LOCATION: Rooms 201-203 of the High School
HOURS: pretty much anytime~
dreamermoaOOC CONTACT: Molly; AIM at marvelous mith
In general, Moa will let you take whatever your character needs, with reasonable quantities. Weapons will be limited to two per person; if your character asks for a lot, she might become suspicious and tell someone. (If you actually wanna do this, that is totally awesome with me, IM me XD)
SUPPLY RUNS: Every Sunday at noon, excluding dangerous events
RUN BY: Professor Hershel Layton
puzzledprofOOC CONTACT: Aki; AIM at akivaraprime
puzzledprofKnuckles (STC)
guardianofmanLuke Triton
proudapprenticeGiovanni Auditore
betrayedbybladeManfred von Karma
fingersnapping If you're interested in joining, talk to Moa ICly, she loves everyone. :3
And here it is, the star of our show! What's in the inventory, you ask? WELL...
~cans of things will be quite numerous. So canned fruit and veggies (corn, peas, peaches) soup, spam, sausage, sardines, tuna
~dried fruits and meat
~anything that keeps: honey, syrup, salted meat, condensed milk, noodles, oatmeal, rice and other grains, powdered juice mix, tea and coffee, popcorn, salt and pepper
~PERISHIBLES will be less common and will therefore be handed out in smaller quantities: milk, juice, chocolate, fresh meat, baked goods including plain bread, fresh fruit and vegetables, ketchup/mustard/relish
~There's also food storage at the Northern Lights and the school Cafeteria, if your character is particularly hungry!
~As mentioned earlier, weapons will be handed out in limited quantities: two per person. If your character plans to ask for more, Moa may become suspicious.
Please post here if your character is acquiring weapons.
~guns are not quite scarce, but not too abundant either; ammo is also stored here NO GUNS LEFT. A few bits of ammo. NO AMMO EITHER.
~knives of various sorts of readily available
~improvised weapons: baseball bats, planks of wood, metal pipes, crowbars, any other sort of shit you'd pick up in silent hill
Misc Items
~clothes - not that they're in very good shape, but some of them will have shakily stitched patches on them
~books will mostly be found at the library in the school and not in inventory; Moa will direct you there if you need
~cleaning supplies and rags (is it past the expiration date? maaaaaybe....)
~paper and pencils are available, though in worn condition
~toys are also kind of worn, but the more durable things will be there
~electronics are stored but not particularly useful
~sheets, blankets (again, sort of patched up)
~medicine - most of this is at the hospital, but there's a few things here, including bandages and feminine hygiene things.
~personal cleaning supplies - and she can recommend the best smelling ones :D
Raw Materials
~bits of metal!
~tape and glue of various sorts; Moa makes no guarantee as to the stickiness of these
~there's prolly like a piece of furniture or two, but most things are still in the apartments
~tools (hammers, scissors, screwdrivers, etc)
~extra cloth