V7 OC character profile (draft)

Aug 29, 2006 23:21

Name: Sakura Tsumatsu ( 通 松_ 桜 )
Age: 16
Birthday: September 5th (Virgo, yo)
Grade Average: A-

History: Sakura Tsumatsu was the second and youngest child to be born to her parents. On the whole, her life hasn't been particularly dramatic. If anything shaped her, though, it was when her mother walked out on the family, leaving her puzzled and a bit disillusioned with society. As it happens, her father was quite into history and politics, making a point of ensuring his son and daughter keep one eye on the news from an early age.

When he got a change of job, she and her brother Kenpai both had to take on more responsibility around the house. As a result, Sakura is quite organised and likes to keep herself busy. She is quite studious and intelligent, and never stopped paying attention to current affairs, allowing her to develop a good ability to understand the state of the world. Her father had heard about the reputation of the boarding school from his colleagues, and both his children ended up studying there. Sakura's elder brother Kenpai is in the year above her, and is also a Grade A student, and a prefect to boot. Every other weekend, their father drives to the school to visit them, and takes the pair of them out to dinner.

She is a fairly model student, if a bit aloof. She also quite enjoys card games; she and a bunch of her friends enjoy meeting up once a week to play poker for (negligable amounts of) money. This is her preferred form of entertainment, and occasionally, she may even smile. Not that she's a boring person (Sakura does go to the odd party after all, even if she wallflowers), she just doesn't have a particularly big need to be entertained all that much, preferring to look forward to something instead of wasting time with constant little frivolties.

She's not particularly keen on the Government, but isn't stupid enough to cause a scene about it. When she debates, she won't get heated; rather, she keeps her cool and gets an icy, scathing tone when others get a temper. She also likes lasagne.

Appearance: Sakura is about 5'4" in height, styling her dark brown hair loosely, framing her hair. She will occasionally style it up a bit, but nothing particularly extravagant. Although her eyesight isn't *too* bad, she does wear rectangular spectacles pretty much all the time. She wears stud earings but again, nothing fancy. She just likes them.

Personality INCLUDING three strengths and weaknesses:
Sakura's main trait is that she is a dry cynic. She generally won't believe anything unless she sees it with her own eyes. That said, she's not the sort to deny the obvious, again when the facts are staring her in the face. She is capable of making that jump. Her way of coming over to people has cost her some potential friends before, but these are generally the sort of people she considers to be pretty shallow anyhow.

♠ Reading people: Partly as a consequence of her sceptical nature, partly because of her father, partly because of the way she hones the skills over a game of cards, Sakura is extremely good at judging people. She often picks up on subtleties such as body language and voice tone, though in a situation such as BR, that would be tested beyond the limits.
♠ Intelligence: She's no intellectual slouch. Sure, her grades aren't flawless, but she's generally up there. Works pretty hard, too.
♠ Computers: Sakura knows her way around a computer. She's not the haxx0r type, but she can be dilligent with them when the need arises. She can type fast, too, punching out a five-page essay the once in just over half an hour.

♣ Interpersonal skills: Yes, Sakura can be quite scathing when she needs to be, and often rolls her eyes at stupid things. Sakura might come off as being a bit standoffish and snobby, especially to people who are more shallow, or less on-the-ball, than she sees herself to be. It's not her fault, and she generally won't hate another person (unless they've earned it), but she's nowhere near Miss Popular. Not that that bothers her, though.
♣ Impatient: Not just at people, but pretty much in general. She hates it when people keep her waiting, she isn't fond of queueing, and if she's made to stay still for too long, she gets fidgety.
♣ Pysical ability: Sport was never Sakura's strong point. She much prefers watching athletic disciplines, rather than taking part in them. She would generally consider herself to be in the bottom half of the class in physical endeavours (probably is closer to midrange, though)

Overnight Bag: Clothes and toiletries, her MP3 player, and mobile phone. A spare pair of earrings, and a Nikolai puzzle book to pass the time. She probably will have today's newspaper as well. She will also have an exercise book and a couple of pens/pencils, too. Plus her handy deck of cards. ^,^

Father - (Name TBD) Goishi works in academics, and has done so all his life. He spent much of his adult life working in secondary education, teaching hisoty and politics. About three years ago, however, he rose in the academic field into university lecturing, specialising in modern politics. He did so so as to fund a research project he was keen to have, but also-- and naturally so-- because the pay was a damn side better.
His wife left him and their two children many many years ago (when Kenpai was about six or seven), and as a result Sakura isn't particularly trusting of older women. Either rate, Goishi rose to the challenge and raised his kids as a single parent pretty successfully. One thing he always taught his children was to never look at things at face value, because "the things that matter in life require energy to find."
Either way, he and Sakura don't have a particularly close relationship. As is very true in her family unit, they generally gel together like colleagues, rather than family.

Mother - (Mariko Tsumatsu) Mariko and her husband used to be deeply in love. The pair of them had two children. However, pretty much unannounced, she walked out from her family, leaving her son, daughter and husband a note. Sakura hasn't heard from her since. And she doesn't particularly care, either. She is not important. Because Mariko just walked off, she and Goishi technically never ended their marriage, although Goishi doesn't bother wearing the ring any more.

Siblings - (Kenpai Tsumatsu) A student at the school with a part-time job at a local Tower of Light takeaway, Kenpai is about one year older than Sakura. There was a bit of complication around his birth meaning both he and his mother had to stay in hospital for some time (meaning, ironically, that his mother got pregnant again straightaway with the first screw once she arrived back home). He had always been quite close to his mother, so when she walked out when he was eight, he felt abandoned. As a result, he keeps himself to himself. For example, he is actually bisexual, but doesn't have a particularly high sex drive or prowess. Later in life, he wants to be an engineer.
Because of his father getting a better job a few years ago, Kenpai and Sakura had to grow up a fair deal and help around the house more, owing to the fact their father didn't have as much time any more. Like his father and sister, he is quite organised and efficient, and is very much into debates as well. Dinner can get quite heated if there's something topical that rubs against their grain.
People who know both the Tsumatsu children comment on how similar the pair are. Even in looks, Kenpai just looks like Sakura, but with shorter hair and a more masculine face. He will sometimes joke about how the factory that made them is no longer in existence. The pair of them, with Kenpai's engineering prowess and Sakura's ability with computers, then state how they can convert other humans into Tsumatsus, finishing with the unison line: "You will become like us." Teenagers. *rolleyes*

Pet - Timi (Cat): She's six and is a ginger tabby cross-breed. Meow.


Extra-Curricular Activities:
Debating: Well, it was only natural wasn't it? Sakura is on the debating team, and has been for nearly two years. She once managed to help the team win the prefectural final, and they came third in the subsequent regional heats.

Classroom Behaviour:
Sakura performs well in her studies, as is reflected in her impressive grades. She always gets actively involved in class discussions, though sometimes she has gone a bit over-the-top with them. However, she could severely improve on group activities, as she does not seem keen to work with others.

Classroom Clique:
Sakura is generally one to hang around with the geeks. Not because she really is one, per se, but because it's a closer match to her ideals. in truth, she quite likes quiet time, yet people interest her, if not for being like life in a petri dish. Some people see her as being snotty and crass, particularly the Populars, but as far as Sakura's concerned, they can think what they like.

Any Memorable Moments: TBA

Picture: (Give the PB: (actor/actress/model/randompersonoffmyspace) if possible) TBA, though she IS pretty much based off THIS. Just need to find a Japanese girl who vaguely looks like this. No you shut up. The one in this icon. She's some random net girl called kissme00000000imviet. Without the zeros.

    Friends and Enemies: Anybody who wants to work up relations please drop by a message. In particular, Sakura would love some poker buddies. Interested... hit us up.

    NON-PLAYED CHARACTERS (NPCs in Alphabetical)

    Hiroshige Ando-- Sakura finds him quite interesting. She knows he is outrageously rich, yet he doesn't flash it about, plus he has a very strong faith in God. Both of these are traits Sakura finds admirable, even if neither really do anything for her. Hence she respects him.

    Riichi Endo-- He makes Sakura headdesk. Her opinion of him is not unlike that of his teacher: he has potential but he lets himself go in a big way. This annoys her.

    Sosuke Kanasawa-- Sakura really likes him. Problem is, they hardly talk because he spends so much time with his group of jocks, many of which peeve her. A pity cos he's kinda hot

    Goro Kitakawa-- TBA. 0_o

    Yoshiko Satoshi-- She thinks he's an arse. Srsly.

    Kenta Hasuwara-- Whilst she knows he is really awkward around other people, Sakura sees just how sweet and faithful he really is. They worked together in an early class project ((possibly the same one as Satoru? Note2Self: poke Indi)), and have been quite good friends since. If anything bothers Sakura about him, it's how close he is to Hisa. She bugs Sakura. Majorly.

    Iori Hida-- She thinks he's sweet, and occasionally gets suckered in like Taylor into being mothery about him by accident. Mostly she won't patronise him, though, and knows he's clever.

    Matsuo MinamiShe heard about the rumours concerning theft. She thinks he's a wanker.

    Raul Montoya-- He's arrogant and obnoxious, with a nasty temper. Cue the eye-rolling...

    Wakana Asakura-- They just have... never interacted. Like... ever. She has no real opinion on the girl.

    Terue Anami-- SAKURA PITY THE FOOL. It's a bit of a *backs away* relationship.

    Emi Kurabayashi-- They're both wallflowers. Sakura doesn't mind talking to the girl. Within limit.

    Ayame Hikaru-- They are pretty friendly, but their paths don't cross all too often.

    Hayami Matsuyama-- Both of their mothers slagged off at an early age, so they have some common ground as far as that goes. Sakura finds Hayami quite pleasant and chipper, and she doesn't object to the company.

    PLAYED CHARACTERS (no real order)

    Taylor Takahashi -- Pretty good friends. The pair of them are pretty studious and driven, and both have a certain degree of ambition. They almost share a competitive relationship, but nothing extreme. The main difference between the two of them is Taylor is fiery, whilst Sakura is icy. The dynamic often compliments well because of this.

    Sayuri Ono -- ***TBC*** Sakura thinks Sayuri is a bit of a mystery. She knows the girl is pleasant enough, but a bit quiet and mousey. Sakura thinks that's fine, but as a result they're not exactly close.

    Satoru Ishigaki Sakura was one of the first people Satoru spoke to on his arrival at the school. They found out they had a lot in common at the time, and over time, they have remained really close. He always makes a point of asking how she is, and how schoolwork is going, and she finds him easy to talk to. They've shared interests and hobbies, (he is one of her poker buddies). She harboured a little bit of a crush for him, but that fizzled out into strong, resolute friendship.

    Seikou Ishida Seikou and Sakura get on okay; he has been known to turn up at a couple of her poker games. The main hurdles between them becoming proper friends are how her scathingness intimidates him occasionally, and how his bunking off classes with the OCD excuse annoys her. But there's no bad blood between them.

    Itsuo Tateno ***TBC*** The pair are alike in that they are intelligent and like to follow current affairs. Itsuo is quiter than the outspoken Sakura, though.

    Hidekai Yuasa He's shown up at some of her poker games. She has a habit of cleaning him out. He doesn't like it. Within the class, they don't acknowledge each other's existence. Because... why?

    Raina Yoshizawa Raina is pretty shy, and Sakura holds her cards to her chest. As a result, they talk now and again, but it's pretty much exclusively over school stuff. Occasinally Raina may go to Sakura if there's something up with her laptop, and Sakura may feel an occainal impulse to reciprocate in art (such as commenting on Raina's work despite not paying much heed to aesthetic stuff). But when it comes to personal disclosure, you can forget it. >_>

    Yukio Inokuma He is convinced so much she likes him. In truth, she tolerates him more than anything. His conduct in debate club kinda makes Sakura cringe, and whilst she respects his prefectionist streak, his arrogance cancels that out.

    Tomoyo Gentoku The pair of them get on fine, but aren't particularly friends in the proper sense of the word. Tomoyo's a bit bouncy and this can sometimes smash against Sakura's dryness like a watermelon against a slab of concrete. But nothing personal, yo. She's a Poker Buddy.

    Kaoru Ishibashi-- ***TBC*** Both girls really don't like the other, and believe the other is below them. They really probably wouldn't want to have anything to do with each other if it weren't for the fact they're both into Debating Club.

    Raiden Shindou-- ***TBC*** They both do debating. He's painfully shy, and she has long since worked out his Achilles heel here is talking to girls. When she wants to win a debate, she exploits this a little. But not in a mean or cruel way. Really her drive is ambition. In truth, she thinks he's kinda sweet.

    Rei Matsumoto-- They're pretty much opposites in every aspect of existence. They just bicker a lot. Rei thinks Sakura is stuck-up, and Sakura thinks Rei is impulsive and a bit of a pissflap.

    Mami Hanasaki-- They're pretty good friends. Sakura really likes the girl's sensibilities and likes how she values second chances.

    Kimasu Harunashi-- Sakura was one party responsible for having scorned Kimasu in the past. She doesn't like his smugness and superiority complex. She means no ill... but he kinda ticks her off a bit >_>

    Ichi Kiyoshi-- They went to a previous school together. Back then, they were pretty close. As time went on and they grew up, they grew apart, and in a big way. She went all scholarly, and he went down the dodgy path. Either way, she sees a little of herself within his psyche.

    Mai Suzuki-- Another Bitch Clique Clone. Mai embodies virtually everything Sakura dislikes about girls her own age. They dislike each other. It would be stronger, but neither can really be bothered to waste any more calories on antagonism than is neccessary.

    Hisa Aimono--Sakura goes ¬__¬ in Hisa's general direction.
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