(no subject)

Jan 16, 2005 22:10

(1) Your gender: female
(2) Straight/gay/bi?: straight
(3) Single?: yeah.. but i'm doing OKAY
(4) Want to be?: you know, given the opportunity, i'm not sure if i would accept.
(5) Your birth day: 8-28-90
(6) Age you act: usually i act my age but i get immature sometimes because i'm a freshman, duh.
(7) Age you wish you were: probably about 17, i could see R-rated movies and drive
(8) Your height: 5'9"
(9) The color of your eyes: green
(10) Happy with it?: yeah green is intriguing
(11) The color of your hair: naturally brown, but i still have blonde highlights from awhile ago in it
(12) Happy with it?: not really, i'm getting it done soon
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous?: righty
(14) Your living arrangement?: live with mommy and daddy
(15) Your family: mom, dad, sister, me
(16) What's your job: don't have one, but supposedly over the summer i'm being hired at SUBWAY at the mall baby!! i'm all excited like woah.
(17) Piercings?: 1 hole in each ear
(18) Tattoos?: umm NONE duh what do u think i am
(19) Obsessions?: Well, everyone knows 1 of them. My other... hmm i'll let you figure that out.
(20) Do you speak another language?: umm not really, i can say some spanish but i'm taking it this semester
(21) Have a favorite quote?: alot but heres mine currently.. " its like takin me to the tallest mountain and showin me the world and sayin thats what you can't have "
(22) Do you have a webpage?: yeah i have a few

DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it

(23) Do you live in the moment?: most of the time, i'm generally a spontaneous person
(24) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: not if they bug me alot like some people
(25) Do you have any secrets?: a few
(26) Do you hate yourself?: sometimes
(27) Do you like your handwriting?: sometimes, but not when i write something quick
(28) Do you have any bad habits?: kinda
(29) What is the compliment you get most from people?: i looove your hair.. but most people really hate it lol
(30) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: ugly girl in a beautiful world
(31) What's your biggest fear?: bugs, snakes, things like that
(32) Can you sing: some people say i sing pretty well, i don't know
(33) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: no, most of the time i'm me and i don't care what anyone thinks RIIIIGHT?
(34) Are you a loner?: not particularly
(35) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: yeah cause i'm wicked cool.
(36) Are you a daredevil?: sometimes. i have my streaks.
(37) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: alot but i don't wanna go into detail
(38) Are you passive or aggressive?: assertive.
(39) Have you got a ?: NO DAMMIT I HAVE NO QUESTIONS
(40) What is your greatest strength and weakness? strength- helping people with problems, weakness- boys with long hair who write poetry and love songs
(41) If you could change one thing about yourself?: face
(42) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: beauty
(43) How do you vent?: cry .. i do that alot, do not comment about that
(44) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: HELL NO
(45) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: alot, but everything i did at one point it was what i wanted.
(46) Do you think life has been good so far?: not really
(47) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: BOYS SUCK
(48) What do you like the most about your body?: umm well i am exceptional in the breast area. but they're a little too big.
(49) And least?: my fat
(50) Do you think you are good looking?: no
(51) Are you confident?: sometimes, but then i remember that i'm ugly
(52) What is the fictional character you're most like?: daria
(53) Do people know how you feel?: no but i really couldn't care less
(54) Are you perceived wrongly?: alot
(55) Smoke?: NEVER
(56) Do drugs?:
(57) Read the newspaper?: sometimes the front page before school
(58) Pray?: yes not as much as i should but i pray whenever i REALLY need God
(59) Go to church? i did today! i feel bad cause i don't go much anymore
(60) Talk to strangers who IM you?: not really.. its uncomfortable not knowing who you're talking to
(61) Sleep with stuffed animals?: my care bears, and my bear that prays
(62) Take walks in the rain?: its SOOO fun
(63) Talk to people even though you hate them?: sometimes, when i want something
(64) Drive?: nope not old enough. yet.
(65) Like to drive fast?: its fun but scary
(66) Liked your voice?: occasionally
(67) Hurt yourself?: yes
(68) Been out of the country?: no
(69) Eaten something that made other people sick?: yeah...lol
(70) Burped?: hardly ever out loud
(71) Been unfaithful?: nooo
(72) Been in love?: i think
(73) Done drugs?:
(74) Gone skinny dipping?: yes lol it was funny too
(75) Had a surgery?: no i dont think
(76) Ran away from home?: yes
(77) Played strip poker?: no
(78) Gotten beaten up?: no
(79) Been picked on?: alot
(80) Been on stage?: ugh, SHOW CHOIR mean anything?
(81) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath?: no, i don't think so..
(82) Slept outdoors?: yeah at ashton's house or alyse's i can't remember which one, it was fun though but we saw this skunk and screamed
(83) Thought about suicide?: thought about it when i got REALLY mad or depressed, but i couldn't
(84 Pulled an all-nighter?: occasionally
(85) If yes, what is your record?: all night
(86) Gone one day without food?: yes when i had the flu
(87) Talked on the phone all night?: no
(88) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: i don't know actually
(89) Slept all day? no, latest is till like 12
(90) Killed someone?: UM NO definitely NOT
(91) Made out with a stranger?: haha not a COMPLETE stranger
(92) Had sex with a stranger?: no i'm most definitely a virgin thank you.
(93) Thought you're going crazy?: yeah
(94) Kissed the same sex?: ummm yeah lol
(95) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: not really
(96) Been betrayed?: alot
(97) Had a dream that came true?: maybe
(98) Broken the law?: yeah alot
(99) Met a famous person?: yes
(100) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: no
(101) Stolen anything?: yes
(102) Been on radio/TV.?: yeah
(103) Been in a mosh-pit?: no
(104) Had a nervous breakdown?: yes
(105) Considered religious vocation?: no
(106) Been criticized about your sexual performance?: umm no because i've never had sex lol
(107) Bungee jumped?: no
(108) Had a dream that kept coming back?: yes
CLOTHES and other fashion

(109) Shoe brand?: i looooove converses and vans
(110) Brand of clothing?: i like alot of brands it doesn't matter that much
(111) Cologne/perfume?: very sexy, very sexy 2, curious, hollywood
(112) What are you normally wearing to school/work?: shirt, hoodie, jeans, converses/vans/gallaz.
(113) Wear hats?: umm no
(114) Judge other people by their clothing?: yeah...sometimes
(115) Wear make-up?: yeah
(116) Favorite place to shop?: gadzooks,pacsun and american eagle
(117) Favorite article of clothing?: right now its my new roxy sweater that i got that is FREAKING adorable, and i got a STEAL!! $10 baby!. and i got an element zip-hoodie. for like $25 bucks. but i got these jeans at gadzooks for liek $20 bucks and they're really hot and they fit me good and i <3 them
(118) Are you trendy?: i would like to say so
(119) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: it would cut down on alot of people being embarrassed BELIEFS
(120) Believe in life on other planets?: sometimes, i mean you never know.
(121) Miracles?: yes
(122) Astrology?: yes
(123) Magic?: no
(124) God?: yes
(125) Satan?: yes
(126) Santa?: no
(127) Ghosts?: yes
(128) Luck?: yes
(129) Love at first sight?: no, LUST at first sight
(130) Yin and Yang?: ...whats that? |
(131) Witches?: no
(132) Easter bunny?: no
(133) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: absolutely
(134) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: no
(135) Do you wish on stars?: i hate to say it, but yes LOVE, and all that
(136) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: not really
(137) Do you remember your first love?: well, since it was like a year ago then maybe
(138) Still love him/her?: i dont know, but i guess
(139) Do you consider love a mistake?: never, if you love someone it should NEVER be a mistake
(140) What do you find romantic?: i don't know, noone's ever been romantic to me. but i guess going out of your way to see the person or just to hear their voice
(141) Turn-on?: hmm.. ask me later
(142) Turn-off?: smoking, talking about ex-es, crushes.
(143) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: no
(144) If someone you had no interest in dating you, how would you feel?: what? i dont understand
(145) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?: knowing them
(146) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: i dont care
(147) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: yes...ugh
(148) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: no
(149) What is best about the opposite sex?: they are males.
(150) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: they are males.
(151) What's the last present someone gave you?: lauren bought me a watch today, its pink and brown tweed and its gorgeous and i love her.. x33
(152) Do you consider your significant other hot?: i wish i had a significant other...
(153) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?: lick my lips.. haha jk. i would just keep walking usually


(154) That haunted you?: um no one.
(155) You wanted to kill?: BS
(156) That you laughed at?: lauren
(157) That laughed at you?: lauren or her brother, or maybe stephen, i don't know lol
(158) That turned you on?: umm not saying. lol lauren knows.
(159) You went shopping with?: lauren and her mom to target
(160) That broke your heart?: if you know me you should know
(161) To disappoint you?: not saying.
(162) To ask you out?: no one. i haven't been asked out, ever.
(163) To make you cry?: girl- my mom. boy- you know.
(164) To brighten up your day?: lauren
(165) That you thought about?: samie
(167) You saw a movie with?: lauren and nick
(168) You talked to on the phone?: my mom
(169) You talked to through IM?: samie and caitlin flagg
(170) You saw?: my sister
(171) You lost?: not saying.
(172) You thought was completely insane?: lauren's lesbian dog gabby, or maybe her dad
(173) You wanted to be?: lauren.
(174) You told off?: my mom or maybe medusa
(175) You trusted?: lauren, caitlin, samie.
(176) You turned down?: no one has offered.

(177) Smiled?: about 5 minutes ago
(178) Laughed?: about 5 minutes ago
(179) Cried?: i think.. right after christmas
(180) Bought something?: today, bowling shoes and games
(181) Danced?: with lauren last night to the killers in her computer room where she keeps the dead bodies
(182) Were sarcastic?: probbaly today sometime
(183) Hugged someone?: today, i hugged lauren, her mom, her dad... thats it. lol
(194) Talked to an ex?: umm like last month.. kellan. haha. kellan...
(195) Watched your fave movie?: last night!! napoleon dynamite.
(196) Had a nightmare?: can't remember, i've been having alot of good dreams lately
(197) Talked on the phone?: today at the bowling alley to my mom
(198) Listened to the radio?: uhhhh today in the car
(199) Watched TV?: now, the golden globes.
(200) Went out?: tonight. BOWLING
(201) Helped someone?: today. i think. lol lauren?
(202) Were mean?: today. to evan. but he knows i'm just kidding :)
(203) Sang?: like 10 minutes ago
(204) Saw a movie in a theater?: about 3 or 4 weeks ago
(205) Said "I love you"? i can't remember
(206) Missed someone?: i think today, but i barely thought about him aallll day
(207) Fought with a family member?: like an hour ago
(208) Fought with a friend?: its been awhile
(209) Had a serious conversation?: with lauren last night
(210) Got drunk?: uhhh tipsy, two new years ago

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