POC Cops a New Flop!
Greetings, POCsters! As we’ve already said a few times on on our blogs, thanks to everyone for a fantastic Play On Con 2. This is our first newsletter for
Play On Con 3…which is well-timed, because we have news! :-)
November 15th has arrived, and our 2010 hotel block is now open (for those that haven’t yet heard, we’ve upgraded to a new property)! You can see the details on our shiny new home at
our website’s Hotel page. We think you’ll be quite pleased! For now, though, I’ll just give you the skinny: this is a very unique property, with a relatively low total number of rooms, and POC is holding all of them. It’s a great deal, and we could be looking at our first full property sellout this year. What’s more, the hotel is giving us exclusive access and control whether we sell out or not-so no matter what, POC 3 will be a hotel takeover!
Under the circumstances, it wouldn’t surprise me to see all of these rooms getting scooped up quickly, and I’d highly recommend reserving yours as soon as possible. Also, be sure to check out the suites! This property is over 75% suites, and they’re well worth the extra $15.
As always, you can send any hotel questions or concerns to me at this address. We’re planning to do a games day, meeting, and party at the new hotel in a couple of months, the specifics for which I’ll announce soon in an upcoming newsletter. Maybe you’ll be able to join us there and take an early peek!
POC Rocks the Dragon’s Socks!
If you didn’t catch our performance in the Rock Band tournament at Dragon*Con, you missed an epic final showdown between the Play On Con band and a highly formidable pack of Star Wars cross-dressers known as Han Jovi! We were kind of afraid Leia might beat us up if we did too well against them, but nevertheless we slapped on our boxing gloves and delivered a knockout blow. Fortunately, Leia turned out to be a pretty cool guy! :-)
Wes and I would like to offer mega-mega-thanks to our two bandmates who helped us score the win: Dawn (one of the lovely Registration staffers at POC) and her son Alex (one of the lovely hypnosis victims at POC). You two are awesome!! And nothing says POC like a mother rocking out with her son, amirite?!
We’d also like to thank the
Battle & Brew peeps for hosting Dragon*Con’s Rock Band tourney, and just for generally being great people. If you’re in the Atlanta area and looking for something fun to do, stop by this pub! I’m there a lot, myself, as my house is a mere stumbling distance away, and it’s always a blast.
Lastly, we’d like to thank the person who damaged one of our Rock Band guitars at POC 2 earlier this year. Whoever you are, you gave us a very attractive piece of hardware that would no longer power up, leaving us with no choice but to smash it onstage during the tournament and ride its shattered remains to sweet, sweet victory. Go team! Now let’s please be a little more careful with the equipment, mmkay? :-(
Lots More POC
We have one more major update coming via newsletter before year end, and then we’re back at it again in January 2010. In the meantime, be sure to check out our blogs for more (all linked at the bottom of
our front page)!
NEXT ISSUE: POC Pops the Champagne Top!
Play On,