what would you do if you were attacked by evil rabbits wielding giant carrots bent on takeing your life?
LozersKingdom: I would go to work
LozersKingdom: talk to you later
Skysong6: lol kk bubi
Jew Lesley
OneSweetWorld541: probably go eat a hamburger
OneSweetWorld541: but im not sure lol
Skysong6: lol nice
OneSweetWorld541: lol
OneSweetWorld541: wat would u do
Skysong6: dunno, im just takeing a survey
Skysong6: lol
OneSweetWorld541: haha
Zman8807: i would...eat the carrots and cry
Jake (i think thats his name.. doug's friend)
lildrmcoco8314: Lol, I dunno, cry
coloritblak06: hmm... I think I would...
coloritblak06: eat the carrots
Skysong6: but they are giant! you could be carrot thwacked to death before you finish them...
Skysong6: were talking evil bunnys here man
coloritblak06: I see... well, maybe I'd take a giant juicer and get rid of the carrots that way
Skysong6: lol
OhParis (hehe i dont know her name :P)
oh retro paris: i would push the rabbits down and shove them on the ground and steal their carrots and make some yummy carrot soup. then i would peace out the rabbits and have them as my bunny buddies
SHAKERSWIMMER07: Kill them first
jew Wendy:
Live4Music07: no idea
Skysong6: not one?
Live4Music07: hm. well, maybe I'd run away
Live4Music07: or scream
Live4Music07: or both
Skysong6: lol kk
Jew Brian
ABigBagOfCrap: wow, i go away for 20 minutes and 5 people im me
Skysong6: but what would you do?
ABigBagOfCrap: must be a special hour
ABigBagOfCrap: im thinking
ABigBagOfCrap: i'd probably curl up into the fetal position in a corner and cry
Skysong6: lol k
ABigBagOfCrap: another one of your random im polls?
Skysong6: yep
Skysong6: here
Skysong6: people are being no fun today tho
ABigBagOfCrap: i hope i was fun
Skysong6: oh yes... umm.. yea...
ABigBagOfCrap: and yay for the possible sexual context on that statement
Skysong6: lol
skaloboarda: .....
skaloboarda: i would curl up in a ball and expect the worst
skaloboarda: u?
Skysong6: steal a carrot and fight back
MightySwetFish: eat the carrots
Skysong6: lol kk
MightySwetFish: then eat the rabbits
MightySwetFish: maybe- make rabit stew- with alot of carrots
Skysong6: lol
MightySwetFish: y?
MightySwetFish: did they threaten again?
Skysong6: yes and im scared
MightySwetFish: i'll protect you
StifMeister 8706: i dunno
StifMeister 8706: eat them?
dancingcrazyfool: smile
dancingcrazyfool: because that would be an awesome way to die
dancingcrazyfool: i would run a lil but with me being so damn lazy i would so give up
Skysong6: lol
umm blanking on his actual name
madeofevil667: grab a shotgun
madeofevil667: or throw some carrots in the opposite direction
im a big emo: let them have me
Skysong6: aw your no fun
im a big emo: hahaha sorry... let's see
im a big emo: i can do better
im a big emo: well since i have an enormous garden full og giant vegetables,
im a big emo: i'd fashion a shield out of a tomato and negotiate from behind it
im a big emo: hopefully the rabbits would take a liking to me and i could join them on their quest for world domination
Skysong6: nice
im a big emo: better
im a big emo: ?
Skysong6: much
Skysong6: hehe
im a big emo: why do you ask?
im a big emo: are you harboring any evil rabbits i should know about?
jew Katy
superfishy63: hmmm
superfishy63: that is a very serious question
superfishy63: i believe i would giggle.
superfishy63: because, tho you say they are evil bunnies
superfishy63: they are still bunnies
superfishy63: and even evil bunnies unfailing make me giggle.
superfishy63: ...the carrots are unsettling, though. not sure what i'd do about those.
superfishy63: oh, wait, i kno!
superfishy63: type thier PLU code into the machine at heinens and laugh manically as they withered in misery at the beep :)
Skysong6: hahaha
superfishy63: lol.
superfishy63: if there is anything i know
superfishy63: it is how to deal with produce.
Skysong6: nice
Jew Dannie
PimpCow97: run?
PimpCow97: lol or call anna
PimpCow97: since u are the smartest person in the world
PimpCow97: and would of course no wat to do
Skysong6: wooo ego boost, lol
PimpCow97: haha
Jew Danny
SK8rboy624: hmm
SK8rboy624: admit defeat and commit ritualistic ninja suicide
Skysong6: thats hot
Pb Zeppelin 45: ask if it had seen peter cottontail
specialsara07: eat the carrots?
specialsara07: figure I may have something in my stomach before I die
Skysong6: thesse are giant carrots, you could be carrot thwacked to deatch before you finish them
Skysong6: lol
specialsara07: that's fine, I'd have a full stomach
specialsara07: I'd be set
Skysong6: allrighty
Gilliz2002: lay off the drugs
Skysong6: hehe
badluckduty14: i'd kick their fuckin balls in and then cook the rabbits over an open fire, rotisserie (sp) style and put their heads on pikes and then let the heads soak in hydrochloric acid till they shrunk up and I'd laugh
Skysong6: ouch
Greentoast13467: i would cry
Lmntsk8r516: id fight back with carrots natural enemy, the zuchinni
Skysong6: lol
Skysong6: and where would you get your zuchinni?
Skysong6: im assumeing it would have to be a rather large zuchini, to defend agianst gian carrots
Lmntsk8r516: the magical garden of course
Lmntsk8r516: where else?
Lmntsk8r516: lol
Skysong6: haha
Skysong6: true
deepLYred414: t
deepLYred414: hmmmm
deepLYred414: thats a good question
deepLYred414: i would break out the cheese grater
deepLYred414: nono
Skysong6: lol
deepLYred414: the carrot grater
deepLYred414: whatever you call it
deepLYred414: and grate my way to safety
Skysong6: lol
deepLYred414: of course that would only get me closer to the bunnies
Skysong6: true
deepLYred414: damn those huge bunnies
deepLYred414: hmm this is a tough one
deepLYred414: i think i'd just go streaking
deepLYred414: seriously...i have no other choice
deepLYred414: i'm gonna die
Skysong6: lol
deepLYred414: might as well run away from them naked
deepLYred414: and maybe i'll survive
deepLYred414: of course then i'd have no clothes...
deepLYred414: haha
deepLYred414: ah well
deepLYred414: im gonan go to bed
deepLYred414: lol i'll proly dream about huge bunnies
BaaBaaJo: i woudl say "helloo littel buuunniieeeessss. gimme your damn carrots bithc
BaaBaaJo: and hten i woudl pummel them with large kidney stones
i will update this later when more ppl get on