would you rather screw a really ugly old fat lady or be attacked by a cougar?
do so done so: cougar
StifMeister 8706: cougar
StifMeister 8706: would u rather b fucked in ass or fucked by 3 guys
Skysong6: three guys definately.. that would be tottaly fun
Gilliz2002: it depends on how nice the lady is
Gilliz2002: i need a real mami XD
Gilliz2002: sorry im trippin out
Gilliz2002: my hair is so smooth today
Skysong6: lol
ZdaGr8: screw the lady
ZdaGr8: why
Skysong6: curious
ZdaGr8: ok
ZdaGr8: which would you choose?
Skysong6: i cant screw old ladies
ZdaGr8: ok, if you had a penis
Skysong6: id give her a vibrator and be on my way.. if i were a guy, tottaly close my eyes and go for it.. beats certain death
SK8rboy624: how big is the cougar
Skysong6: cougar sized
Skysong6: :-P
Skysong6: i have yet to find a single guy who has chosen the old lady
SK8rboy624: how old are we talking
Skysong6: 70's-80's
SK8rboy624: and this cougar
Skysong6: young an healthy
SK8rboy624: and this attack would be fatal?
Skysong6: most likley
SK8rboy624: hmm
Skysong6: lol
Skysong6: still thinking?
SK8rboy624: coiugar
Skysong6: haha
Skysong6: poor old lady is gettin no lovin tonight
PyroSoul257: neither
Skysong6: u have to choose one
PyroSoul257: umm
PyroSoul257: attacked by a cougar
BobTheMonkeyMan9: *shudder*
BobTheMonkeyMan9: do i have to pick one?
Skysong6: yep
BobTheMonkeyMan9: damn
BobTheMonkeyMan9: uhh
BobTheMonkeyMan9: the old lady
BobTheMonkeyMan9: cuz i can make it as short as i can
Skysong6: lol