Moved again- same city, new house. This one's much bigger- stairs even, as though that marks a hallmark of living. As if I take up so much space as to need to extend upwards toward the heavens. I do not, but i enjoy sitting amongst the trees. I enjoy the top of the bamboo forest, it's clack clacking against my window as it's leaves carry it up
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Comments 2
Anyway, maybe that was the Universe's way of giving me a kick in the ass, because I've been thinking about you a lot lately and have been meaning to email. And today I saw a parent who reminded me sooo much of you. I kept telling everyone.
I'm still in Charlotte, sadly enough. Long story, but the short version is that I don't have a career, and I needed to be able to do more than teach swimming (or some other non-career type job) to afford a Chicago lifestyle. I really will email you soon, and I'd love to know what you're up to these days. Hope all is well :)
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