Title: Pointless
Pairing: Hankyung/Hankyung
Rating: PG
Warnings: Self-harm
Words: 220
Summary :
Comments: For the
miracle______ 100 SuJu fic challenge prompt 049 : "What's the difference?" (
my archive)
The sharp sting that bloomed, sizzling across his nerves as his flesh registered the cut, the blood that welled to the surface such a bright shade of red, mocking him with it's vivid intensity as he loathed his very existence.
It had shocked him at first how easy it was, the smallest pressure and drops would clammer to get to the surface, out in he fresh air, away from him and he realised he envied them. How they had a purpose in life, were collected and revered, fuelling worthwhile endeavours and great minds, while he merely was.
But soon just a prick wasn't enough, his mind numb to the dull throb of so small a scar and he got more desperate for the rush endorphins as his body tried to repair the damage. More and more often he'd sneak away to cut into his flesh, all areas of his body hidden by clothes riddles with clotted red gashes and it was only a matter of time before someone noticed.
But it didn't scare him, was more a marker for the welcome end than something to be afraid off, yet it never came and he got more and more daring more vicious with his own body every time.
Until he went too far and he couldn't stem the flow any more.