Because I simply had to share these with
shadow_of_egypt, I figured they should also be here. *grin*
Because YGO fanart must be shared:
And this makes me laugh:
I could totally go for that on grounds of hilarity alone. Also I am weak to any form of Ancient Egypt anything. ;)
And because this may be more to what I (and you) like:
I still haven't quite decided what to call the tag for ALL Ancient Egypt shipping talk. PharaohShipping would limit it to Atem-pairings (and to my great annoyance, I realised that canonically, Atem probably didn't know his name was Atem in the Egyptworld, when he was alive. What did they call him, then? Just Pharaoh? Or was it that his memories don't remember the name that he remembered in real life? Or did he have another name altogether, a use-name: a name that wasn't his true name, but everyone knew and used in common parlance?)
... Yes, this is called "thinking too much".
I could call the All-Egypt shipping Egyptshipping. It would be fun to call it Archaishipping, because it fits the name, but Archaishipping specifically means Atem/Seth/Thief King Bakura for me. ;) Pastshipping? Dustshipping?
And the Cracked Pairing of the Day is
Monarchshipping: Yami/Atem.
OH WIN, LITERALLY SHIPPING THE SAME PERSON, this is like the Asch/Luke of the YGO fandom. Memories/No memories. ;)
+ Kickshipping: Otogo/Honda/Jounouchi.
*LAUGHS AT NAME* HILARIOUS. It would be amazing to see this work. ;)