The Need to Bitch

Aug 21, 2010 19:28

I am seriously pissed off about something and someone. And I am going to bitch about it. So, there!

Imagine yourself playing a console game on line with two of your friends. It's this aggressive war game which tends to make you shout and swear at times. And yeah, sometimes you quibble a bit about why you approached from this way or that which resulted in you getting shot by someone on the other team.

Are you still imagining yourself playing this game with two of your friends? Okay. Now, one your friends got a special thingie which he must wait for. While he's waiting he risks getting shot and lose his special package, so he urges for you and your other friend to come over to where he is so you can protect him. You are on a roll and far away from where he is, getting a good score, and you tell him quite nicely to stuff it and protect himself. The way he asks this, well commands, really, is already enough to say this.
Your other friend, however, is close to where he is and she joins him to wait for the package. However, someone followed her or whatever, and because she stands at the same spot as him they both get shot by this person on the other team, and your friend loses his special thingie. Bummer, right? Happens to you all the time, you're not that good at protecting your package when you get one. It's just a game anyway. And, incidentally, when you urge for your friends to come and help you and they don't and you get shot you get annoyed a bit, but then you try again.

Not for your friend though. Noooooo. Now your friend seriously starts to bitch to your other friend. Why did she come to where he was hiding (obviously, because he asked her), and why did she have to stand there and it was her fault that they got shot and he lost his package. It's not his fault (it never is) and it's not because that guy on the other team is just a good shot (I presume it's a guy, it's a guy-game after all, and you are just a weird girl XD ). No, it's the fault of your other friend, because she did what he asked her to do.

You still imagining it's you playing this game, right? Well, you think it's bloody ridiculous that your friend goes off like this, and you say something about it. Cue some serious quibbling, which is supposed to be funny when you think about it afterwards. Not this time, though. This time, while you're in mid-sentence, you hear the softest of *clicks* which means someone has turned off their microphone. You know it's not your other friend, because you can hear her humming softly while she is happily shooting away (and not paying attention to the quibbling because she ain't bovvered). Okay. So the wanker turned off his microphone for a bit. Fine.

After 5 minutes he still doesn't respond, though, and you start getting suspicious that he actually really is pissed off. Not pissed off enough to get out of the game, which is actually most annoying. You know he's there, playing the same game as you and you know, if you understand the technology of your console and microphone correctly, that he can still hear you. But you're not sure. So you send him a text-message, asking him whether he's going to talk again, and you indicate that you think it quite childish to get angry because of a game. (I was a bit annoyed, yeah, but not angry, and I would've forgotten the incident in 5 minutes had he not turned off the microphone).

Anyway, your friend does not respond, so you say loudly through the microphone that he can stuff it, hoping he can hear it, and kick him out of your chat-channel. You play along with your other friend a bit, but you're both a bit cranky now because of his lame behaviour, so you soon pull the plug.

The next day you go on MSN and see he's there, on-line and all. You ask him, semi-jokingly, whether he is still ignoring you. You don't get an answer, so, yes, presumably, you are still being ignored. You try again after a couple of hours, with the same result. You give him a piece of your mind, which is simply said just telling him he's being a childish git, and you go away to play on your console again.
After a while he's there too. Normally, you'd get an invite pretty quick to join his game. Now you don't, though...

So, you imagined this was you, right? Now I ask you: is it weird that I'm pissed off and I don't understand what the heck is really going on. I am being ignored because of what happened in a stupid GAME! And it's just not being ignored for an hour because someone's annoyed, it's really going on for two days now. Whuthufu?!

Yes, I am now being equally childish in posting this on LJ (and twitter). I don't care, I have the need to bitch about it, because this has been bothering me all day. And it's distracting me from studying for Old English properly. I'm trying to do the ignore-thing as well, but I've always been a lousy ignore-person. So this is my way of breaking my silence, now, because I seriously don't want to be the first one who starts talking. Plus, now I won't hear the "oh, I didn't mean it that way"-bullcrap.

And now... I am going to do some quick grocerie-shopping for my grandma and watch John Barrowman after that. So there!

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