If you want to send me some more details about the research issues you are having, I'll speak to people at the CTM (or possibly get somebody else on the team to do so, as I might not be there) and find out what is going wrong.
It's a scouts one I was doing there - trying to find out information about the scout who was poisoning people on DuPre, and the guild plot team ran with it despite my not having answers, so the plot has happened I'm just getting asked what I've found out other than getting Pisces to come to me. It seems that my request wasn't actually passed to them. The next one was going to be a sting on the Watchguard of Pardulon with Sam, but I guess we'll just have to leave that.
Comments 2
The next one was going to be a sting on the Watchguard of Pardulon with Sam, but I guess we'll just have to leave that.
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