oo1. A Crazy Flamingo.
oo2. A Treasure Map.
oo3. Your Favorite Pokemon.
heck yes. =]
oo4. A Spatula
oo5. A Picture Of Your favorite Canadian Stereo-Type.
So I was researching something for social
and I found this site about canada made by americans..
and it gave recipes for our' national dishes'..
all it had was poutine and split-pea soup.
and I hate both. [thats a total lie, I LOVE pea soup]
oo1. A Picture Of Yourself Dancing
oo2. A Signpicture To The Community Or A Member.
oo3. A Picture Of Yourself When You First Wake Up.
ow ow. whos that hottie?
oo4. A Picture Of Your First Pet [if applicable].
KC [kittie cat, I was creative]