Title: Learning the Ropes Author: Bruttimabuoni Rating: PG-13 Character: Giles, Watchers, OCs (and a mystery guest star) Sections: 5 and 6 of 8 Word count: ~3300 in total
I always want to write more Darla (in fact I said I would if possible write a Darla and Giles fic when I signed up for this), so it's not a huge mystery. But I didn't want her name in the character list since it takes a while for the penny to drop for the characters themselves.
And I'm glad you're reeling! Hope the ending keeps on illuminating Giles for you too.
Yep - I checked the transcripts and there didn't seem to be any 'Darla? Who's that?' moments with Giles. So I thought I could get away with this! Glad it surprised you.
Comments 12
Wow, still reeling a little here. This is becoming a really powerful story-- and it would explain so much about Giles.
And it was Darla!
And I'm glad you're reeling! Hope the ending keeps on illuminating Giles for you too.
I'm looking forward to the rest of the fic.
Perhaps that is why, when Joyce says it was Buffy'e friend Darla - in Angel - Giles went off in hot pursuit to find Buffy. *g*
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