yesterday was a very nice day. the mall was really fun. and I saw tons of people that I know it was weird. lauren & I had a good time with the perfumes in lord and taylor, 1 of them smelled like beef jerky and the another smelled like rotting flesh and looked like arsenic. it was good times. we were there for so long from like 1230 to 430, we didn't even know. and we were guessing prices which was definitely fun, and we were pretty close most of the time. and since kelly's gonna pay for me for otakon, I wanna do the gothic lolita look with lauren's help. and then I went to mel's and kelly asked if I wanted to sleepover so I left and came back with my stuff. mel's was fun we watched lots of sailor moon (which brought me back) and then took a walk. it was crazy fun. chasing after cars and screaming a lot. kelly and I acted drunk and were just our usual weird selves. and at kelly's we hung around and talked as usual, made food, and watched O but didn't finish. And I meddled for her, she admires the fact that I can say what's on my mind even if it's the dumbest shit. Yup. That would be me. mom played a good april fool's joke on me by saying that thomas was home to see me. and we were trying to think of one to tell my dad and I told her to tell him I'm pregnant, but she said she couldn't do that. I bet he'd believe it too. asshole.
Anyways I want people to come over today (nick and anyone who can) so I have to get to cleaning.