a teacher because he was so capable and intelligent, but also kind... he encouraged the students not through criticising their weaknesses, but by building on their strengths. I also think that his practical approach to lessons was the best way to learn DADA because it isn't the sort of thing you can learn strictly through theory. And he's a werewolf. ;)
Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter? I debated about this one, but I'd have to say it's Harry. I don't like everything about him... sometimes I'd like to give him a good talking to, or tell him not to copy off of Ron's homework, sure, but he's special to me. He's been through so much more than any person, let alone kid, should ever have to go through, and yet he just keeps on taking it and dealing with it. It breaks my heart sometimes. One thing in particular that I really respect about him is the fact that he didn't let the Dursleys undermine his self-confidence too much... he still stood up for himself, or teased Dudley, even if he knew what it would cost him. His situation might be pathetic, but he isn't. The kid has spirit.
Who is your least favorite character in Harry Potter? Umbridge. I don't know if I can elaborate without offending everyone reading this. She was ignorant, and cruel, and smug, and she abused her position in a way that no one should be allowed to do. Perhaps she was insecure in some way and that's why she felt the need to manipulate and control and hurt others, but that doesn't excuse her behaviour. She got everything she deserved, in my opinion.
What makes a person respectable? Four things. 1.) Inner strength or the willingness to build it. 2.) The ability to think beyond their own opinions and try to understand other peoples' points of view. 3.) A willingness to learn about themselves and the world. 4.) Liking Harry Potter. ;D
What is your take on religion? To be honest, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about religion. I do have spiritual beliefs, but they are always evolving and changing. I try to be respectful, though, and I don't discriminate against others because they have committed themselves to a religion. My family is Christian and I have friends who are Pagan and agnostic, and we get along just fine because we respect each other. I can't condone religions that preach harm or discrimination, and I can't agree with people who believe there is no god or spiritual element to human life because I think it's impossible to really know that for certain, when the universe is so huge and there's so much we don't know.
What do you think about house elves? I think that they should be given the freedom to do what THEY want to do... and if that is to serve wizarding folk, then that is their choice. But I think they should be paid for that labour, and they shouldn't be taken advantage of. There should be better laws to protect them.
What do you look for in a friend? Respect, intelligence, the ability to walk around in someone else's shoes, and a good sense of humour - that is a must! I like people who are capable of thinking for themselves and who are willing to help themselves rather than always expecting other people to give them the answers or look after them... that frustrates me.
Would you rather have friends and family or money and success? I suppose that depends on what sort of 'success' you're talking about. And money isn't always a bad thing - you can use it to do a lot of good for the world. But life would be boring without friends. Hmm. I don't know what I would choose.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? It's something that is very personal. :) So my secondary answer is that I would like to have more motivation to overcome my insecurities, so I could live a fuller life.
What do you feel is your best quality? Heh, I don't know. Personally, I like the fact that I can see a lot of different perspectives at once, or perhaps my ability to be strong in myself, or my ability to choose not to care about something/someone, which others often say is a "flaw" in me because it makes me selfish or cold (I don't see it like that.) But where other people are concerned, I think one of my best qualities is being "useful", and helping them to look at their problems in a more objective light (this is what I've been told by friends).
What are your hobbies? Dreaming, daydreaming, thinking, researching (I think etymology is fun :D), reading, crafts & sewing, writing, playing computer games, cooking, tea-drinking, occasionally role-playing and spoiling my kitty, who is the light of my life!
Do you want to have children? This is difficult for me to answer. I would like to have children but I worry that I wouldn't be the best person to become a parent, for various reasons. I would have to make a lot of personal changes before I felt comfortable becoming a mother. I would like to have a large family, but I would like to adopt, as I know that there are so many children out there who are in need of a good home. But, again, I'm not certain I would be able to provide what they need. I'm not ready for kids right now, though.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I've given money but not my time, and I'd like to give more of both. Although I don't believe I can support every charity out there, so it's better to pick a few and give as much as I can to those.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? First, I'd pee my pants. Then I'd look for a way to get the person/animal/beast away from them, or to get them away from him/her/it. And I'd probably die in the process. ;P
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? It's quite selfish, really. I'd like to buy some land and use it to build something good and strong that I can call my own, and which I could pass on to my children if I ever have any. The world is always in motion, and while I believe that is a good thing and we shouldn't fight change but merely try to direct its flow, I also think it's nice to have something constant that we can always return to (can you tell I moved around as a kid? :P).
Who is your role model? I've been inspired by many people, but I don't have a role model.
What trait most annoys you about other people? Ignorance, emotional weakness. I can't stand clinginess or extreme co-dependancy. It agitates me when people just don't THINK about things.
What do you want to do for a living? I have no idea. Sorry, I really don't. I'm a pretty fickle person, and I'm interested in a lot of things. Sometimes I think I'd like to start an organic produce farm, and other times I dream of being a private detective. As long as I gave something back to the community to balance out what I took, I'd be happy, though.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Yes I would, if I thought the circumstances called for it, and I don't think I would have any trouble doing so. I can be pretty ruthless sometimes when seeking moral justice.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? I'm hesitant to answer this, but I would like to. I don't think I would fit in Hufflepuff because, from what I know of them, they are very helpful and friendly. Although I enjoy helping others, sometimes I get really tired of trying, or I get tired of people in general, and I just want to hole up in my own selfish, isolated shell and forget about the rest of the world. If I've misunderstood Hufflepuff, I apologise.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? 1.) My willingness to learn and understand, even if I hate what I understand. 2.) My ability to find something to laugh at, no matter what the situation may be. 3.) My ability to persuade people that I'm right, even when I'm not sure if I am ;). 4.) My ability to rationalise emotions. 5.) I'm adaptable and I can get along with most types of people.
Where did you find out about us? I followed a link through
luthiel's journal after reading a fan-fic that she wrote and posted to an HP community. :)