If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Ignorance - it causes so much unnecessary drama. One misunderstanding has the potential to lead to bigger, more unfortunate problems ( i.e. the destruction of a friendship, the degradation of the environment, war ). Furthermore, ignorance often promotes close-mindedness and violence. The world would a much better place if people's actions are more fueled by intelligence and less by emotions.
What makes a person respectable?
In my book, a respectable person is one who takes chances and does something productive with his life. I often find it difficult to respect someone who lies around the house all day ( everyday ), playing the perfect role of the "couch potato"...or someone who snorts coke to waste time.
With that said, I really believe that there are infinite number of ways a person can be considered "respectable". However, I mainly respect those who: have the ability to voice negative things in a good way; are unafraid to "color outside of the box"; defend their friends and/or opinions; willingly, calmly take constructive criticism; accomplish their duties.
What do you look for in a friend?
Foremost, I look for an accepting heart - in other words, I'm really turned off by bitchy comments and again, ignorance. Other than that, I am mainly attracted to intelligence. I have to be able to hold profound, meaningful conversations with my friends. Thus, I usually befriend those who are not only unafraid to voice their opinions, but are also open to new ideas. So...timid people don't really appeal to me. I know, I'm really picky when it comes to friends...but I suppose that's why I have many acquaintances, but very few friends.
What are your hobbies?
Writing - I love writing. I can't say I'm the greatest writer, but writing offers me a limitless canvas on which I can pour my emotions and ideas on. It really is my one true passion. For me, writing is the best stress-alleviator in the world. Unfortunately, I have been so busy lately that I haven't had the time to write as much. Ironically, it's what I desperately need right now to free myself my current hectic schedule.
Reading - For as long as I can remember, I have loved reading. It's very related with my adoration for writing. Reading literature enables me to be exposed to so many different worlds, writing styles and techniques. Yes, I'm bit of a nerd.
In addition, I am very fond of loitering at random coffee shops and bookstores with friends - engaging in discussions of our current troubles or of more intellectual topics - laughing at our most recent inside jokes or revisiting old, familiar ones. I'm a terrible coffee addict, by the way. I spend so much time at these coffee places that many of the employees know my friends and I by name. And...to wrap this up, I'm also very interested in the art of photography. Experimentation is endless...much like writing. Perhaps, that is why I enjoy it so much. I used to mostly do black and white photography, but now, I find bright colors attractive as well.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
I would most certainly would and have done so already. Being an active volunteer is another point on my "nerd profile". I'd rather give time to charities ( and other less formal organizations ) than money because I find it more purposeful to be directly involved. However, some of the more prominent charities I have donated money to are UNICEF and The American Cancer Society. The latter ( as many of you probably know ) is related with Relay for Life, which I have participated in. I have also volunteered at L.A. Regional Foodbank, land conversation sites, and various elderly homes...to name a few.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
Since I was ten, my life goal has been: complete a novel and find a publisher that is willing to print it. It would be wonderful to see my name in print...on a bookshelf during one of my frequent trips to the local bookstore. I promised to myself that...no matter what happens, no matter how much my profession distracts me, I will somehow find time to finish at least one novel. I really think I can die happy if I achieve this aspiration, knowing that my ideas can reach someone long after I'm gone.
Who is your role model?
This will sound incredibly cliché, but my mother is my role model. She is the epitome of someone who is driven by pure passion and good intentions. Growing up, she always wanted to pursue a career in medicine ( namely acupuncture ), but she wasn't able to because of a marriage to a man she hardly knew and the lack of money. At the ripe age of forty-something, she separated from my father to finally pursue her life-long interest. I mean - this lady underwent abuse as a child and as a wife; slaved to lift our family out of poverty; and somehow managed to play the roles of employee, student, and single-mother all at the same time - and she made it out on top. She recently obtained her acupuncture license and aspires to open her own clinic in the very near future. She is completely inspiring in that, she never gave up. She had the guts to achieve something almost everyone in my Asian culture disapproved of.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
Not so much stupidity, but ( again! ) ignorance. I can't stand unjustified remarks and phrases used entirely out of context ( i.e. "That's so gay!" ). I hate it when people talk confidently about issues that they blatantly know absolutely nothing about. Essentially, those who do not have substantial reasons for their opinions bother me...a lot. I also abhor those who use the bible as their sole evidence for situations like gay marriages, abortion, etc. Lastly, I find it terribly annoying when people purposely use shitty spelling online.
What do you want to do for a living?
Although I'm extremely passionate about writing, I would love to pursue a career in psychology. I have always been interested in human behavioral patterns. It's great because I'll continuously be on a path of discovery. It's exciting that I will be learning something new everyday; I hate mundane, routine things. In addition, I honestly believe that my research in the field of psychology can actually improve my writing...because I can apply my gained insight of human beings to my writing to make my characters and situations more believable.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
Okay - truthfully, I'd freak out. If it was a verbal attack, I'd jump right in and defend my friend. If it's physical, sorry, I'd freak...unless I'm equipped with a magical wand, capable of imposing serious damage ( wink ). Otherwise, I would run and fetch someone who has much more muscle mass than me to intervene. Honestly, I am certain that I'd do my friend more harm than good if I interfere. So if I really loved this friend...
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Sadly, yes. Although, I don't think I can ever commit murder. I possess a very hot-tempered personality; it takes little to annoy me to a point where I blow up. I have been known to rashly attack people with hurtful words. Therefore, if I had the power to use an Unforgivable Curse, I think I would use it...simply because my anger would inhibit my ability to think rationally. Also, if I were in danger or if I found myself in situation like the question above, I would use an Unforgivable Curse in a heartbeat.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. A passionate drive: Whatever I am involved in, I always approach it with enthusiasm. For instance, I talk about my extracurricular activities as if they were my best friend...and I admit this freely and proudly.
2. The ability to communicate...whether it'd be on paper or in person.
3. Persistence: Despite the fact that I'm often emotionally and physically drained, I usually see to it that my tasks are accomplished.
4. Dedication: The time and effort I contribute to various organizations are really what exhausts me by the end of the day.
4. The ability to take constructive criticism and apply it to different aspects of my life.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. Pessimism: I always hope for the worst, never for the best. It's a horrible mindset that I have because it can get very emotionally straining.
2. Hot-tempered: As mentioned earlier, it takes very little to piss me off.
3. Perfectionism: This is compulsory habit I would rather do without. I spend too much unnecessary time on the little details...something that'll take someone one hour to accomplish will take me six hours.
4. Procrastination: When combined with my OCD-ish perfectionism…it’s lethal.
5. Impatience.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: It's having the guts to express your opinions and not being afraid to stand up for them; it's not being so easily swayed by others.
Loyalty: In my opinion, loyalty is about not going back on your word...unless you have some good, logical reasons. I associate this particular trait mostly with friendship - being unafraid to lend a shoulder or an ear, informing your friend in a discreet manner if he's walking around with toilet paper stuck to his shoe...
Intelligence: Thinking before speaking. An intelligent person sees beyond what's on the surface.
Ambition: Ambition is having the passion and persistence to pursue a goal. An ambitious individual is not the one who waits around for an opportunity to present itself; an ambitious individual is the one who takes initiative and meets any incoming challenges headfirst.
Name: Esther
Age: 16
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
My personality really is a mix-and-match of various characteristics from the four houses. I'm sure that there's one particular house that I'd "do best in",...but I'm not entirely certain which one that would be. It's up to you guys...
Where did you find out about us?
intoxic, Slytherin: After being subjected to much pestering, I finally succumbed. YOU WIN, OKAY?