Application for your concideration and enjoyment, take two.

Nov 16, 2004 20:14

Name: Sarabi
Age: 26

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? That there wouldn't be so many closed minded people. I think people would tolorate each other more if we all had open minds. There could be a lot less wars as well. People would be more open to strange and different things that right now people shun. People tend to be afraid of what they don't understand and instead of trying to understand it they rather destroy it.
Who is your favorite Hogwarts teacher? So far it's Remus Lupin. Because the kids actually learned something in DADA, where with the other teachers they really haven't. With perhaps the exception of "Mad Eye" I really think Remus should have stayed, but again it goes back to the closemindedness of people.
Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter? Sirius Black. There's just something about him I've always liked. I think it's because he was willing to learn to be an Animagi so he could spend time with Remus. He spent time in Azkaban and managed to keep some of his mind, not to mention he was able to escape when no one else ever had. I just wonder why it took him so long to do it though.
Who is your least favorite character in Harry Potter? The Dementors. Who would like them? They are freaky looking, they suck your soul, for what it seemed, no reason at all, and things get really cold around them. Although the whole "eat some chocolate" thing after coming into contact with them is pretty cool!
What makes a person respectable?Someone you can look up to and admire because of the things they believe or can do. Someone who respects you back. Respect is earned from me, not a natural given. I will respect a person when they stand by what they believe no matter what, can take loosing gracefully, and is not afraid to take chances...
What is your take on religion? I personally do not practice a religion, I do believe there is something out there, something bigger than all of us, but what exactly that is, I couldn't tell you. I think that we should be able to worship whom we choose in our homes and not have to goto a Church or Chapel, or anything once a week to prove we are religious. Why once a week when you can prove it all week long? I can't stand those who push their religions onto others, I do not mind listening to people talk about their religions, because I learn a lot about the religion, but I don't like it pushed on me with the "This is the religion you HAVE to practice or you will goto Hell." I don't believe that in anyway.
What do you think about house elves? They are interesting creatures, more then willing to clean up and cook for wizards which is nice, it's like having someone you hire in the muggle world to do the same things for you, but you don't pay house elves, and I believe you should be nice to them, because despite everything, if you are mean and horrible to them, they can and more in likely will turn on you. (Doby anyone?)
What do you look for in a friend? Honesty, outgoing, people who aren't afraid to try new things, and have simular intrests as I do. They should be willing to listen to me when I have something to rant about and take my moods in stride. They can not be afraid to open up and tell me what's bothering them at any time and should be willing to always be there for me as I would be for them.
Would you rather have friends and family or money and success? Friends and family. You can always get money and success, it's harder to get friends (good ones at least) and family. Besides, without them, what fun are the other two? Friends will always be there for you, as with family, but money and success can rise and it can fall leaving you alone and cold. When the money is gone, and the success is forgotten, you will still have your family and friends. They will be there no matter what happens in your life, and don't care if you are rich and successful or poor and unknown.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I'm not always so trusting of new people around me. I have been trusting in the past and have paid dearly for it, so now, when I meet someone new I will concider if they are trustworthy by being around them and watching how they handle things and then if I think they deserve it I will trust them. But if a person breaks my trust, it's good to say that it may never be given again.
What do you feel is your best quality? Artistic ability. I can draw, write, and create to my heart's content, and never too bad about it either. When things are upsetting or I get angry I can draw or write and I end up feeling better if not get a different view on something instead of blowing up and breaking things or yelling at the top of my lungs, which never gets anyone anywhere.
What are your hobbies? Photography, animals (I train them), movies, writing, drawing, doing stuff outdoors, internet, swimming. With the training of animals (which is also my job) there are some things that is just screaming Kodak moment! I enjoy movies obviously, I have many fanfics, including a HP one, and most of the time I am outdoors while I train and work and there's nothing better then being able to jump in a cool lake or pool after a really hot day.
Do you want to have children? I already have one thanks! :) Not sure if I really want more yet.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? Every year I give money and time to my local AHA because I am such an animal person and it breaks my heart to see so many animals not wanted....I keep bringing new animals home as well because of that.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? Fight the person, animal or beast with magic or muscle. Whatever it takes to save them I would do it because I know the friend would do the same thing for me.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? Raise my son to be perfectly "normal" and healthy in all asspects in life. I would also like to accomplish getting on screen instead of just being behind it all the time.
Who is your role model? My mother because she is one heck of a woman! She has raised two kids and has put up with all of our teenage rebellion and constint changing of what we were going to do when we grew up, and supported us in every decision even if she didn't think it was right for us, she'd let us know her feelings but still stand with us, and was always there to help pick up the pieces when something fell apart and has never once said "I told you so."
What trait most annoys you about other people? Rudeness, hatered....people are more rude today then they were in the 19th century. They bump you and say nothing, run into you and it's all your fault...hatred is just, well stupid. It leads to a lot of bad things, I have never seen hate lead to something good, and I can not stand being around people who hate something for no reason but because "everyone else hates it" specially when they know nothing about what it is they are hating.
What do you want to do for a living? I'm doing it. And for personal reasons I will not say what it is I do, I've had a lot of bad stuff happen when people found out what I do and I'm just not going there any more I am sorry.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Only, ONLY if a friend or family memeber was in a life or death situation like you mentioned above and ONLY if there was nothing else that can be done, usually there are other things that can be done.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I think I could fit into any house.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? Top five huh?

1. Loyal

2. Creative

3. Fast Learner

4. Outgoing

5. Strong in mind and body.

Where did you find out about us? cleolinda

sorted: gryffindor, term i

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