So the writing isn't going as well as I wanted. My co-writer (and onetime colleague in a BT invoicing department) lobbed an idea at me a few weeks ago for me to flesh out and I have to confess I haven't really got anywhere with it; I've an idea where I can take it but it hasn't all come together in my mind yet. A few other ideas entirely unconnected have surfaced, and look like they might coalesce into an interesting form of a comic novel (!!!!).
That one seems easier to structure - although it's fun to just open a blank Word document and start typing. I did that once with a screenplay and I'd typed over 70 pages (more than an hour of screen time) before realising "Aha! This is about cannibalism!". There's still some interesting stuff in there; I'll have to go back and look at it again sometime.
Much better to have a structure, a scene list. Scene 1: this happens. Scene 2: this happens. Scene 3: and so on. You wouldn't build a house without a blueprint.
In other shocking news, I completely forgot about Torchwood last night. How could this happen? I just hope it's repeated. Even though there's a lot that annoys me about it.