Title: Parenting Chapters: Oneshot Pairings: Himchan/Zelo, Yongguk/Zelo Rating: NC-17 Genre: Smut Warnings: Some graphic shizz up in here ok. Summary: Turns out Yongguk and Himchan have very interesting ways of parenting.
I think I have died. I'm pretty sure I have died. *____* I was totally absorbed in your story with just the first paragraph. I am totally speechless...so amazing... I HAVE SO MANY FEELS. My OT3... :Q______
aaah this is so twisted and gorgeous (i write bang as refusing to be with zelo b/c of age, haha, it figures himchan would be the catalyst there) so you like seme!himchan? ....i shall friend your journal and watch it, in the hopes that you will write top!himchan to bottom!yongguk. because yongguk is a softie and easily manipulated and if anyone is going to get in his ass, it's gonna be himchan :| your zelo was sweet. and i love yongguk at the end, just ...shit. yeeeah, that's what happens, you pedo :| i love your writing, i'm glad i stumbled on your journal x3!!
THANK YOU FOR LIKING IT AND COMMENTING AGAIN <3 haha. you may stick around for more top!himchan, but i don't think i'll ever write bottom!yongguk.. sorry :< simply because i only write BAP pairings that include zelo for some reason, and with the maknae i see him topping :P but no doubt he could be a great bottom too!
i love that you love my writing :'3 thank you luyfkytdrejoijo
Comments 31
I'm pretty sure I have died.
I was totally absorbed in your story with just the first paragraph.
I am totally speechless...so amazing...
My OT3...
i'm glad you liked :3 banghimlo is my fav ot3 ;D
everything about this felt so wrong...but it was so good!!! Great job!
(i write bang as refusing to be with zelo b/c of age, haha, it figures himchan would be the catalyst there)
so you like seme!himchan?
....i shall friend your journal and watch it, in the hopes that you will write top!himchan to bottom!yongguk. because yongguk is a softie and easily manipulated and if anyone is going to get in his ass, it's gonna be himchan :|
your zelo was sweet.
and i love yongguk at the end, just ...shit.
yeeeah, that's what happens, you pedo :|
i love your writing, i'm glad i stumbled on your journal x3!!
i love that you love my writing :'3 thank you luyfkytdrejoijo
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