Making of a Misogynist

Feb 26, 2012 20:45

So, it starts with him talking about how his mother was abused, so he has sympathy for real abuse victims, who are marginalized every time "modern hysterical feminists" claim that they're abused.

[Edit to clarify: He then goes on to talk about his first girlfriend in college. The person he's breaking up with here is not his mother.]

After we broke up, by her initiation, I was very upset - you may even say distraught. I questioned my own value, my worth as a human, and contemplated suicide on more than one occasion. If you think I sound like a wuss, I make no apology,

I don’t think you're a "wuss." I think you're an emotionally abusive fuckwad. I have seen way too many guys use threats of suicide as a means of controlling my friends to react to a story like this with anything but unmitigated scorn. Sorry. Only not really.

I discovered what people might call Game, and my social life changed dramatically. I learnt that pandering to women didn't make them like you, that I had to be, amongst other things, more self-assured and apparently selfish, more assertive.

*snort* I pegged you for a nice-guy. The Nice-Guydar is never wrong. Survival instinct. *shrug*

Not one thing said by either woman could be in any way proven, in fact there was strong circumstantial evidence that it wasn't true.

Not that I didn't go into this convinced that Evil Rapist Penis was guilty, but if I'd had any doubts they would be pretty much erased by the fact that he says there was evidence that it wasn't true and not, you know, that it wasn't true.

I continued my job - with the support of my employers who knew that this couldn't possibly be true of me.

FUCKING EW. If I were a student or the parent of a student or someone who kind of sort of knew a student at the school where he taught, I would have pitched the universe's biggest fit over a convicted rapist being allowed to remain on the staff. Seriously, in what fucking way is that even remotely okay? What the fuck?

He then goes on to accuse his victim of harassing him.

(who would ever wilfully go to their rapist’s house and have sex with him, months after the allegation was made?)

Lots of people, Mr. Evil Rapist. Lots of people.

I was remanded into custody for six months, losing my job, my career, my house, my entire life.


He then goes on to list bull-shit rape culture reasons why he's ~clearly~ innocent, with lots of BAWing about how the horrible police didn't even consider that arresting him for rape might ruin his life and shame his family. BWA WHY DOESN'T ANYONE EVER THINK OF THE POOR RAPISTS?! I am just weeping for their plight! Weeping, I tell you!

Also, he wants us all to understand how much his ex gained by being a rape survivor. Apparently being raped by a British man grants you automatic British citizenship, free housing, free schooling, a huge settlement, and a weekly stipend even when they throw your case out. Can you tell how much I believe this?

However, it is the police’s DUTY to discern truth, and to protect the VICTIMS of crime. The only reason they don’t in rape cases (and those of alleged domestic violence, they are one and the same issue) is because of this unyielding pressure from fanatic man haters - feminists.

Yup. You read that right. Feminists are the reason that victims of crime aren't well protected. Why, if it weren't for feminists pushing for more rape cases to be prosecuted, victims would be so much better off!

...Wtf? Only to a MRA rapist rapist MRA does this make sense.

male privilege, rant

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