UPDATED! Added OOC/IC permissions!
1.) How is Sai? Anything you like or dislike about the way I play him? No flames please as flames will be deleted at once.
2.) Answer machine - In case you can't get a hold of me through AIM here is a place for plot ideas, concerns about current threads with Sai or just plain ole chit-chat.
4.)Permissions and Relationships: )
Comments 51
I like how Sonic and Sai are such great friends. 8D [/sarcasm]
All that's left is for them to build a campfire and sing Kumbaya! 8DD [/joins in the sarcasm]
I'll go ahead and admit, I stalk character journals. xD
I'm not in this roleplay, but I just really really wanted to comment and say how much I love the way you play Sai. >w<
You understand Sai's emotions, and that he's not just a psycho with an intent to kill any human he lays eyes on.
Two or three of your posts actually made me shed a tear. AS IN REAL TEARS. Hauuu so much emotion~ ;w;
Anyway, I apologize for my fanatic ramblings.
Good luck, Sai! I'm sure your friends won't let you forget anything~
Thank you so much! I am glad that you are enjoying my Sai as I try my hardest to play him the best that I can. So thank you once again for your comment and the praise.
Feed the curious player curiousity but, which posts? Just so when something like what happened in those posts happen again, I can try to keep the same emotions in them. I know that I was crying while doing the reset post.
No worries! It makes me happy to get something like this.
Sai: *Blinks before smiling with a small chuckle.* Ah, thank you.
Cuuute~ ;w; -clings to the icon-
You do play him very well. ^^;
I've seen some other Sai roleplayers, but you're by far the best one I've seen.
Anyway, one of the posts was Sai's reset, but I think the other one was... Oh yeah! When Sai discovered Ai's body. (Err... What was left of it.)
That one was really sad. But at the same time, it was interesting, because I would expect that reaction from Sai. :3
And you're very welcome!
I'm considering joining this roleplay, as well. The audio/video communicator style is pretty unique. Hmm... I wonder who I'd chose to play?
Awww, you making me blush. Thank you so much.
Okay, thanks for your input! ♥
You should! It's really fun and the player base is really awsome.
I know that I wouldn't mind more cast members for Sai.
Riful wants some too. 8D Can she bug you about it?
Sure! I have no problems with someone bugging him about it! 8D He might be a little protective of his cookie stash but go ahead and try to sweet talk him into giving Riful some! :D
Hrm, whereee could she do that though? XD
I will be making a post with him.
It is a miracle if she has tastebuds after becoming an Ambyssal (I think is how you spell it).
I also agree that Sai/Xi had more to him/her than just murderous impulses. Their creepiness was part of the character though too... sometimes it's hard to balance things. It's also hard to keep a character going for as many years as you've had them.
As far as suggestions, I would say back off a bit from the overt hugging and physical contact with her friends. Very close loved ones are one thing, but I don't see her being so affectionate with and open to many people. Also maybe a canon review would help you get some ideas yourself!
You're welcome. ♥ Looking forward to seeing what you do with her.
I have been mostly doing all of her insanity issues 'off-screen' cause honestly, I believed that people would have gotten annoyed at it as most of them are in her head. You can say that again. x_x I have had her for over 30 months now... Her current thought process is pretty complex at least for me.
I asked another friend that she seemed to say the same thing and I do admit that I do read the cannon at least once a month (the Sai bits at least XD; *avid fan of the series) but now life has been crazy with a lot of personal things so yeah.
I just hope that I won't make you wince or at least wince as much so if wincing comes. I can try and explain at least the thought process.
I look forward to the day when I can use the icon I am using again. :3
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