Let's talk about a few things.
(Senior year schedule and thoughts behind the
to translate a little in case you don't know what I'm talking about:
Fr V - French 5
Appl Calc - Applied Calculus
AP Eng - AP English Literature
Sr Theology - Senior Theology Seminar
Wor Lit H - Word Literature Honors
AP Comp - AP Comparative Government
& I may be adding some Music Theory Independent Study in there somewhere
Let's talk about:
how I do not have Cushman for math this year (and how this new teacher of mine is apparently rather strict).
how I have a total of 12 frees.
how I have at least one free every day.
how I finally have a double free and in addition how I can go out for extended lunches 4 out of the 8 days.
how I have Doc Mott for two different classes.
how I am actually taking two english classes.
how this senior theology seminar is going to be incredible, especially when the whole grade has class together in the theater (day 7 period 1).
how fucking awesome my senior year is going to be.
In other news, I stopped by school today to drop off my books (that's how I got my schedule). I also stopped at Anthropologie and bought
this dress. I took Bingley out on the highway for the first time and managed to do rather well, though I still can't back up properly. I watched the first half of Doctor Zhivago and am planning on finishing the other half tomorrow night, as I need to have it done for Comp Gov. And I color-coded my schedule. I think today's been rather productive.
Tomorrow is the first day of school, though I'm okay with it. Kind of bummed out that this is my last "first day" at the school I've been at for the past 12 years, and also a little bummed out that it's only going to get worse. Oh, well - best to enjoy it while I can, I suppose?
All for now.
Oh wait Bristol Palin? Dear Sarah, apparently abstinence only education doesn't work. You might want to rethink that one. Love, America.
"ST. PAUL (Reuters) - John McCain and his fellow Republicans rallied behind his vice presidential pick, Sarah Palin, on Tuesday and his campaign accused Democrat Barack Obama of sexism for questioning her level of experience."
asdfjkl; this is getting ridiculous. I'm going before I go crazy.