Jul 13, 2010 19:33
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I could see myself writing for a magazine such as the Quibbler, or taking a job within the justice system - do wizards need lawyers or social workers? I wouldn’t say an Auror, or something like that, though - honestly, I’m a bit too lazy for that, not to mention I hate fighting and in a job like that, I think fighting would be inevitable. Another job I might consider would be nursing/healing, because I hate seeing people sick and I want to be able to help everyone. I hate needles, though, which could be a drawback.
Basically, I’m not sure what I want to be, but I’m weird and I like helping people. I also wouldn’t mind studying wands and selling them, but I’d probably be shit at actually making them.
- You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.
The character that I’d bring along with me would undoubtedly be Blaise Zabini, in large part because I think I would probably trust him with my life. He’s always come across (to me) as being sleek and self-assured, and I can just see him handling the situation well. I feel like he’d move quietly and quickly, and I don’t picture him as someone who’d be jumping at every small sound - having someone who’s calm around would help me stay a lot calmer, as well (I’m prone to freaking out). As for an object that I’d bring with me, I’m not entirely sure. A flashlight is needless, given that we could use our wands to make light, and a tranquilizer gun would also be pointless because we should be able to stun any attacking creatures with magic (or at least, we can attempt to!). Those were the first two items that came to mind, though. I also considered a broom, for the sake of a quick escape if necessary, but I think it would be too much of a hassle to carry around.
I suppose I’d settle on bringing a camera, just in case I saw anything really neat that I wanted to record or take photos of! Maybe record the excursion, and make a neat little video or vlog about it, depending what all happened :)
- If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?
This is such a tricky question for me - I’ve always kind of fetishized vampirism and the idea of living forever - having the chance to travel anywhere and everywhere, to continuously learn new things, and to be able to see history in the making would truly be the chance of a lifetime. I’ve just never been sure that I could handle the loneliness, or all the war, destruction and poverty that I’d encounter. However, I do think that, given the chance, I probably would, depending on how. I would never give into making a horcrux, but I’m certainly not against something like the Elixir of Life. And as I said, I’d probably use my eternity to travel the world, and also to perfect things I’d always wished I could - such as dancing, playing music, and writing. It’d be lovely to be able to write a series of autobiographies about the things I’ll have witnessed.
- If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?
April 7th, 2004. There’s no other option.
Forgive me for keeping this brief, but that’s the date on which my cousin passed away from cancer (clear cell sarcoma). She was only 12 years old, as was I, and every day I regret that I wasn’t there when she died. I’d give anything to have been able to spend those last few hours with her.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
Honestly, I’ve never been able to directly pin-point a singular character - I see a piece of myself in nearly all of them. Though I suppose for the sake of this, I could point out that I used to refer to myself as Fleur, though I couldn’t for the life of me explain why. It may have simply been because she’s French.
However, I suppose that if I truly needed to narrow it down to one character, I’d have to say Luna Lovegood. I see a lot of myself reflected in her - in Jr. High I was bubbly and spacey, and I definitely fell into a bit of an “outcast” category that continued on through high school and even into University. I’ve never been the “norm”, and I’ve been the girl who people whisper about and make fun of - just like Luna. And it’s hard, but she’s always handled it so well. It may seem petty, but I’m jealous of her for that, if I’m being honest. I’ve always cared too much about how people view me and I wish I could’ve taken everything in stride like she has, but instead I turned towards more harmful coping mechanisms. Also, I consider myself to be highly loyal to my family and close friends, and I feel that she posses such loyalty, as well. I don’t believe that I posses her courage, though.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
I’m not entirely sure that this is something that would be able to be shown, or at least, I’m not sure how it could be visualized. But it’s my answer, so here goes. I think that what I’d hope to see in the mirror would be some representation of Equal Rights in every area of the world, especially for the LGBTQ community. Maybe that’s ridiculous and unrealistic, but that’s one of my biggest desires for the world - for everyone to just be able to love freely. Love knows no colour, status, or gender, and I want the world to embrace that.
If that’s too extreme, or... something, I suppose the next most likely result would be to see the girl I love next to me. Long distance is not my friend.
- Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?
I don’t think it’s ever fair to judge solely on one of those factors - and it’s especially unfair to chose one and only one, and then apply it to every single case. It would be easy to say we should judge by intentions, but it would be just as easy to say that intentions don’t matter in the long run if the consequences of the action are deemed inappropriate. Generalizing is one of the biggest cop-outs in all of society, although I do admit that it’s often hard to judge every single happening on a case-by-case basis. However, I firmly believe that an effort to judge each case individually should be made.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
Hahaha. Just like right now, I never had a singular future career in mind as a child. There was a time in my life when I wanted to be a rapper AND a priest - I’m not even male, I could never be a priest in my own religion. But as a child, you don’t always grasp such concepts. There was also a long stretch of childhood when I wished to be an actress, and if I’m being honest, I would still love to follow that path.
My ideal job is still constantly changing - just this past year, I entered university to study commerce and become an accountant. Not even a full semester into the year, I realized that, no, this wasn’t what I wanted to do with my life. Still, I finished the year and passed my courses (other than calculus which I dropped. I was failing it, and since I was dropping out of Commerce, I wouldn’t need the math credit, so why kill my GPA?), and I’ve enrolled myself in the Crime, Law and Deviance program. That’s only my major, though. I’m also working on a double minor in French Studies and Women and Gender Studies, because it’s impossible for me to dedicate myself to one thing. Ideally, I would enjoy working with court cases pertaining to gender and sexuality, but I’m still not convinced that I’ll be cut-out for law school when the time comes.
However, I also have a lot of stories floating around in my head, and I would give almost anything to become a published author. Especially if I would be able to make a living in that line of work.
All I can do is wait and see where the future takes me.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
Honestly, I would probably invent a potion that would work as a universal cure for cancer, and I would make sure that it was also marketed to muggles through their medical companies. I realize that such an invention is wishful thinking, and I also realize how unlikely it is that ONE potion could cure any variation of the ailment, but it’s magick, right? Half the draw of magick is the hope and wonder of making the impossible a possibility, after all.
I don’t really know what I’d call it, though. Besides, well. A miracle. Maybe something like Miracalous. I’m not really sure.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
Honestly, there are a LOT of things that could go here, amongst the options are trivial things like snakes, spiders, and ants, or incidents such as plane crashes, assault and guns, and more personal fears such as one of my parents passing on, or being alone for the rest of my life and never truly experiencing love. I suppose some of the most vivid options would be for the boggart to transform into the lifeless body of someone I care deeply about.
I’m also not entirely sure what it would turn into once I cast the counter-spell. I have a vastly wide sense of humor, and could easily end up laughing at just about anything. However, boggarts don’t talk and I feel that the lack of speech would greatly hinder what I would find humorous. I also feel like it could vary greatly depending on when the boggart run-in occurred - it would probably end up being something based on one of my most recent inside jokes with my friends. Overall, it’s hard to determine precisely what the counter-spell would cause considering I’m still unsure of what exactly the boggart would become in the first place.
- What do you look for in a friend?
I could make a list that goes on forever, if I’m being honest, but the list-toppers would be acceptance, compassion, love, and humour. Acceptance is a huge deal for me; I’m bisexual, a believer in God, and a supporter of LGBTQ rights, among plenty of other things. I could never truly click with someone who was too viciously against any of those things. Compassion is important for the obvious reasons, as is love. Humor is one of the strings that hold people together, as well. What’s the use of a friend if you can’t share the fun and hilarious moments with them? Having a shoulder to lean on when times get hard is extremely important, but no friendship can last purely on troubles and support. You need the knowledge of future happiness to keep people going through the bad days.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
I think I’d have to say intolerance, although I realize that we’re all guilty of it at times, and I’m by no means any exception. People who cannot bring themselves to accept diversity drive me up the wall with rage. I’m not demanding them to embrace it, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t accept it or at the VERY least, ignore it and keep their hateful and hurtful opinions to themselves. Facing intolerance is painful, and it can leave a lot of lasting damage.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
I’d like to preface this by saying that this is the last section I’ve filled out. I find it very difficult to pin-point and elaborate on the positives about myself, mainly because I have a hard time finding any. I’m still staring at this section asking myself what I could possibly list, so I apologize if my answers come across as weak.
1. Likeability. I consider myself to be a friendly and agreeable person, and I think that I’m easy to get along with once I lower my walls of shyness.
2. Acceptance. I embrace diversity, and I’m extremely accepting towards people of all sexualities, genders and sexes, religions, races, etc. People are people, and I fully believe in choosing your friends based on their personality and qualities, as opposed to what they look like or believe in, or who they love, etc.
3. Comfort. I always try my best to listen to my friends when they’re down, and I don’t always have good advice, by I try my hardest. I try to make people feel better, in part because it hurts me to see the people I care about hurting. I never want to see the people I love in pain - they don’t deserve it.
4. Dedication. I have strong loyalties towards certain people and projects, and I’ll dedicate myself to them as much as I possibly can. This applies not only to friends, but also to things like writing communities and artists (I’m a loyal and dedicated fan just as much as I am a friend). I won’t jump ship on someone simply because I disagree with a decision they’ve made or a step they’ve taken - when I’m in something, I’m in it for the long-haul. Unless, of course, the misstep was something I found entirely unforgivable. Even still, it’s hard for me to give up on someone or something that I once believed in.
5. Excitability. I suppose this could be seen positively or negatively (as an annoying trait, perhaps), but I like to think of it in a brighter light. The smallest things can make me happy, especially when it comes to things like the musicians and books that I adore. Yes, in other words, I’m admitting to being a fangirl - a title I hold proudly, thank you very much. I don’t see a problem with finding excessive happiness in the things that make me happy. I’m not entirely sure that I’d use the label joie de vivre, but I suppose it comes close to that - I can find joy in the most trivial interactions and situations.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. Insecurity. I care far too much what people think of me, and I constantly find myself getting caught up in thoughts like “is anyone looking at me?”, “should I have worn this?” and “do I look bad right now?”. However my self-doubts range beyond that and into the realm of “are people being honest with me, or are they just humouring me?”, “what if everything my ‘friends’ tell me is a lie?”, and “are they laughing at me or with me?”. I hate my insecurities, but I’ve never been able to overcome them.
2. Natural distrust of people. I’m ridiculously fussy about who I let into my life, and who I share my secrets and personal stories with. I’m distrusting by nature, and will always have paranoia that everyone is out to get me (and everyone else, for that matter).
3. Tendency to ‘jump the gun’. I have a really bad habit of reacting immediately and fiercely/passionately to situations, comments, etc. I often end up back-peddling a bit and trying to re-word things in a more accurate manner once I’ve given myself time to simmer and put some rational thought into things. In other words, sometimes my mouth gets me into trouble.
4. Desire to please others. I’m a people-pleaser by nature, and oftentimes, this results in me letting people walk all over me, or take advantage of me. It’s caused troubles and pain within relationships with both boyfriends and friends, and has left me feeling awful about myself on more than one occasion. I have difficulty telling people no, no matter how much I want to, and it’s gotten me hurt in the past. I like to think that I’ve learned from such occasions, but I still have a lot of trouble standing up for myself.
5. Internalizing. I have the unfortunate tendency to internalize my pain and not talk about it, and it’s a habit that’s caused some significant harm in my life. I hate the thought of burdening other people with my problems, and tend to feel like they wouldn’t truly care anyway, so I often slip into depression and begin to feel a disconnect. I’ve gotten much better at dealing with my feelings so that I don’t take them out on myself, but I still internalize a lot of my emotions.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Courage is being faced with something that scares the shit out of you and doing it anyway, because someone or something depends on your success. It’s about overcoming your fears, and not letting them swallow you whole. Courage is pushing past the jitters in your stomach, the numbness in your mind, and the quiver in your spine and doing what you need or want to do, even when the outcome isn’t definite.
- Loyalty: There are many forms of loyalty in the world. For example, the loyalty one has for their country is never going to be identical to the loyalty to a friend, nor the loyalty to a lover, nor any other loyalty. However, all loyalty is based around love, pride, and the choice not to give up when the going gets tough. It also requires one to consider not only what is best for them self, but also what the best options are for anyone involved. Loyalty isn’t a selfish act.
That isn’t to say there may not be selfish aspects. One may choose loyalty because of the satisfaction it gives them, instead of out of true and pure loyalty to someone or something. This is still loyalty, but it’s tainted, in a way.
- Intelligence: There are many, many kinds of intelligence, so I’m not going to sit here and spew some bullshit about textbook knowledge. Some of the smartest people I know were not strong students - although, that’s in large part due to a lack of application. Intelligence comes from experience just as much as it does from text, and is the ability to understand and conceptualize topics, situations and facts. It’s not, however, entirely about taking something at face-value. Intelligence thrives on asking questions, on finding out the why and the how. I believe that intelligence isn’t quite the same thing as being smart, although they do have many parallels.
- Ambition: A healthy state of ambition would be doing whatever it takes within lawful capacity to achieve whatever one’s particular goals and desired outcomes are. It requires effort, perseverance, and the choice to not give up despite the times when one gets discouraged. Ambition thrives on wanting to be better, to do better, and to prove to oneself and/or others that certain goals can be met.
- Name: Kitty
- Age: 19
- Where did you find out about us? from kissoffools
- Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? Ideally, yes! Of course :)
sorted: hufflepuff,
term xvii