Title: "Queen Bee" (1/1)
platysseusFandom: Smallville
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Spoilers?: None. Future setting, but it's not based on anything other than personal wishes. ;)
Characters: Oliver/Chloe, OC
Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville and/or its characters. Bailey is technically mine.
Notes: This was written as an example for a writing challenge at
fantasyverse (where I'm a writing-mod). It had to include certain words (randomly picked by a generator), and those words are bolded in the fic.
Summary: An insight into married/family life for Oliver and Chloe.
"We seem to have run out of honey. Can you get some while you're out?"
"Oh," Oliver scanned the living room until he found the sticky culprit behind the sofa and beside an upturned honey jar. He knelt next to his youngest son, "Bailey. You're a wanderer just like your mom. Now what have I told you about taking things from the cupboards?"
A smirk played upon the lips of the glistening young face. Bailey gave his best innocent expression and shrugged. Oliver looked for a clean part of his son's clothes before he picked the boy up and took him into the kitchen.
His wife, Chloe, met him at the sink. She nodded, "So that's where it went."
"Here and the carpet," Oliver sat Bailey on the draining board. "Chloe, why did we decide to have three kids?"
Chloe thumbed her chin. "I can't remember actually deciding. But once we knew, we realised it would be good to have a third voice in family arguments."
"I thought that was the reason for the first child?"
Chloe hit his arm with the back of her hand, "We don't argue."
Oliver rubbed the spot. "So since I still have to go out for honey and, well, money, you'll be fine to wash our voice of reason?" He kissed her mouth. "Yes? Good. See you later."
Chloe glared at him, then shooed him away.
Oliver had almost opened the apartment door when he heard her voice again.
"Ollie, I just remembered!" she appeared in the hallway holding her bag, a container of cleansing tissues, and a change of clothes for the child tottering behind her. Chloe crouched to help Bailey out of his honeyed shirt and pants; then used the tissues to clean his feet, hands and face.
Oliver joined them on the floor. He passed the clean clothes to Chloe, "What did you remember?"
She eased the clean shirt over Bailey's head and attended to his arms. "My car's at the mechanic's. Need to get it back."
"You also need to sell it," Oliver smirked. Chloe's mouth gaped. Oliver helped Bailey into his clean trousers, "How many times have I said that?"
"Thix!" Bailey answered. Oliver and Chloe both laughed.
"Six times, apparently."
Chloe put her son's socks on. "But I can't sell a gift. Least not until the giftee has left our circle of friends."
"I can't see Lois doing that anytime soon," Oliver picked Bailey up as he stood.
"But I'm sure she'll understand that you require a more family-friendly vehicle."
Chloe stood and fetched Bailey's shoes from the door. "A Chevrolet Impala fits our size family. Plus it's American and white; I can be patriotic when I drive that car. What about you and your wide variety of silver European vehicles?"
Oliver shrugged. "This is why we never argue. You always win."
"I just know better," Chloe pinched his cheek and ruffled Bailey's hair. She stared at the sticky-hairy mess on her fingers, "Time to go."