
Mar 19, 2006 04:01

So I think I’ve figured out my problem about why I don’t like to be alone at night. My whole life I’ve had a dog. So at night when I heard a noise, if the dog didn’t bark, I still felt safe. But now we don’t have a dog and I’m paranoid because we’ve had a ton of break-ins in my sub recently. So to fix that, I try to talk Fahed into sleeping ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

theangellilith March 19 2006, 11:39:34 UTC
Haha, my brother's been talking about shaving my cat too, just to cut down on the amount of fur in the house. Jayne is a medium-haired cat, so he's got pretty long fur ... and he sheds constantly! Despite this, the shaving of my kitten is strictly forbidden!


playful_fox March 19 2006, 16:37:37 UTC
See Smokey is a long hair cat and she doesn't shed as much as our medium fur cat but she's got so much hair. When Fahed and I go house hunting we're gonna have to find something with an extra room for Spooky. She'd probably still end up in my room thought because she's used to sleeping on my pillows. I guess the extra room will be for Fahed. : P


lost_snowflake March 20 2006, 19:45:35 UTC
um, so 'wrong rooms' by mark sanderson was good. anddd my favorite was a story called 'angel falls'. i don't know who wrote it, but if you find it..flip through it. there's a man named liam in it, who's a doctor and there's a lot of talk about hospitals. such a good story. i need some books too.


lost_snowflake March 25 2006, 19:10:10 UTC
ah. yep. it is on my lower back, stretching up to a little above the middle of it. i love it sooooo much. teehee. any books you can suggest to me? if it helps, i love harry potter or cute love stories. ^_^ take care loves.


playful_fox March 26 2006, 18:58:05 UTC
I don't do Harry Potter but I have read some cute lovie stories. I've read all of Nicholas Sparks books and they've all been pretty good for the most part. A book that will really make you cry is Suzannes Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson. But right now I'm reading a bunch of childrens lit books for school...some of these really have good stories behind them but its probably not the type of book I'd bring to relax at the beach with or anything.


theangellilith March 27 2006, 04:45:52 UTC
Hey, what'd I do to get de-friended? :(


playful_fox March 27 2006, 06:44:34 UTC


FIXED! playful_fox March 27 2006, 06:47:05 UTC
I don't know how that happened. I was messing around in my manage friends thingy the other day but I didn't know I deleted anyone. Aww...I'm sorry! : ) I would never delete you!


Re: FIXED! theangellilith March 27 2006, 07:14:53 UTC
Yay, all better! :D


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