He Turned to His Right and the World Stopped

Aug 19, 2016 01:09

Not sure if anyone in the Potter fandom is even on LJ anymore, but here's one I recently completed:

Title: He Turned to His Right and the World Stopped

Summary: In the middle of the Final Battle against Voldemort, Harry Potter is distracted by a beautiful woman with brilliant red hair. An adult-onset Soul Bond story.

Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns ( Read more... )

harry potter, ginny weasley, hinny, hpgw, fanfic, soul bond, story, new story, writing, fanfiction

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Comments 1

mrosk February 16 2017, 16:57:05 UTC
Hey there! So this is my first adventure into the HP Fandom on LiveJournal. I spend most of my time at FFN and AO3--I look forward to following more of your work over there! Anyways, I actually joined because I found some posts over on hg-silverlining where you said you had copies of hgfan1111's fics. I have read Learning to Fly and one other which were so, so good. Any chance you could help me out? Thanks so much in advance--I promise to give you a R&R over at one of the other platforms. melissajohns88@gmailcom. Thanks again!


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