
Jan 08, 2009 15:32

This is where you post and claim your prompts. You don't need to claim a prompt to write a fic for this ficathon, nor do you need to be writing in it to post a prompt. If you see something you like, feel free to snap it up by replying to a prompt with 'Claimed!' or something similar. One claim per prompt, please! Though feel free to 'unclaim' things as well.

If you could put your name and the number of the prompt (out of those that you've posted) in the subject line of your comment that would be really helpful for reference later on. And remember, prompts should create ideas, not provide whole stories for authors to flesh out. A possible format is as follows:

Fandom: Buffyverse
Characters: Buffy, Illyria and Lorne
Pairings (if any): Spuffy or gen
Setting: Not-Comics
A Feeling in the Air: Camaraderie
Something Random: A restaurant called 'RadBurger'

Improvising is very welcome!

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