Good things:
- New players in the group who seemed to have a fantastic time and get on very well. One guy got commended to me six times over the weekend. And Brian Roberts is looking at joining us too!
- One of the PBs getting the first human awakening, and one of the OSPs seeming to be an effect the stone picked up from the person carrying it.
- Bartering for group membership to the scouts for any PB who wanted to take it up, and three of them doing so. Having a wall of blue and gold in a scout’s guild meeting was an interesting sight, and I understand there are now more Lions in the guild than Tarantulas.
- Making friends in other factions (Dragons particularly) and spending time in camps other than my own.
- Having Brian Murtagh come in monstering a sheriff and us chatting back and forth plot dumping at each other. I love interactions with NPCs who are characters.
- Mayhem finally getting Voice of the People.
- I have never been thanked more for anything I’ve ever done at larp than I was for losing my temper at Samiel’s envoy. IC I was fuming, OOC that was hilarious.
- Being called dumb by various Lions several times for riding to the rescue of allies, and always coming back safe and unharmed and having had a good mosh and good PR. So nyah.
- Coming to the event with no plans and no real idea of what I’d be doing, and then finding all sorts of interesting things to keep me busy. I only sat down on Saturday when Lenia put me in time out for looking too busy.
- Rath’s ritual for the scout’s guild. It was amazing.
- Hayden getting such a great result for his first ritual, and us managing to sell an item worth 10-30 gold for 22 for the faction.
- Kell’s order in a particular fight in the Dragons’. The Dragons were facing off against the monsters, the Lions were coming up behind them, and Kell, Moonshadow and I were in the Dragon’s camp. Kell shouted “Lions, form on me!” and the entire unliving line shat itself as the faction behind it went through the monsters to join us.
- I keep thinking today is Monday, and therefore Friday is going to be awesome when I realise I’m not coming in the next day.
- Not really getting sunburnt for the first time in ages at a main event.
- My mitre fascinator got quite a fun response.
- My first research request in years, and I’ve even taken a scholar skill. I’ve had bad luck in the past but given it’s all been revamped it seems worth a go.
- Jon Grieve’s dealing with my character’s scattyness by making a checklist of things Sid forgets, starting with my sword and ending with avoiding meetings. I think I may have acquired a secretary.
Bad things:
- The heel of my boot coming off, though fortunately it was when I was taking them off rather than when I was wearing them.
- Two of my skirts getting damaged: one by fire, one by tearing.
- M4, a bad guy who’s been in the system longer than I have, being defeated in an hour long moot fight. Seemed anti-climatic.
- Tensions building in the faction, and not in a way that seemed particularly fun for anyone.
- Missing the final battle because I got distracted.
- Three hour council meetings, and it would have been more if I hadn’t missed the sequel.
- My skull bottle seems to be gone for good.
- Getting my first bruise from an unpulled blow of the season, but the guy was so mortified that I pretended I only yelled because I was roleplaying. It was a complete accident so I didn't want to make him feel worse.
“Happy horns! Sad horns.”
“Booth! Booth’s a great ancestor to follow!” “Please stop.”
“You’ll have to forgive me, I didn’t recognise you from that angle. I mostly just saw your hair last time we met.”
“How come you’re so good at this?” “I’m sober.”
“I love your firepit, it’s fun and loud and cheery and when I’ve had enough I can go back to my own faction and not hear it.”
“Do you think they know the mammoth song?”
“So you’ll know how I feel.” “That’s why I’m not offering any platitudes.”
“Accidental spy rings are the best kind.”
“I’m trying to prevent a murder and I can’t do anything about it with you gibbering on so please could you finish your message and hurry up so I can actually get on with something important!”
“Dagger fairies! They come to good scouts in the night and leave daggers under their pillows.”
“We can sing you a rousing hymn of my people, the tale of a well-known Prince Bishop of the past and the holy pilgrimage he undertook.”
“Cosaint, this toilet doesn’t flush!”
“I think the most popular thing I’ve ever done in this faction may have been shouting at the Samiel guy.”
“She had a different Ancestor in her head every time we met.”
“I’ve had five commendations to me about one of my lancemen.” “Oh, is that that really helpful one who’s been getting everything sorted? The one with the thing and the tabard and the hair that goes (ineffectual flailing.)” “I’ll just call that six then, shall I?”
"The same stresses that hit all the crowns sometimes; he’s not appreciated, he’s undermined, no one listens to him, what’s the use of wearing this crown if no one respects it, he looks like an eggcup - no, wait, that last one was someone else.”