awwwwwwwwww das so cute! i luv u! lol but U luv ME more dan roman rite? lol jp. i hope u guz will stay 2gether 4eva! lol n dat bitch dayana needs ta fuck off..shes alwayz tryin ta mess shit up between u n him WTF?!?!?! i swear shell GRRRRR lol. ight neways gtg.
Wass sope gurl Damn I miss u so fucking much!!!Damn U no I luv hem 2 death n I do no what I will do with out hem!Well I dont think she will do anything cuz she got a bf but I swer if samething happend n its will be her folt I will kick her ass. U no Me gurl!!! Damn but yea Im So sorry Ju but I luv Roman more but like he is ma man n u ma gurl so u no me I luv u 2!Just like 2 death but yea GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 2 LOL Damn I cant wayt until Roman B-Day party it will be tait....LoL But Ju I do no Ajs party 2 on da same day damn sorry but I have 2 go 2 Romans party Cuz like He is ma man like u no.But anyways Edrelyn going 2 so like we will have same sweet n cool time 2gether like u no us..A BIG USSSSSS LOL. But yea G2G peace out!!!
LOL ight den im bout 2 go to his party 2 den! lol not aj's lol fuck him lol but neways well ionno im prolly gon spend da nite at andreas...cuz u noe wat happened between me n ma parents. ight gtg peace!
Comments 4
♥Julia LUV ya!!!
but like he is ma man n u ma gurl so u no me I luv u 2!Just like 2 death but yea GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 2 LOL Damn I cant wayt until Roman B-Day party it will be tait....LoL But Ju I do no Ajs party 2 on da same day damn sorry but I have 2 go 2 Romans party Cuz like He is ma man like u no.But anyways Edrelyn going 2 so like we will have same sweet n cool time 2gether like u no us..A BIG USSSSSS LOL. But yea G2G peace out!!!
~♥~ Ur gurl Natali.
~<3~ Julia
Well luv ya!
*~ <3 ur sweer pie Natali ~*
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