Title: The Improper Use of Kitchen Chairs
Pairing: Eeteuk/Donghae
Rating: PG
Warnings: hero delusions, scaredy cats :P
Words: 505
Summary : Donghae fancies himself a knight in shining armour
Comments: For the
miracle______ 100 SuJu Fic challenge, prompt 066 : Mice (
my archive)
A piercing scream rang through the apartment and Donghae heroically came running, images of men threatening innocent damsels that would swoon and fall in love with him once he'd swept in majestically to save the day, running though his mind. It didn't occur to him that a) there were currently no female members in Super Junior and though possible that one of the members had a girl over it was unlikely and even so they'd kind of be ruining their damsel status by swooning so easily for another man and b) although their living quarters were no five star hotel, they were all idols deserving at least enough apartment security to keep maiden threatening villains from invading.
Also he quickly discovered that daydreaming, however relevant, was not conducive to dashing entrances as he misjudged his speed, his current foot attire -cutesy Shin-Chan socks not known for their purchase when running-, and the friction of their kitchen floor and promptly skidded into a collision with the fridge.
"What the hell Eeteuk?!" blinking away stars and little birds that tweeted mockingly at his lack of grace, "I thought someone was actually in trouble!” Now grumpily dusting himself off and scrambling to his feet "and why on earth are you standing on that chair?"
Eeteuk straightened from his weird cowed posture on the chair, to plant his hands on his hips to emphasise his shrill defence.
"I'm not up here for my own health! Or to mess with you! I was being attacked by mice! Hordes of them. Scurrying all over me in big mouse ARMYS. We're overrun. Call Heechul to sic Heebum on them! Call an exterminator, ANYTHING! DO SOMETHING!!"
His hysterics only escalated as Donghae remained looking nonplussed and unlikely to spring into action any second to save him from the evil mice.
"Hyung, we do not have mice" for once enjoying being the voice of reason, "we've lived here for ages and I've never even seen one"
Eeteuk was all ready with an argument as always almost as composed as the last one,
"But they were all over me, all furry and ick and yucky tails and scratchy feet and..."
"AHHHHHHHHHH" shrieking - in a much more manly fashion of course - as something brushed his shin-chan socked feet, Donghae launched himself at Eeteuk, or more accurately the chair, to escape his furry attacker.
"What IS all this noise, and why are you two doing some weird Chinese circus balancing act on that chair?"
Not that Sungmin bothered waiting for an answer, far past trying to unravel the mysteries of his fellow member’s eccentricities.
"There you are Maurice! I told you not to leave my room you'd just get stomped on and your mummy would kill me if I didn't take care of you properly!!" clucking softly at the small white mouse now safely in his hands and leaving two foolish looking boys to fall sheepishly and ungracefully onto the floor. Apparently balancing acts wouldn't be a Super Junior skill anytime in the near future.