So people in my life (particularly my parents and their friends) seem to have decided that it's actually very ~edgy~ and intellectual and totally not at all disgusting to make casual conversation about how lower-income people and people with "low IQs" (because bad parenting is always the result of a low IQ, and there is no conceivable way for someone with a low IQ to be a good parent. It's not like those tests are infamously culturally biased or anything) should not be allowed to have [more than two, in the case of lower-income people; any, in the case of people with "low IQs."] children. This has come up in conversation at least three times since I got home, and I'm so sick of it. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not okay. Hitler approves of your hate-speech. Hitler. You have the Adolf Hitler seal of approval. Think for a moment about what that means. (Hint: It does not mean that you are awesome and the defender of children everywhere.)
What really gets me about this is that my step-dad's physical disabilities would definitely have qualified him for sterilization in Nazi Germany and that my mom was one of ten kids from an extremely impoverished family, and we've never never exactly been wealthy ourselves. She always has loved "We're not like those other poor people," rants, though, both in private to me and my brother and in wealthier company. Even when we are like those other poor people. ("Welfare should be harder to get [except when we want it]!" "It's actually very cheap to eat healthy [but I stock my fridge with junk food].") It's getting really frustrating. I really wish she'd consider the horrible impact it would have on her own immediate family if our government ever actually instated policies like the one's she's advocating for.