[doujinshi] SUIKODEN I [& II]

Dec 05, 2011 10:29

Name: 豊穣の大地へ (Houjou no Daichi e)
Maker: Okashila/2DIMENSION CORPS
Page Count: 30 page
Summary: Includes a coloured picture of Gremio inside. Stories are from I and II, but a heartwarming story on Hero I included at the end.
Price: $12
(2 copies)

Page Count: 38
Summary: Uta by Okashila/2DIMENSION CORPS. Humourous stories as to be expected from Okashila, finishing with a very touching Ted and Hero I story which makes up most of the book.
Price: $12
(2 copies)

Page Count: 23
Summary: Has Bocchan, Kasumi, and Ted. A story showing Kasumi meeting Ted as a child.
Price: $12

Page Count: 32
Summary: PAPERMOON. A beautifully put together book of a serious Ted story.
Price: $13

Name: Kyrie
Maker: Ground Zero
Page Count: 30
Notes: A story focusing on Ted with also some on him as a young
Price: $12

Page Count: 46
Notes: Two stories (sorta connected). One with McDohl speaking to Luc and with panels of Sonya, and the second one focusing on Ted when he was alive.
Price: $13

Page Count: 36
Summary: Sad doujinshi revolving around the tragedies that Hero I faces during the events of Suikoden I.
Price: $11

Page Count: 30
Notes:  Silly fun involving characters in Suikoden I and II.
Price: $9

Page Count: 24
Notes: A sad story of when Futch loses Black.
Price: $10

Page Count: Around 23
Summary: book has some silliness first with the heroes of the games (including Thomas), then finishes with a story between Bocchan and Ted
Price: $11

Page Count:

Page Count: 28
Summary: A simple, cute, and lovely doujinshi of Ted and Hero I set before Suikoden I and when Ted is taken prisoner.
Price: $10

Page Count: 28
Summary: A book of Hero I and Ted and their friendship.
Price: $9

Page Count: 20
Notes: McDohl/Luc. Has some light stuff, but not much.
Price: $9

Page Count: 50
Notes: McDohl/Luc. Luc wears costumes. McDohl likes them all. Adult content.
Price: $11

Page Count: 30
Notes: McDohl/Luc. Adult content.
Price: $10

Page Count: 30
Notes: Story focusing on McDohl and Luc. Shippy stuff.
Price: $10.50

Page Count: 20
Notes: Story focusing on Luc and his time in the two wars.
Price: $9.50

Maker: Tokimeki Millennium
Page Count: 19, 25 including novel.
Notes: A book focusing on Ted and McDohl.
Price: $10

Page Count: 40
Summary: A story focusing on Flik and Odessa and their relationship.
Price: $10

Maker: Assam
Page Count: 20
Notes: Good condition. Cute chibi-styled story surrounding McDohl and Gremio.
Price: $8

Page Count: Around 48
Summary: A story of Ted's time with Hero I and how he deals with the rune and his feelings of it. Goes up until McDohl's escape from Gregminster.
Price: $12

Page Count: 30
Details: Small book by kurocan. Set before the events of Suikoden I, focusing on Ted and some of his past.
Price: $9

Page Count: Just under 300
Summary: Has around 11 novel stories just from a quick glance, but those are very much outweighed by the comic stories.
Price: $20

Page Count: Around 160 pages.
Summary: All stories in celebration of Hero I! Many recognisable artists will be found inside. Only 3 novels inside, with two of those having pictures accompanying it.
Price: $20

Page Count: 100
Summary: A thick book of works of the artist. Involves mostly stories of Hero I and Luc, but begins with a Suikoden III story of Hugo and Caesar.
Price: $21

Page Count: 106
Summary: A bundle of cute stories with the McDohl family, though mostly focusing on Hero I/Gremio. Shippy.
Price: $10

Page Count: 64
Summary: A small book of a story focusing on Ted and Hero I and before Suikoden I. In a very simple style, but all nearly doujinshi.
Price: $10

Page Count: 16
Summary: A story of Ted and Hero I. Hero I loses a dear pet.
Price: $8

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